You are comparing linear motor tech woofer to a standard motor. Linear Vs Parabolic. For out and out SQ, neither is better (on paper maybe) SQ is subjective you will always have some that prefer a standard woofer slightly higher inductance and more distortion than a linear motor tech with very low inductance/flat Bl curve. Expect the linear design subs to sound clean and neutral in a sense. Where as a normal parabolic curved motor will sound warmer and richer in sound. If its contest of SQ, none of them are better than each other. If its a contest of pure output, again I don't think you can pick a winner.. Although I would hand it to the Brahma/XXX for 30-20Hz with all that linear Xmax. I sold hundreds of those XXXs and to this day my customers say its the best all round sub produced. Tough one but not inconceivable.