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Everything posted by gprestonmoto

  1. gprestonmoto

    Incriminator Pro Audio

    I guess I'm confused as to what your definition of loud is. 2 12's in the trunk should be plenty loud. I realize that I will lose a lot with it being a trunk, but it should be a fairly loud system that isn't anything forgettable. I'm not going to be running in the 150 db range lol, but that's not really my goal. I see plenty of people running pro audio without many complaints. The car will be tuned by Terry Soohoo so I know everything will be as good as it can be.
  2. gprestonmoto

    Incriminator Pro Audio

    I might go that way, but to quote Sean, there's no point in running active if you're using components. I will definitely be running active with a DSP, that's not really something I'm willing to change. I'll look into it more though.
  3. gprestonmoto

    Incriminator Pro Audio

    Plans for my car are pro audio woofers and tweeters in the doors, RF 360.3,RA, Draconia to run front stage, pair of DR's in the trunk with 2 Minotaurs running subs.
  4. gprestonmoto

    RA size?

    Hahaha thanks Aaron. I saw that it's fairly small in comparison the EQ sizes. I didn't want to, but it looks like I'll be cutting up some ABS to get a nice clean look in the Cad.
  5. gprestonmoto

    smd dd1

    You are a wolf my friend.... LOL thanks ricksi. As far as the topic of this thread... you don't know more than Sean and Brad, and you probably never will. These are my go to problem solvers and their knowledge BAFFLES me. Don't bother arguing with them unless you seriously, seriously know your shit. Sean says
  6. gprestonmoto

    smd dd1

    Damn it... anyone know how to wire a breathalyzer to my keyboard?
  7. gprestonmoto

    smd dd1

    I don't hate Steve Meade. His spot is just down the road. He's a marketing legend. People love to see his demo reactions and his work. He's a good guy. Doesn't mean the DD-1 is any less worthless. I'm not going to buy something just because someone tries to sell it to me. That would make me the sheep. Everyone here is a wolf.
  8. gprestonmoto

    smd dd1

  9. gprestonmoto

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Why bandpass?
  10. gprestonmoto

    MMATS 2100.2

    There's a cool website now that will tell what you need to know about things before you piss your money away. It's called Goggle or Google, something like that. Give me a minute and I'll search for it.
  11. Hey guys, I heard a set of Death Row 12s today and I am THOROUGHLY impressed. Ton of clean, hard bass without losing much musicality so to speak. I was just wondering if anyone has experience with both the DR's and the DP's and if you could answer a question. I've heard from a few people that the DP's are burp princesses and don't sound very good on music. Is this the case? Or do they perform similar to the DR's? Are they burp princesses? The DR's to me sounded like a lower power xcon (don't get mad or nothing, just opinion). Looking to run a pair in my cadillac and a single in my wife's 2010 Speed 3. Opinions?
  12. gprestonmoto

    The New Kicker Comp R

    ICON's are WAAAY nice.
  13. gprestonmoto

    Howdy From Lubbock

    Welcome to the forum bro. I was stationed out at Cannon for the past 5 years. Lol Lubbock was the only place we could go for a real city. It's a nice place, minus the college kids I guess unless you're into that.
  14. gprestonmoto

    The New Kicker Comp R

    So... DCON's it is.National back order And? I'd rather wait for DCON's than go buy a Kicker.
  15. gprestonmoto

    Need help with customer Service

    Might be they just got really busy. Don't worry, SSA is always on their game.
  16. gprestonmoto

    best sq sub under $300

    Personally I'd save an extra $20 and get a Flatlyne.
  17. gprestonmoto

    The New Kicker Comp R

    So... DCON's it is.
  18. Whatever someone else is willing to pay for it. Ah the difference between value, and worth.
  19. gprestonmoto

    distribution block help

    Not to be that typical dick who says "no", but... I would run a dedicated run of 8awg to your 4 channel. I would never rob my sub amp's line.
  20. gprestonmoto

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    Had the chance to carry one of these. I've gotta say, I don't know how practical it is for hunting or target shooting. Ammo is expensive. They sure will put something down though. Stopping power is ridiculous.
  21. gprestonmoto

    Mystery Package?

    Can I get my address entered into your system? I'd love for a rogue sub to make its way to my house. 2 DP 12's please LOL
  22. gprestonmoto

    Newb System Advice-Subs and Amp

    Looks great Quentin. Are those LI's or DR's?
  23. gprestonmoto

    The New Kicker Comp R

    Well they look like fine drivers, I wouldn't do any dancing if I got a pair though. The fact that the first link you posted took me to their page that says "The Hype" turned me off already lol.
  24. gprestonmoto

    My First "Real" Jeep Build

    LOL! Sorry that's terrible but fairly funny. So yea bro got the new subs in, they sound amazing. Want a demo? Hell yea bro, whatever happened with that recall? Nothing man, it doesn't even matter. It's not like they're gonna *SLAM BRO, you just took an airbag to the face!
  25. gprestonmoto

    *** FS: AMPS AMPS AMPS ***

    Damn, I love the Plate.