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Everything posted by abellooscar

  1. abellooscar

    Your db Numbers

    Car: Daihatsu Charade 1979 Electrical: stock alt, stock batt upfront, 16x 2v Yuasa batts amps:4x US AMPS AX 3200DE subs: 2x 15"RE Audio MT box: 20ft^3 in wall mic: Ac- TL tone:73hz score: 162.8 dB -162
  2. abellooscar

    Welcome to the official USAmps Message Board

    Holy cow good score with 1 sub lol anyways if you have any questions about maximizing your sccore, hit up this section: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...hp?showforum=28 Thanks Flakko.....this score was with 2 15" MT
  3. abellooscar

    Welcome to the official USAmps Message Board

    Hola from Colombia. I`m very happy with Us Amps and RE audio, now have good score in Iasca advance 1, i`ve tu 15"MT with 4 AX3200DE...162.8db certified, but i want more dbs!!! i need help with some tips...i know my english is terrible!!!