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Everything posted by BILTD

  1. BILTD

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    Seats back from the trimmers. They still need some shrinking fluid to tighten them up a little bit, not had the time to get that done..
  2. BILTD

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    OK.. so no one really looks at the pics on this forum? lol Onto the final stages of the interior
  3. BILTD

    Kinda Urgent..

    The logo is meant to be there. There is no Pole vent on the BTL/BLs. The cooling features are deep within the motor assembly.
  4. BILTD

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    Thanks guys.
  5. BILTD

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    More later.. enjoy
  6. BILTD

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    We have a vast range of fusing options in our Knukonceptz catalog.. But this time around with the space constraints I had to make something more practical.. Some ally stock and onto the drill press! Wasn't so bad tapping these as it was the sub rings!
  7. BILTD

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    Thanks for all the kind words! OK as some of you are getting cold turkey without your fix of pics.. here's the next batch. Installing 14 amps, 10 batterys.. ton of wiring in the remaining space.... I'll let the pics tell the story!
  8. BILTD

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    More later..