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Everything posted by woofy

  1. woofy

    This Ship Has Sailed!

    I will have to say this as it has been on my mind for a long time .Years ago as many here have bought and used TCsounds subwoofers .For small time period of time they were one of the top notch products to beat .But then the whole bankrupsy thing was rather a sad affair .Truly a circus ! The bad thing being dependant on an OEM is if they go down or the quality changes or they cant come through that it effectively kill's your buisiness . You can't keep going on promises and agreements that never seem to be fulfilled or at least in the right time . I think with the economy the way it is heading that Even some OEM will face some very rought times and some will fall through the cracks .Many companies are coming out with economical subwoofers that are more affordable or they are lowering thier prices .They have names like hardtimes, economy series, etc,e tc, etc. I know personally because im older now that im not buying subs that can handle 2,000 plus any more . The amount of equipment i bought i surely could have bought a new car with by even todays priceing . Amazing how with age that priorities change in life .What was important then is no longer important today . But i still have rocking system and while it doesnt set off car alarms or kill birds when i drive by in the earlier times ,I still do enjoy good quality sound in much lower volumes . While im sad that Soundsplinter is going away they are not the last.Heard Image Dynamics was in trouble too . But Mike is a buisines man and i know he has others way to make money so when one door closes another one opens in time . Only the strong survive in competitive market and those that come out with decent quality and have it affordable and with great customer service will make it those that dont will meet the fate that many have fell before them .
  2. woofy

    Recone Help.

    Try Pierce audio. [email protected] They made me some custom subwoofers for cheaper than anybody else and they are still pounding hard today .Check out some of there recones that they have done, they have created some true monsters.Thier build quality and soft parts are really good .I know they have done several Tcsound based subwoofers and many others. Subwoofers scroll around and see the pictures of the rebuilds, they will e-mail you back a quote for prices and what options you want or reccomend .Nothing but good from this company and it is american built !
  3. Im assuming your going to have at least a 2 amplifier system right? Your looking at about 2450 watts -give or take . Id try running the battery you have first with that alternator and wire upgrade first , if that doesnt work, you can always get another battery. Im useing one of these : http://www.dekabatteries.com/assets/base/1143.pdf and im pushing more watts than you ,Call around and you should be able to get these for under 165 bucks in your local area ,Look up battery distributors in your area . Id kill off your stock battery first and then use that as a core on a new one . I wouldnt keep buying more stuff until you realise you really need it, unless you can afford it .You may also want to get an amplifier that has its rated output at 12 volts rather than 14 or 16 volts, the Aq2200 is a good amp but its not as efficient as sundown audios amps . They will both work with that alternator , depends on what your heart is set on getting .
  4. Well im failrly new to here but have lots of experience over the last 24 years . I have had problems with the issues of headligts dimming and voltage drops during some bass hits . I tried all the tricks, Batcaps, Capicators,Added another battery . I really found out that the best bet is to get an alternator that handles anywere from 135 to 220 amps, but at idle speed it puts out at least 135 amps .Ive spent hundreds of dollars, when all i really needed was an alternator that puts out more amps at idle speed. when you do the alternator upgrade, you will need at that point to also update your wireing because your stock factory wireing most probably wont handle it.several ways to this.you either tale the stock wireing off and redo the wireing with 1 guage or you add more wires in at least 4 guage or bigger to the exsisting alternator wireing.I have had good luck and no problems either way i wired like this . You can also go here to buy these amps, there really good and reasonable . The Biggest And Baddest 100% USA Built High Output Alternators - DC Power Engineering you will be hardpressed to find a better price for there product ,I got mine for 365 bucks several years ago and its stil runnign strong ,it puts out 135 amps at idle and does 180 amps total , the 135 amps at idle is at 1,400 RPM. Im running 3,000 watts (2 amps) and my dimming issues with one battery is no more .If i want to go to a higher level, I can add a bigger amp without any issues. But im happy were im at, You can spend up to 400 bucks easily with some good batteries and the cable for the battery addition . I wised up and just bought the alternator and i have never looked back . The problem that most people do is buy these big amps and super subwoofers , then they have electrical issues. most part throwing money on all of these can run a 1,000 bucks if you do the whole total package , for under or around 400 bucks and 20 bucks in wireing upgrade to the alternator will solve 90% of your electrical issues. Plus i believe while i cant prove it is that it makes your battery last longer .Without this alternator ,i could go through a battery evey 2 years , The one i have now has been going strong for over 3 years and i just had it load tested and its testing like it did when it was brand new .I think it causes a lot less less strain and drainage on the battery . I think your stock alternator on your delta 88 is around 70 amps , so i think you will definately need to upgrade it .
  5. Have a ford F150 truck (1995) , Im in need of getting a new battery i think (the sundown saz1000) makes my headligths dim, big 3 allready done and i have a 95 amp alternator on it. I bought this smaller amp so i wouldnt have to upgrade my electrical . I think my weekest link is my battery .What Battery Brands would you reccomend and also if there are any so called sleeper batteries (Walmart,kragen, autozone) that are a great buy .Not looking to spend 150 bucks on a battery either . Thought the system could handle 2-10" subwoofers and a 200 watt amp to run the mids, tweets . Everythign is wired in 4 guage as well. Lets hear what you all have to say !
  6. I noticed this video on you tube of the 1200d audioque amp: I couldnt help but notice that sundown and these amps share a lot in comman , double sided board, etc.but what caught my eye in this video was the boxing is identical to sundowns boxing of there amps ,after all these are made in korea ,could be the same buildhouse just ran on a differant production line.
  7. Thanks a lot, thats what i needed to know .
  8. I want to make sure i get more information before i go and do my own things . I recently received a saz1000 .I plan to install it useing 2 - 10" subwoofers (Audiopulse Epic dual 4ohm voice coils) . My question is amp settings : Were do i iinitally set the subsonic at ? Were do i iinitally set the LPF at ? Were doi iinitally set the Phase at ? Were do i iinitally set the Bass boost at or if i even need it ? I can deal with the gain .If you amplifier gurus can give me some ideas, i would appreciate it .
  9. Dont want to get reemed in here becaue im a noobie but i have heard and seen these amps: http://www.audioque.com/aq/?page_id=26 For the money, there not too shaby and the internals look decent as well .Read what they say about there product ! They even have this monster for the bigger installs: http://www.audioque.com/aq/?page_id=30
  10. woofy

    sundown products availible on woofersetc.com????

    So your saying the saz 1000 wont be made anymore ? Are there plans for another 1000 watt amp that is newer on the back burner ?