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Everything posted by viper_04649

  1. viper_04649


    does anyone know what the projected date that the subs will be sent out. i pre-ordered a 15" and am so anxious to get it.
  2. viper_04649

    Anybody live in mooresville?

    do i have to make my own sticker, or can i get one from si. i might be the only one in maine with a SI
  3. viper_04649


  4. viper_04649


    ok, i am getting a new 15" (when they send these bad boys out). but i want to make a small sealed box, close to 2 cf. This is going to be put into a Saab 9000 hatchback. Also i have viped d1200.1. I have two box ideas, 1 is just a rectangle, and the other is a wedge design, witht the woofer facing somewhat at an angle. also i overhan the long peices over the sides. which one would sound better in my car?
  5. viper_04649


    is the fiberglass insalation, the same stuff my house is insulated with, if so, isn't it pretty thick stuff, and have like a foil on the sides? what is the sub displacement, for when i build the box?
  6. viper_04649


    is this good: Stinger HPM 4 ga amp kit or would this be better MONSTER PRO AMP INSTALL KIT ?
  7. viper_04649

    Define Loudness

    i think he means that it wouldn't look good in a graph, but sounds awesome.
  8. viper_04649


    Is there a manual? if there is, someone could send it to me and i would courteously make it into a .pdf file, if it isn't already.
  9. viper_04649


    just, tryin to be a nice guy, haha. that i what i figured, but was just checking.
  10. viper_04649

    Is this too much?

    I got a viper d1200.1 and i will be running 1 15" at 1ohm. would that be too much power? also if running at 1 ohm, should i build an amp rack with a fan? if the rack is nessicary, anyone know any sites with some plans, or some ideas on designs, etc. o yeah, i am putting this in a Saab 9000 hatchback.
  11. viper_04649

    Is this too much?

    u don't think this will be good?
  12. viper_04649

    Is this too much?

    i am going sealed at like 2 cf. will a 15" hit too low for rock, techno, etc. (don't listen to to much rap)?
  13. viper_04649

    Is this too much?

    will do
  14. viper_04649

    amp and box

    what is a good amp to go with the 15? i can spend a total of $600 for amp and sub. does ne one have demensions for a good sealed box?
  15. viper_04649

    amp and box

    if $600 is not enough for the 15" and amp, i can always go with a 12".