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Everything posted by boalova13

  1. boalova13

    Which setup should i go with?

    Hello i currently have a 18" bl in a ~7ft^3 box tuned to 32hz powered by a jl 1000/1. Now it's loud but i'm still looking for more. I'm trying to stick to using an 18" or a pair because i was very impressed. My question is would you guys recommend getting a pair of q's with ~2500rms or a fully loaded btl with ~2500rms. Or my other alternative is selling my amp and getting ~2000rms for the bl and ill set the gains where it'll see around 1500. \ What do you guys recommend? thanks
  2. boalova13

    Which setup should i go with?

    have you seen the vids of my car.. its pretty much the same trunk, do you have any vids of your 18? No where can i find them? And I haven't got around to making any, im waiting on a recone because one of my tinsel leads broke or i'd make some. Ill probably just wait till i get the new setup since it should only be around a month.
  3. boalova13

    Which setup should i go with?

    Bringing this back to see if i can get anymore opinions. I should be ordering in a week or so. Also the amp I'm going to be using is a saz3000d. What do you guys think? thanks
  4. boalova13

    What to do?

    Cool ill get it shipped out. Thanks
  5. boalova13

    What to do?

    I have a 18" bl and one of my tinsel leads recently broke. How do i go about fixing it? I'd prefer to send it to Fi if possible but am having trouble getting a response. Hopefully scott stumbles upon this. Thanks -Jeff
  6. boalova13

    What to do?

    Cool ill get it shipped out. Thanks
  7. boalova13

    What to do?

    It broke right in the middle of the lead.
  8. boalova13

    Tinsel lead on bl 18

    Hey i have a bl 18 powered by a jl 1000/1. all electrical upgrades are done (upgrading soon) anyways the sub saw 750 watta at the most, it was not beat at all. The other day it cut off in the middle of a song. When i pulled it out i saw that one of the tinsel leads are broke. How would i go about fixing this? is it covered under warranty? would soldering work? Thanks for the help
  9. boalova13

    Tinsel lead on bl 18

  10. boalova13

    Anyone in Indiana with BL's or Q's

    I have a 18 bl and i live in cincinnati, when i get the tinsel lead fixed i could probably meet ya to let you hear it
  11. boalova13

    Which setup should i go with?

    I am but i originally bought it with the intent to add a second. So i got a dual 1 ohm voice coil. Well i cant fit a second unless i go sealed so i dont know if i want to switch up now, it's not going to be horribly expensive if i do, and i've already performed the electrical upgrades so why not. I figure it'll go good with the 22's lol. I'm just not sure if i want to go with 2 q's or a btl
  12. boalova13

    Which setup should i go with?

    I mainly listen to rap but i ocassionally listen to other types of music. How are the q's in terms of spl? How would you compare a pair of q's with roughly 2500 watts as opposed to a btl with the same power? thanks for your help
  13. boalova13

    Which setup should i go with?

    It will be going into a 1997 grand marquis
  14. hello i currently have one 18" bl in my trunk and the box pretty much takes up all of the usable space, i have this box : http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/ported...mp;Fs=&CE=0 Anyways i was wondering if it's possible to fit a second 18 while still keeping the box dimensions because i can't make it any bigger due to space restrictions..any help is appreciated..thanks
  15. boalova13

    help fitting a second bl in my trunk

    i know its been a while but i've been busy..heres the pic of one side of the box. The other side looks identical, you think i can work anything out with this?
  16. boalova13

    switch voice coil resistance?

    I was wonderin if its possible to switch my 18" bl from dual 1 ohm to dual 2 ohm..if so how much you think scott will charge? thanks for all your help
  17. hello right now i have a jl 1000/1 powering a 18" bl..i'm thinking about switching to a kicker zx1500.1 what do you guys think? i was impressed with the jl but i feel it could use more power, plus the jl chit out on me after a couple months so i kinda wanna sell it after it gets fixed/replaced under warranty...what do you guys think?
  18. its wired at a 2 ohm load so with the kicker it should stil see around 1500 rms with my electronic upgrades..but i'm open to keeping the jl if you guys think it'd be a better match..any other suggestions?
  19. boalova13

    help fitting a second bl in my trunk

    yea ill post pics, you think sealed would be a good idea?
  20. boalova13

    help fitting a second bl in my trunk

    how much bigger would i have to make the box to fit two? i can use alot of polyfill i just need to find a way to fit a second one in the trunk of a grand marquis because i ordered the d1 sub instead of d2 so i'd like to get another one so i can wire it to a 1 ohm load
  21. boalova13

    fi bl keeps shutting off?

    I have a bl 18 with a jl 1000/1 running it..the other day i was driving and it jus shut off, I checked to see if i could see what was causing it and the amp was still on but the sub wasn't working..a little bit later it came on and would shut off after it hit a couple times. Then it came on one day and worked flawlessly for 3 or 4 days and now its shutting off again. I think it might have something to do with the temperature because the days it worked it was 50-60 out instead of in the 40's on the days it shut off. I checked the ground and all the connections and they're fine. what do you guys think it could be? please help me out thanks
  22. boalova13

    fi bl keeps shutting off?

    does anyone know if the jl 1000/1's are good for this? its only 2 months old
  23. boalova13

    fi bl keeps shutting off?

    [quote name='SPL Blazer' post='314652' date='Nov 26 2007, 10:55 Set your DMM for AC volts and check the voltage coming out of the speaker terminals on the amp. If the test leads are pointed you can just poke them through the insulation on the speaker wires. If your not showing any readings when your music is playing and the amp is powered on then it's an amp issue. AM'thats what i did..there was .003 volts or something like that..i tested the wires and they were getting the full 12v..This means its probably the amp right?
  24. boalova13

    fi bl keeps shutting off?

    how am i able to tell if its the amp?
  25. boalova13

    fi bl keeps shutting off?

    im not sure what your talking about..i have a d1 sub and its wired to a 2 ohm load if that means anything