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Everything posted by cman0655555

  1. cman0655555

    Little project vehicle

    looks loud as hell got any numbers.
  2. cman0655555

    yeah.. baby....

    looks like a good start to something loud.
  3. cman0655555

    1st Place trophy for SSA ICON's

    congrats and im sure with some tweaking you can get a 50 or above out of it.
  4. cman0655555

    Bored with icon

    i no this is kind of off topic but have any idea of what you are doin as far as db numbers. You could try to get as loud as possible with what you have.
  5. cman0655555

    Fi Q- WhAt ArE yOu UsInG?

    i run a sundown 1500 on my 12'' and like it
  6. cman0655555

    Meca Amateur Street

    hey good luck next year man. meca is a great organization. you will probably compete against a few of my friends next year so im sure i will c u around.