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Everything posted by danracer

  1. danracer

    Ghetto box 148.3

    Nice score Jacob... and nice ghetto box lol only thing it needs its some painters blue tape over the big hole lmao
  2. danracer

    Congrats Team Sundown

    very nice...congratz to all!!
  3. danracer

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    very very nice!!
  4. danracer

    Big Sundown Build

    hmm nice...guessing he's going to SS 3-4...i think i know what car it is...i think... lol
  5. danracer

    my little machine

    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! that must be f'n loud daaaamn
  6. danracer

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    ohh ok, do u know anyone with a DD 9515 that would be a nice v.s. test since it ill be like spl sub vs spl sub
  7. danracer

    My 1500D.... and a few pics

    it does draw some good current but still manageable drop for me @ 2 ohms it drops to about 13.4-13.6, @ 1.4 ohms it drops to 13.0-13.3 and @ .35 to 12.5-12.8, thats with stock alt, nsb 90 and a g31...before i put the nsb i had the g31 on the back and an acid battery upfront, at 2 ohms volt drop would be fron like 14.0-14.2 to 13.1-13.4
  8. danracer

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    still no estimated msrp??
  9. danracer

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    hmm no picz of coil??
  10. danracer

    took 1st on autoshow this weekend...yay

    hmm well the equipment is 1 DD 9515 d.7, 1 [email protected], 1 nsb g3100, 1 optima g31, 0gauge all over, kenwood x591 HU....and thats it
  11. I took 1st on a dbdrag event at a big autoshow that took place this weekend. i did 145.1 @ 55hz later ill post pics of the trophy
  12. danracer

    took 1st on autoshow this weekend...yay

    thnx...yeah i forgot to mention the $300...and yes thats the door, your sticker is somewhere in the middle lol
  13. danracer

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    how many 1500s did u use?? and thats a really nice gain and score
  14. danracer


    working perfectly ...my electrical consists of stock 110amp alt, 1 optima g3100 and 1 nsb90
  15. danracer


    well im bored and feel like writing a bit lol so i wanna say that this amp works great @ .35 ohms...im burping with it and it can take numerous burps without even getting hot, the volume doesnt have to be rolled cause it wont go to protection. I was doing 140-141 with it @ 1.4 ohms and when i lowered it to .35 my # goes up to 145-146. also the amp is pretty efficient @ .35, my volt goes down to 12.8 without recharging batts. also the amp can play music/bassrace fine with it...i bassraced a 139.6 with it(the damn bass ended 2 sec. before the run :S) , it also plays music fine, i played 3 full songs and THE amp took it like a champ...anyways im not telling everyone to go on and lower their amps to .35 cuz you will void warranty but this is just so u know it can be done without problems just need to keep an eye on the volt. and keep an eye on the temp of the amp
  16. danracer


    12.5-12.8 from 13.7-14.0
  17. danracer

    Lil Jons Van

    daaamnn thats a reeaallyy sexy amp rack
  18. danracer

    took 1st on autoshow this weekend...yay

    5' tall trophy ftmfw
  19. danracer

    took 1st on autoshow this weekend...yay

    Thnx...i gotta keep working on the van...buttttttt im too lazyy lol
  20. danracer


    dammn airbrush looks really good
  21. danracer

    Sundown+Fi neon in PR

    this is a neon partly built by Luist(nickname on this forum)...sounds loud but needs more volt(hes playing on the 11 volts and the 100.4 overheats) here are the pics... and here a lil vid
  22. danracer

    Your db Numbers

    1995 Nissan Quest Electrical:1 g31 optima, 1 nsb g3100, stock 110a alt, 1/0, big 3 Amp: 1 Sundown SAZ-1500d Subs: 1 DD 9515 d.7 Box: ported, 3.5 cubes tuned to 45 Mic:termlab Tone:59hz Score: 146.0db sealed on the dash and 139.6 bassrace
  23. danracer

    Sundown+Fi neon in PR

    yeah i know...i think they were on a hurry to finish it on time for this show that is 4 days long...i hope they fix it so it can sound alot louder, right now it sounds really loud so w/ more voltage i guess it ill be better
  24. danracer

    Sundown+Fi neon in PR

    that was w/ the car on...the alt must be fried lol...today it saw 9 volts playing music at the front battery so i imagine that at the back it should be lower...this is like the ultimate test for the sundowns lol 4 full days playing music for hours @ low voltage