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Everything posted by cman0655555

  1. cman0655555


    Wow go big or go home lol!
  2. Very cool congrats to you and good luck promoting MECA it really is a great org. and IMO the best and fairest all around out there. Hopefully we can get more people from the west to start competing.
  3. cman0655555

    SSA driver photo contest vote

    Lucky Number 7!
  4. cman0655555


    9 cubes, midwestspl naionals i put up a record high for me a 156.2 and a 138 extreme run street beat 30sec. average 13 outside the car. Where and how are these numbers measured? Like in the kick, sealed up, etc?
  5. cman0655555

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    Im glad you brought it back up so I could see it. This thing is absolutely amazing in every way and detail by far the best and my favorite build ever hats off to you sir!
  6. cman0655555

    400 watt amp @ 2 ohms

    Here are some for cheap take your pick http://www.hifisoundconnection.com/Shop/Control/fp/sfv/30046/tcat/27858/order/asc/order_by/sell_price
  7. It was nice meeting everyone hope to see you at more shows this season hopefully my car will be ready by then.
  8. You changed classe again I thought you were gonna be in s1?
  9. I know just from looking at the state records and competing modex2 will be easier to get points in. Also in ky mod 4 was louder than modex 2. There's also allot more things that are permitted in modex 2 as well so there's more room for upgrading. I highly doubt you will be able to run 24000 watts through 329 amps of fusing even with spreding it over 4 fuses. I know this because my buddy is in mod 4, he has 8 15's and 6 sundown 1500's. He can barely get a burp off with just this amount of power.
  10. Fusing should hold on a 3000d . What ohm load do you have the amp running at and what type of fuseblock are you running?
  11. Im pretty sure im going to be there as well as some of my teammates. The show is called somernites cruise. It is outdoors. Here's a few links from MECA's website, forum, and additional info. http://www.mecacaraudio.com/flyers/10-24-09KYv3.pdf http://www.mecacaraudio.com/eventtable.aspx http://www.mecaforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,6813.0.html http://www.somernitescruise.com/october.html Also do you all know what class your going to be in? If you need help getting MECA legal lmk.
  12. cman0655555

    B-Stock / Used Motor Nightshades - BLOW OUT

    Any left interested?
  13. cman0655555

    Introducing Mrs. Gary F.

    Welcome and GL in MECA I will probably be running s1 as well with you.
  14. cman0655555

    4x Sundown SA-12s On Music - VIDEO

    Yea pretty isnt the best for spl. Ugly is loud.
  15. cman0655555

    2009 MECA Drive By SPL 4 World Champion

    Congrats man thats a nice video lol. Stacy is a great guy and deserves it.
  16. cman0655555

    So what does Hockey and Car Audio have in common?

    How many clamps do you think you need I know we have some fuse blocks that are just sitting around. Also how many fuses do you plan on running? Sweet pics btw definitely something you don't see everyday.
  17. cman0655555

    MECA World Finals Oct. 3-4

    No problem it was nice meeting you to man I had a hell of a time as well. Your always welcome around us and if you ever need anything just let me know. Im sure that drive did suck we left out around 12 or so and even the 4hr drive sucked.
  18. So MECA Finals is coming up Oct. 3-4 just wondering who is coming and what class/es you may be in. Here is the event flyer and other info. http://www.mecacaraudio.com/flyers/10-03-09TNv3.pdf http://www.mecacaraudio.com/eventtable.aspx
  19. cman0655555

