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About OldSchoolFosgate

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    White Cloud, Mi
  1. OldSchoolFosgate

    Fi Bl 12 usps busted up :(

    ok, thanks Dan I forgot to "Put in cart"..to see the price.
  2. OldSchoolFosgate

    Fi Bl 12 usps busted up :(

    yea, thinking about it...this may be a blessing in disguise. Now I can use money from insurance to send to fi, and get a new basket and recone, and also have them change the sub from dual 2 ohm to dual 1 ohm. Than I can actually run my Fosgate bd1500.1 at 2 Ohm 1500watt rms. Right now i was going to run it at 4 Ohm 750watts, because only other choice was 1 Ohm making amp get too hot.
  3. OldSchoolFosgate

    Fi Bl 12 usps busted up :(

    Seller stated he did have usps package the subwoofer. I called usps and pretty much got nowhere, all they could tell me was that there was indeed insurance on the subwoofer, but could not give me an insurance number. I was told they do not keep track of insurance numbers...sigh My main question remains the same though...how much extra would a recone cost with a new basket?
  4. OldSchoolFosgate

    Fi Bl 12 usps busted up :(

    Heres a pic..https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/861263_489305764464434_912643610_o.jpg
  5. OldSchoolFosgate

    Fi Bl 12 usps busted up :(

    Seller responded, he said that he has it insured for $250.He is filing a claim today. Does anyone know how much a recone with a new basket on this sub would cost? Would the 4 inch coil make it any more expensive?
  6. OldSchoolFosgate

    Fi Bl 12 usps busted up :(

    Hello, I bought a Fi Bl 12 "limited edition" with 4 inch vc. from a guy on **** I finally got the subwoofer today, and immedietly noticed that the basket was damaged. Two arms are broke off, and another 3 are cracked. Im in the process of filing an insurance claim. The seller stated he put insurance on package, Im waiting to hear back from him now. Im guessing I will get money from insurance and send the sub in for repair. Would a normal recone process cover a new basket also?