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Everything posted by focalrock4life

  1. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    Oh ok, I was looking at those tweeters awhile back myself. How would you say they compare or differ from the horns sound wise? Thanks Well the horns really out perform the tweeters in every way as far as frequency range and all around loudness. However, they were designed for different reasons. I feel The tweeters fill in the little extra something in the much higher frequency Range that the horns were lacking. I feel it just gives the finishing touch, to the music, so to speak.
  2. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    The only problem doing it this way will be the ID horns and Soundstream tweets will be playing the same frequncy, which wont help the horns if you try and accomodate the tweets by going with a higher tuning. If you go with a lower tuning to accomodate the horns then the tweeters will probably get damaged for playing too low. Then what do you suggest? I already have the 125.2 and 100.4 so there's no turning back lol
  3. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    I have the soundstream sst-05 tweeters, so yes they keep up
  4. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    ok, one more question. both horns and both tweeters are 8ohm. how would I go about wiring them to the 125.2 for the best results?
  5. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    are you sure you're not a sundown salesman in disguise? lol
  6. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    <<<<< this guy, is now the proud owner of a 125.2
  7. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    Yes!! 125.2 *frantically runs to find wallet*
  8. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    or sell my 100.4 and get a 200.4 before they sell out it would probably still be cheaper to do option one though lol
  9. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    ah ok so say I got a SAX 125.2 for the tweets and horns, then with the 100.4 free, I could bridge one 10 across channel 1&2 and the second 10 across channel 3&4. got it. That will keep the stereo Image on everything and how much power on the 10's?
  10. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    oh ok, I understand then. does anyone know the sensitivity rating on the sundowns? I did not see them on the T/S specs. so there is no other way to get more power to them while still retaining the stereo image correct?
  11. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    explain stereo Image? With the PA mids I have in there now (which are running at over 100 wrms), I'm afraid cutting the rms in half with the sundowns that I wont be satisfied.
  12. focalrock4life

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Is there any idea of pre-orders pricing on the 18"?
  13. focalrock4life

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    dbl post.
  14. focalrock4life

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    which would be better suited to a 4th order BP install? mainly looking for input from sundownz since he owns both companies and can give their honest opinion. or if someone on here has used both (which I doubt since the SD-2 are still in pre-order). they can be had for about the same price and I was curious.. Thanks!
  15. focalrock4life

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    Then you shouldn't be building/having built a 4th order BP. WAY easy to really screw them up and the benefits are typically rather dubious. what? if the place that's building it is very experienced in their construction (which they are), what does it matter if I don't know how to build one because I'm not building it. That's like saying someone shouldn't own a firearm, simply because they don't know how to manufacture one.
  16. focalrock4life

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

  17. focalrock4life

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    no, Sir. I have the entire back seat and hatch of a Scion TC to work with (there will be 8 of whichever I choose) With no depth restriction you can do the OA-12s -- they are a bit beefier. awesome. I haven't seen anything about them until today and they peaked my interest!
  18. focalrock4life

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    no, Sir. I have the entire back seat and hatch of a Scion TC to work with (there will be 8 of whichever I choose)
  19. focalrock4life

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    thats what I thought, which is why I was hoping Sundownz would see this and he, of all people would know..
  20. focalrock4life

    SD-2 12" Vs. Obsidian 12"

    well, you see thats the problem, I dont have the know how to use said software. and no I will not be building the 4th order either I'm just putting together the parts then a local shop is taking care of the rest..
  21. focalrock4life

    if you had this budget....

    I have enough airspace to properly port either (2) 12"s or (1) 18" subwoofer. I would like to spend 900 or less on just the subwoofer(s). What would you choose? It will be ran on a sundown 3500D.
  22. focalrock4life

    if you had this budget....

    Exactly. That is what I have after everything is taken into account.
  23. focalrock4life

    if you had this budget....

    Well meade himself said the 18" SMD will work at its potential in 5.5 cubes. The recc. Volume is 4-7 cubes
  24. focalrock4life

    if you had this budget....

    you said spl... for music your gonna need more than 5.5 (for an 18) generally speaking. go with some 12" n2's or two 12" xcons if you want it to sound decent Ok thanks that seems to be the best route. Thanks
  25. focalrock4life

    if you had this budget....

    I was told by the guys at fi that for music the n2 would be better