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Everything posted by animalbmx1

  1. animalbmx1

    18" BTL box.... to small???

    I just finished building my box last night.... Double baffle,Fiberglass,etc... My box after bracing and before the Port was 8.25cuft(internal)I have 119 sqin of port tuned to 30hz. After the displacement of the port I now have 5.85cuft. Now is my box 8cuft tuned to 30hz OR is it 5.85cuft tuned to 30hz??? And would that be too small for an 18?? thanks
  2. animalbmx1

    18" BTL box.... to small???

    ahhhhh why wouldn't you???
  3. animalbmx1

    18" BTL box.... to small???

    Thanks for all the help.. I have some new measurements for another box let me know how this one sounds!! 14.75x24.5x46.5/1728= 9.7cuft(internal dimensions) after driver displacement that would make it 9.4cuft(internal) Port would be 24.5x4.5 23.75" LONG That would bring my internal volume after PORT&SUB to 7.7cuft with 110sqin of port tuned around 30hz. Does that sound about right???
  4. animalbmx1

    18" BTL box.... to small???

    Doesn't the Useable airspace change as the size of the port changes???
  5. animalbmx1

    18" BTL box.... to small???

    Well my port is 5.5 inches wide and 21.5" tall and is 33 inches long.. Now I plugged those numbers in the on the port calculator on CA.com and according to that I am tuned to 35Hz with the 5.85cuft of volume. If that is true than I'm going to keep it as is and just see how it sounds.. BUT for future reference in what order do I figure the Port/box size out. I figured out the NET volume which was 8cuft than plugged the port size WxH and it gave me the length I needed to be at 30hz. I guess I have no idea how to design a box
  6. animalbmx1

    The sound deadener Poll

    I have only used Raamat and I like it.
  7. animalbmx1

    15" DP

    Looks pretty beefy, and the 1500rms seems a little conservative for this sub(based on looks)Sooo would my kx2500.1 be to much?? and what would be a good box size to go with?? 4.5cuft tuned to 30hz ?
  8. Im really looking at getting a pair of these to run off my kx2500.1. I can't really find info on box specs though. Does 14-16cuft tuned to 30hz sound to be right.
  9. animalbmx1

    Btl 18 Fully Loaded Power....

    With so many sweet amps on the market you have a lot of options. What is the price range you are looking to stay in?
  10. Where might I pick sonme 0/1 up???