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Everything posted by cman0655555

  1. cman0655555

    Team Sundown Results from Best Buy - Clarksville TN - 3/16/08

    congrats i wish i could have made it. Are you all coming to the e-town show on April 5th?
  2. cman0655555

    standard cab ranger

    i had a reg. cab s10 and did a single 12'' sub ported liked it pretty well if you can get the airspace. Mounting depth is what i always had trouble with. If i were to do a single cab setup now i would do a single 12'' or 10'' with and aeroported box.
  3. cman0655555

    first meca comp. question

    plenty of info. man thanx, well was just messing around w/ my system didn't really tweak it or add bass through my deh-p6000ub, and peaked at a 142.1 that was w/ the 200 amp circuit breaker, will run a few test on 60amp and 80 amp fuses today tho and will post my numbers on each You should be able to hold a 50 amp fuse most likely but if not thats still a good score for as1 or as2. If you can put that number up you will do well. Just do some testing and tweaking and im sure you can get it louder. I know last year i was able to run a single 60 amp mini anl and hardly blew any fuses.
  4. cman0655555

    first meca comp. question

    ok you will need a fuse holder of some sort within 18'' of your amp for it to qualify as a legal meca score. If you do not care about that then you can use the fusing on the side of your amp which is 160. That would put you in as3 which is most likely the loudest AS class. If you compete in AS1 you can run 50 amps, AS2 you can run 90 amps, and AS3 you can run 170. I am rounding off these numbers btw so you can run more in some cases. I would recommend on running in as1 or 2 and do some testing before you go to the show as far as fusing. Probably your best bet is a full anl fuse holder with a 60 amp fuse(as1) or 80(as2). Just make sure that you can at least get a burp out of your system before you go. Just wondering if you know where you are peaking at?Also you have to music from a bought cd. A song is very important and want to play a song that peaks where your vehicle does.here are a few helpful links to the rules. http://www.mecacaraudio.com/2008Rulebook/2...20page%2010.pdf http://www.mecacaraudio.com/2008Rulebook/2...%20page%207.pdf
  5. cman0655555

    139.8 today

    good score man. thats really impressive for what it was done with.
  6. cman0655555

    18" bl in an eclipse

    you removing your backseat i doubt you can get enough airspace any other way. Just a thought
  7. cman0655555

    MECA Event @ Carl Casper 2008 (pics!!)

    i wish everything wouldn't have messed up for me, but o well it was fun and still threw up an ok number for what it was. Back to building and tweaking.
  8. cman0655555

    The Elephant Box

    thats crazy keep up the good work.
  9. cman0655555

    C-Note's 2008 Bass Race Build Thread!

    some nice stuff you got there nice looking build keep up the good work.
  10. cman0655555

    found something during an install today...

    wow thats crazy hope i never find one of those.
  11. cman0655555

    lowering cabin temp for better db

    good info its crazy how much weather has to do with scores.
  12. cman0655555

    What can 1 SAZ-3000D and 1 DD8518G do?

    nice score man
  13. cman0655555

    LMS Ultra Testing

    nice numbers
  14. cman0655555

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    nice man
  15. cman0655555

    Toyota Corolla

    looking great man keep up the good work.
  16. cman0655555

    My Street Max 1-2 van

    nice van man love the wall.
  17. cman0655555

    What subs to get for T20001

    i would recommend the q's as well but it just depends on what you want and your goals. Also how much airspace do you have available?
  18. cman0655555

    Fi Q's in a CA&E featured car

    congrats man what kind of car is it so i can look out for it?
  19. cman0655555

    18" BTL with Kicker kx2500.1..Pics and info

    nice setup now just carpet the amp rack
  20. cman0655555

    SX Build & RE/USAmps Install

    keep up the good work man.
  21. cman0655555

    12'' Icon questions

    ok thanks
  22. I am thinking about buying a 12'' icon and was wondering about how much power they can handle daily? I currently have a sundown saz1500.1 and don't really want to change that. I no this is a sq oriented sub but i would be running it for spl, i no this sounds kinda dumb but i currently run a fi q. Does anyone have any numbers on a 12 or any icon?
  23. cman0655555

    3 ICON 10D2s Build log > 2006 Toyota Solara

    wow nice build keep up the good work.
  24. cman0655555

    12'' Icon questions

    thanks and if i am able to get the full 1500 out of my amp will the sub take it? I dont want to buy a new icon and have to recone it in no time when i can buy a aq hdc3.
  25. cman0655555

    What is the best 4x6 front speakers?

    i had 4x6's in my s10 but i would recommend going with a 5.25 or a good plate 4x6. i no infinity, Memphis, pioneer, and a few others made plates.