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Everything posted by grumby13

  1. grumby13

    wtb mono ~1k+ @ 1ohm

    I have a x1200m but it has a bad RCA ground loop so I will sell it for parts
  2. grumby13

    wtb mono ~1k+ @ 1ohm

    Go to best buy they have those cheap
  3. I'm gonna build it to 4.5cu ft with a 31 or 30hz tune what would happen if I run it on a half ohm
  4. will a 130amp alternator suffice for a SSA ZCON 15 D1 either at .5 or 1ohm on a Crescendo bc200D and some other goodies down the road or would a 200amp alt be better
  5. Crescendo 3500 or 5500 depends where I'm financially at, at the time but I want to use the full potential of the amp. My bc2000d is half ohm stable.
  6. @ricksi I will be running 1 sub then down the road I will run two is it difficult to recone to a dual 1ohm. Why would it be bad to run half ohm for daily use it will be daily and some competitions.
  7. Then why make a dual 1ohm if it can't do 1 ohm load
  8. Try either wd40 or a lubricant that you used before or would prefer to help aid in loosening the bolt. I have not seen a drilled machine screw before to hold an alt in place
  9. To get it on is not hard its just the opposite of taking it out just when you tighten the adjuster not to do it to tight or you will destroy the belt really fast most alts have a tensioner and 2 bolts to take off maybe 3 in some cases their should be a little nut that looks kinda like a bolt which you have to loosen in order to slip the belt off to remove the alt. A stock alternator should charge at 13.8 which is a healthy one and below that you should check your ground and power connections to see if they are loose. When I had light dimming it was caused from a loose connection on the battery positive.
  10. Just an fyi there is a eh drag I believe in bear de if any of you want to go its at audio jams on 6/30/2013 address is unknown but just google audio jams bear delaware
  11. grumby13

    F/S SSA Zcon 15" Dual 2 with newer recone.

    I'm not expecting to see hair tricks that steve Meade or any other person with more then 2 18's I'm just expecting just a hair giggle or if I can build Tue box right and tune it right to get maybe a little more and sound powerful the zcon with a 4.5cu ft box tune it to about 30 or go to 31 as suggested by the store on ssa
  12. grumby13

    F/S SSA Zcon 15" Dual 2 with newer recone.

    pmureika i know that but it would be cool for me. im not gonna put 4 15's in this one i will be putting a single 15 for right now then either go to 2 15s or go straight to 4 15's in a suv when i have the money to pay for another car
  13. grumby13

    F/S SSA Zcon 15" Dual 2 with newer recone.

    the vehicle that i have under my avatar wihich is a 2000 toyota camry le and no im going for both hair tricks and competitions
  14. who is he. do you have a link to his profile so i can
  15. grumby13

    F/S SSA Zcon 15" Dual 2 with newer recone.

    For me I want to be able to do a hair trick possible since I will be upgrading to 2 maybe even 4 zcon 15's
  16. grumby13

    F/S SSA Zcon 15" Dual 2 with newer recone.

    I'm looking for a 15 unless I can find someone with either same zcon but 12 or compareable so I can listen to it for a little to see how I like it
  17. grumby13

    F/S SSA Zcon 15" Dual 2 with newer recone.

    I was hoping I could find a used one to help with cost a little but I guess I will have to wait longer to save up
  18. grumby13

    How does someone run so many subs??

    Probable is I was told about it yesturday at the db drag
  19. grumby13

    How does someone run so many subs??

    i heard there is a shuttle bus with like 38 12's or 15's
  20. i could possible pick up
  21. i think we should all go to the next tri state area one with only ssa so we can get a trend going and hopefully get ssa more popular i will run a ssa zcon 15 is i can find a very good price and one that i could pick up just need help with building the box if anyone wants to help me out either through message or in person
  22. are all the prices shipped or before shipping.
  23. grumby13

    F/S SSA Zcon 15" Dual 2 with newer recone.

    darn this would of been a good setup for the tri state area for me. oh well
  24. I will have to get an invite to the next one hopefully closer to de and I will go for top dog since what I see its mainly constantcy and to just time the volume down just quick enough to get it. I will try to compete next time and fix that eak around The subs either ducktape or masking tape should do it well really something easy to take off