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Everything posted by cman0655555

  1. cman0655555

    12’’ FI Q Dual 1

    1. Product: 12’’ FI Q Dual 1 2. Specs: http://store.ficaraudio.com/q12/ Dual 1 ohm Cast basket Wrap around gasket Kraft pulp fiber reinforced cone Single layer wide foam surround Push terminals Extra heavy lead wire FEA optimized motor 3" diameter 4 layer coil Single high grade magnet Quad progressive spiders High or low Qts motors Optional Heli-cool system And many other custom options Q12 DUAL 1 Fs: 34.2 Hz | 33.9 Hz Re: 0.7 Ohms/coil | 1.4 Ohms/coil Qms: 7.63 | 7.69 Qes: .39 | .39 Qts: .37 | .37 Mms: 249g | 253g Cms: 0.87mm/N | 0.87mm/N Sd: 481cm^2 | 481cm^2 Vas: 28.3 l | 28.3 l Spl: 86.5dB 1W/1m | 86.3dB 1W/1m Bl: 13.9 N/A | 19.65 N/A Xmax: 28mm Rms: 1500W Sealed box: .8-1.5 High QTScuft Ported box: 1.8-2.5 cuft @ 28-33Hz Sub OD: 12.500” Cut ID: 11.125” Mounting depth: 7.000” Displacement: 0.16cuft 3. Description/Condition: Fresh Recone. Great condition 8/10 cosmetic 10/10 function. Great sub planned on using myself but never did. Sitting around so it needs to go. Has 2 very small scuffs on the surround and typical scratches on the motor. 4. Price: NO TRADES! $200 shipped anywhere in the continental US. If you’re local we can meet up or I will drive to you for a small fee. 5. Pics
  2. cman0655555

    12’’ FI Q Dual 1

    has this sold? Yes this is universal. It can be reconed to a d2 or whatever config you want and prefer. It is still available as well. Sorry I thought I replied about this days ago from my phone.
  3. cman0655555

    12’’ FI Q Dual 1

    PM sent about the info.
  4. cman0655555

    12’’ FI Q Dual 1

    Found out some bad news with my job need this gone by this weekend if possible make some offers!
  5. cman0655555

    Powerbass XS Motor

    BUMP pictures back up. Make offers need this thing moved.
  6. cman0655555

    Powerbass XS Motor

    1. Product: Powerbass XS Motor 2. Specs: 3’’ Coil Recone info - coils pole od 2.93 top plate id 3.22 Got a quote on a recone from fixmyspeaker for 1000rms and it was right at $100. Sub Specs: Power Handling (Rms / Peak):800 / 1600 watts Frequency: 25Hz - 500Hz Nominal Impedance: 2+ 2ohm Sensitivity (1W / 1M): 90.1 dB Fs: 31.5Hz / Vas (Liters): 36.96 Qts: .33Sensitivity 88.4dB 3. Description/Condition : Motor is in good condition no chips just normal wear. Functions 100% just needs a recone. 4. Price: 75 shipped anywhere in the continental US. Not looking for trades but doesn’t hurt to post them. Possibly interested in a decent set of 6.5’s for my rear deck. 5. Pictures:
  7. cman0655555

    12'' 12 Spoke Basket

    Pictures back up. Make offers.
  8. cman0655555

    12'' 12 Spoke Basket

    1. Product: 12’’ Basket 2. Specs: 12" 12 Spoke Basket 8’’ spider landing Push terminals 3. Description/Condition : Need to be cleaned off but other than that are 100% functional and ready to use. 4. Price: 25+actual shipping obo. Not looking for trades but doesn’t hurt to post them. Possibly interested in a decent set of 6.5’s for my rear deck. 5. Pictures:
  9. cman0655555

    Powerbass XS Motor

  10. cman0655555

    12'' 12 Spoke Basket

  11. Its just the way of the show they cant have everyone just demoing all day. Sure that would be nice but trust me it gets really annoying when you are at a show for hours upon end and you hear the same persons crappy system 100 times. There was actually demoing that was able to be done Saturday night when everyone completed their runs. In fact my teammate josh newton demoed his van for a good 30+ minutes. You just had to pull into the lane to do it. Sure it wasn't the greatest but it was better than nothing at all. For anyone that missed the show here are some park and pound videos that were taken. http://www.youtube.com/user/thefordmccord
  12. Ill be there Saturday and Sunday, not sure if im competing or not yet though, if so I will be in Park and Pound 1.
  13. cman0655555

    New Season new build

    Yea I would choose an ext cab s10 if you plan on doing MECA and metering at the headrest. They seem to be the best vehicles and definitely pretty easy to get loud.
  14. Just wondering if anyone is going or competing and if so what class. Here is some info. http://www.mecacaraudio.com/flyers/10-16-10TN.pdf
  15. Cool man I will try and stop and say hi sometime. That sucks it always works out that there is another org. with finals the same weekend.
  16. Cool we have an as1 guy competing so im sure we will see you in the lanes. Gl and what kind of vehicle do you have?
  17. Man that sucks and yea I am done for the year. Its cool man I understand and it happens.
  18. cman0655555

    Feeler : big aeroports - urgent question

    Sweet these are nice. Im sure allot of people would be interested esp. if the price was right. I know lots of people who would love to buy these now.
  19. cman0655555


    You can run up to 39 amps of fusing with the surface area you have but you wont find a 39 amp fuse. You can however find and use a 35 amp fuse. I run a 1500 in meca db1 and have ran s1 before on 40 amps. A few of my teammates run a 35 amp fuse and have no problem with it. If you have any other questions feel free to ask and gl!
  20. Had a great time at the show all in all I think it went really well and was a great success. Nice talking and meeting new people. Here are all the driveby videos that my teammate took. We will have pics up later and I will get a link. http://www.youtube.com/user/thefordmccord
  21. I will be there helping my teammates out. Heading up Friday night and will be at the show Saturday and Sunday. Say hey to me if you get a chance. I will either be in a batcap or sundown shirt my name is Corey.