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Everything posted by cman0655555

  1. congrats guys hear that was a really good show wish i could have made it.
  2. cman0655555

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    i was like wow. Thats a beast.
  3. cman0655555

    Fi from the Philippines!

    congrats. Idk if you have tried firing the box in different directions or not but maybe if you play around with that your score may increase. Just a thought. Good luck competing.
  4. cman0655555


    very nice!
  5. cman0655555


    just to reiterate and correct what SUNDOWN/FI BEATIN posted here are the officail numbers. 2nd place MOD 2 - Jeremy McCord with a 149.8 1st place DRIVE BY 1 - Corey Mitchell with a 121.7 (me with a single 12'' and a 1500) 4th place Amateur Street 1 - Seth Haney 141.9 (his highest number yet but as1 has crazy numbers this year) Jeremy McCord also took home Drive By Best of Show which is the loudest driveby score of the day. Really crazy number for db2. here is the link to the event results if you want to check it out. meca event results All in all is was a great day and we all had lots of fun. Team Sundown and Carlisle Acoustics did awesome.
  6. cman0655555

    AQ hd3 vs sundown nightshade

    cool and good luck man.
  7. cman0655555

    AQ hd3 vs sundown nightshade

    i currently have an 12'' hdc3 and would recommend the nightshade over them. I have already reconed my sub once. The aq sounds pretty bad and has allot of mechanical noise to it. I have listened to nightshades in multiple setups and they are much better and sound great. I really don't trust my aq and really don't consider it to be a daily sub more of just spl. I plan on switching out my hdc3 for a nightshade very soon.
  8. cman0655555


    looks great man turned out nice.
  9. cman0655555

    Vote for SAZ-1000D!

    sounds like a sweet amp.
  10. cman0655555

    Article posted in 12 Volt News

    cool man. When you Tenn. boys gonna come to a Kentucky show or are we gonna have to come down there.
  11. cman0655555

    Past Builds

    wow those are nice. Really like the vw one.
  12. cman0655555

    Nightshade owners

    i love these subs although i don't own one yet. I listened to my friends and the sq of the sub really surprised me. I have an aq hdc3 which is suppose to be a daily driving spl oriented sub but it is no where near as clean as a nightshade and i think they sound horrible. My friend also had a bl and they blow those away as well as far as sq. We did a direct swap from 2 15'' fi q's to the nightshades and to be honest there wasn't a huge difference in the sq of the subs but the nightshades were way louder. So far i haven't listened to any sub that can hang with the nightshade for the price.
  13. cman0655555

    Getting spl numbers up

    yea i would definently try to get on the meter and test as much as you can try metering in both seats. Also make sure you have your seats all the way forward closest to the dash as possible that might help. There are plenty of good suggestions on here try a few of them.
  14. cman0655555

    Getting spl numbers up

    Where are you metering? Also can you have doors windows etc open. If so play around with that you never know what might work. Also i would add more port surface area if you could fit it. Do you have any room between the side of the box and the drivers side door panel? if so you could try to port it out that side so it would have something to reflect off of. Also you could seal up the box, find the resonant freq. of the truck, then tune the box to that so you get the most cabin gain.
  15. cman0655555

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    interesting looks like a very capable little sub.
  16. cman0655555

    Bigger Sub ?

    wow this sounds awesome esp. if i could stick to my single sub setup and throw tons of power to it.
  17. cman0655555

    SAZ 2000d to come after 5k?

    wow sounds like some great plans for the future a nice 5 channel would be sweet. Another reason you cant beat sundown always listening and taking input from his customers. Sundown ftw
  18. cman0655555

    going to start my build..

    10's 12's what size sub and what is the recommended airspace requirements? Slot or aero ported and any idea of what way the subs and ports gonna be facing? What are you wanting from the setup?
  19. looks good man cant go wrong with sundown.
  20. Ok just wondering if anyone knew a song that will play 30hz or close to it for 30+ seconds. My friend needs one for meca drive by and being that many people do bassrace or similar thought someone might know. The song needs to be a constant note and not fluctuate between notes. Thanks
  21. cman0655555

    song that plays 30hz for 30+seconds

  22. cman0655555

    MECA Results from April Fool's Fest - Lebanon Tn 4/6/08

    congrats guys i wanted to come to this show but just couldn't make it im sure we will run into each other sometime down the road though.
  23. cman0655555

    24 SD-1 12"

    keep up the good work man cant wait till its done. You plan on running mx2 or what?
  24. cman0655555

    Our results from E-Town MECA Event

    good show i had fun.
  25. cman0655555

    SSA Icon 12"

    nice man love single 12'' setup's.