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Everything posted by BILTD

  1. BILTD

    18" Btl problems...

    Your DMM is reading DC impedance so i wouldn't worry too much. They normally are +/- 0.3 Ohms If the coating on the coil is slighly darker i'd say you need to turn those gains down and have them setup on a scope.
  2. BILTD

    one woofer gets hot, one dosnt...

    Measure impedance of the subs individually to see how they compare. Check that both amps are outputing said voltages. Check also how much voltage your electrical system is dropping. Sounds like ones getting more clip than the other to me.
  3. You are comparing linear motor tech woofer to a standard motor. Linear Vs Parabolic. For out and out SQ, neither is better (on paper maybe) SQ is subjective you will always have some that prefer a standard woofer slightly higher inductance and more distortion than a linear motor tech with very low inductance/flat Bl curve. Expect the linear design subs to sound clean and neutral in a sense. Where as a normal parabolic curved motor will sound warmer and richer in sound. If its contest of SQ, none of them are better than each other. If its a contest of pure output, again I don't think you can pick a winner.. Although I would hand it to the Brahma/XXX for 30-20Hz with all that linear Xmax. I sold hundreds of those XXXs and to this day my customers say its the best all round sub produced. Tough one but not inconceivable.
  4. BILTD

    Fi --> to Greece (Europe)?

    Yes we will be doing both Fi and Ascendant. Were setting up distributors across Europe for designating territories, some countries might take a little while before reps are apparent. Send an e-mail to sales(at)bladeice.com for shipping prices. Thanks, Am.
  5. BILTD

    Fi --> to Greece (Europe)?

    Drop us an e-mail sales(at)bladeice.com We take care of all the European sales for Fi Thanks.
  6. BILTD

    sneak peak... 18- 15's !!!!!

    Saw this on Termpro earlier. Looks nuts. Those are plexi voids going in? That should help with phase cancellation..
  7. Excellent. Picked up some tips from this build
  8. BILTD

    Hey Scott, did ya get my email?

    Not bad. Clearing out the rubbish to make space for... Uh-humm
  9. BILTD

    Hey Scott, did ya get my email?

    Damn. Get well soon Scott!
  10. BILTD

    06 Re xxx

    Is that the current model XXX? How are you running it? XXX is a phenominal speaker as far as SQ is concerned. The Linear Displacement is pretty special too, especially where it counts on the lower octave region.