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Everything posted by gprestonmoto

  1. gprestonmoto

    Enclosure Help for CMPx2 15

    Sub will be here Monday, but I'm not in a huge hurry. Max dimensions/tuning available in first post. I'm very interested in what you have to say Q, your crazy enclosures for the Ethos' you posted intrigue me.
  2. gprestonmoto

    Enclosure Help for CMPx2 15

    Wise man here Yea, lol. Ok back on topic. Any ideas guys?
  3. gprestonmoto

    Enclosure Help for CMPx2 15

    I messaged you how I roll Aaron LOL
  4. gprestonmoto

    Enclosure Help for CMPx2 15

    Aaron... I was considering it. I'd rather have the 20.1 but it's outta my range. I'll tell you this, if I can raise enough money for the 10.1 before the sale ends, I'll probably just grab one.
  5. gprestonmoto

    Enclosure Help for CMPx2 15

    This is the only place with info left. Crystal is long gone. http://www.lightav.com/car/crystal/sub.html
  6. gprestonmoto

    Enclosure Help for CMPx2 15

    I will do what I can to repay the help. Am I missing any info?
  7. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  8. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Baha I've never really spent more than 2 minutes at a time on "that" forum. That place is hilarious. Pretty sure everyone there works at Best Buy.
  9. gprestonmoto

    amp dyno

    I've been waiting for this discussion. Sub'd.
  10. I guess I can just grab a RF T1500bdcp for a good deal, was just trying to save money
  11. Hey guys, just looking for an ok temporary (probably 6-9 months) to run a single Crystal cmpx2 15. That's going to be 1600 rms dual 2 ohm coils. My budget is around $150 I'm currently looking into grabbing one of the cheap Shark 2500's. Let me know if there are any other options you would recommend. Thanks guys, and I'll be looking for some box design help as well, but I'll open another thread with size reqs
  12. gprestonmoto

    WTB: Budget Sub(s)

    Yea it was a win for sure. Spent a long time trying to find one, finally got one I could afford, should be here next Monday. I'll take pics.
  13. gprestonmoto

    WTB: Budget Sub(s)

    I got a little money saved up ~120 bones, and I need a little beat in the blazer, it's driving me nuts. Only power I've got is my Linear Power 3002 so it will be fairly low power but let me know guys.
  14. gprestonmoto

    WTB: Budget Sub(s)

    Crystal CMPx2 15" **cost me more than $120 but oh well
  15. gprestonmoto

    WTB: Budget Sub(s)

    Ended up buying an old sub I've been hunting for a long time.
  16. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Pm me ur addy I'll fedex u some homemade smoked sausage.Venison Sausage Smoke is so nice you can smell it even when it's frozen and you cut the pack open. I smoked this batch for 96 hrs. Sweet Jesus....
  17. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Pm me ur addy I'll fedex u some homemade smoked sausage. Venison Sausage
  18. gprestonmoto

    help me decide ASAP

  19. gprestonmoto

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Q get in the chat, I got "Q"s for you.
  20. gprestonmoto

    chat? yeh

    Chizzat time!
  21. Hey man. How's NM? I lived there for four years and damn near lost my mind. I lived in Clovis unfortunately but ABQ was nice. Take Q's advice and grab the IA, better move for the money.
  22. gprestonmoto

    WTB: Budget Sub(s)

  23. gprestonmoto

    going active

    Lol, yea.... I'm gonna pass.