Hey everybody, i have 2 2400 watt mono amps (linked together it makes a 2 ohm load) each amp is 1700 rms (by titanium power) im hooking up a Fi 15"btl 1ohm dvc. how do i wire my sub to have a 2 ohm load? Because my amp goes in protect mode at really high volume help please!!! i just have it wired like this (dont pay attention to the ohms) this connection works alomost to the highest voulume output on my stereo but then goes to protect mode http://www.rockfordfosgate.com/rftech/woof...mp;woofer_imp=1 i tried this but it gets the amp in safe mode at mid volume http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j230/spa...SERIES-DUAL.jpg any help please!!