    MECA World Finals Oct. 3-4

    Here is the link to Saturday's qualifying results http://www.mecacaraudio.com/eventresults.aspx?eventid=777 Here is a link to Sundays Finals results http://www.mecacaraudio.com/eventresults.aspx?eventid=778 Here is the World Champions Short Version 2009 World Champions. Congratulations to all winners. 2009 Sound Pressure League World Champions Gates Cup - Drive-by SPL Parade Best of Show Eric Alexander (Team Livewire), OH Sound Pressure Best of Show Eric Alexander (Team Livewire), OH Sound Pressure League Best of Show Eric Alexander (Team Livewire), OH Sound Pressure AS1 - Rachel Dowell (Public Disturbance/CME), KY 147.5 dB AS2 - Josh Shacklette (Innovative), KY 147.7 dB AS3 - Chad Grisham (MD Audio), KY 143.7 dB S1 - Jen Snyder (Ground Shakaz), PA 147.0 dB S2 - Tom Kaczmarczyk, IL 152.0 dB S3 - Mickey Johnson (Ground Shakaz), VA 152.2 dB S4 - Scott Snyder (Ground Shakaz), PA 151.9 dB S5 - Joseph Ault, Sr. (TNT Dynamite Sounds), OH 153.3 dB M1 - James Carroll (XFL/True Bass), TN 147.9 dB M2 - Casey Snow (DC’s Most Wanted), IN 150.4 dB M3 - Ryan Payton (MD Audio), KY 152.5 dB M4 - David Cottrill (TNT Dynamite Sounds), OH 154.3 dB M5 - Jason Cantrell (Team Elite), SC 158.3 dB MX1 - Rick Washabaugh (Team-Loco/Xstatic/Zapco), KY 153.6 dB MX2 - Bola Adekunle (DC’s Most Wanted), IN 159.3 dB MX3 - Eric Alexander (Team Livewire), OH 160.4 dB X1 - Gary Fletcher (Sundown), TN 157.6 dB X2 - Walt Johnson (Outcast/Sundown), SC 153.8 dB Drive-by SPL Parade DB1 - Corey Mitchell (Carlisle Acoustics/Sundown/Xstatic), KY 120.7 dB DB2 - James Toombs, VA 124.2 dB DB3 - Daniel Kirkland (WSF/Sundown), TN 121.5 dB DB4 - Stacy Adams (DC’s Most Wanted/Phat Bodies), IN 127.9 dB DB5 - Eric Alexander (Team Livewire), OH 132.6 dB 2009 Sound Quality League World Champions Culbertson Cup - The Best Sounding Vehicle at Finals Steve Cook (Team Audio X/Zapco), AL Sound Quality League Best of Show Kirk Proffitt (Schil Acoustics/XS Power/Zapco), AL SQ2 Joe Zelano (Team Elite), SC Install Joe Zelano (Team Elite), SC Sound Quality Amateur - Andrew Mitchell (Innovative/Hybrids), IN Stock - Matt Daly (Team Elite), SC Street - Kirk Proffitt (Schil Acoustics/XS Power/Zapco), AL Modified Street - Scott Paterson (Team Zapco), TN Modified - Robert Petty (SoundDomain/Zapco), AL Modex - Steve Cook (Audio X/Zapco), AL Extreme - Matt Roberts (Team Elite/Zapco), SC Master - David Edwards (Team Hybrids), VA Install Street - Kirk Proffitt (Schil Acoustics/XS Power/Zapco), AL Modified - Eric Parker (Team Elite), SC Modex - Vince Smith, IN Extreme - Joe Zelano (Team Elite), SC RTA Freq Out Rick Washabaugh (Team-Loco/Xstatic/Zapco), KY
  20. cman0655555

    MECA World Finals Oct. 3-4

    I finally got all of the driveby videos up on my youtube account. Driveby numbers from sunday are about 3/4 db down so scores don't look that impressive. I will post the link to pictures when I get them up. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/user/cman0655555
  21. cman0655555

    MECA World Finals Oct. 3-4

    One day till I leave out to TN! WOOT!
  22. cman0655555


    Idk man maybe get jacob to bring you some amps up that you can borrow to get louder!
  23. cman0655555

    MECA World Finals Oct. 3-4

    That sucks I started losing db's too in my car and I still dont know where they went. I didnt change a thing either and all the equipment seems to be ok.
  24. cman0655555

    MECA World Finals Oct. 3-4

    That sucks man, he is loud but you never know what might happen. How much power are you running now ? I was hoping to see your van at ky state finals but I didnt end up going, I will try and stop by I wanna see it.