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Everything posted by focalrock4life

  1. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    OK. let me as a more specific question. What diameter are the spiders and each magnet slug? what gauge wire do the push terminals on the subwoofer accept? that's what I'm looking for. I did not know if it was published anywhere or if there was thread on here where this was answered. I searched and did not see one.
  2. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    Yea I saw the standard stuff on there lol. was looking for more of the technologies in it since it was bult from the ground up in the USA, I figured it would have some unique things
  3. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    hmm, all valid points. is there a thread that has the features of the sub on here? like 9.25 inch 4 layer spider, 3" 8 layer coil..all those kinds of specs. not TS.
  4. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    OK well I know there is more to the whole story here but just a quick look at the specs and the BL and xmax is higher in the Z v.3 and its cheaper. SO why would I pay more for a Zcon? I want someone to convince me here, I'm not saying the Zcon is a bad woofer, Im just curious..plus being an SSA forum I know the views are going to be a bit skewed. but if someone can come in here and give me some cold hard facts, I can do change
  5. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    I've run a z v.1 and v.2.....Love my ZCON damn you for making me have to rethink. I mean they were on my list of possible subs. I just settled on the Z v.3 because of the price and I like the larger 9.25" spider and tall surround.
  6. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    yea Zcons would fit the bill well, I've just never ran their stuff. I've ran the Z v.2's and loved them. I guess I'm scared of change lol.
  7. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    Thats what I was thinking in my head, I guess I just needed some eyes with an outside point of view to validate it. Hopefully Jacob doesn't sell out of this run on Z v.3's by the time I get to it! lol
  8. focalrock4life

    I know what the chart says but...

    Thank you sir.
  9. focalrock4life

    I know what the chart says but...

    ok. well on a side note, heres the setup under the hood. im learning after reading here that I'm supposed to run a ground from the grounding stud on the alt to the batteries ground (disregard the mismatched electrical tape, that is hidden by covers). I was not aware of that and I ran it to the engine block instead. I'm not having any problems so should I just leave it there and add another ground from the alt neg to bat neg?
  10. focalrock4life

    I know what the chart says but...

    cccrraapppp..my goal is to stay around 13.5-14 full tilt. I may have to get a third but that's just gonna delay my build by even more months... one more question, what does your car charge at? starting voltage?
  11. focalrock4life

    I know what the chart says but...

    ah, damn, that scares me. is that at idle? or while on the gas? because I wont be playing it at idle
  12. focalrock4life

    I know what the chart says but...

    haha yea I know the only way to know for sure is to test it but I was checking to see if everyone was like "hell no!" cause then I would have to save up more and get a third. I'm getting everything electrical squared away before I do the install. get it done right the first time with no corners cut. edit: and big three and all wiring is done with Rockford Fosgate OFC 1/0
  13. focalrock4life

    Nighshade stock?

    When are the nightshades going to be back in stock? what is holding them up?
  14. focalrock4life

    Neopro 10" excursion

    Sweet, just what I was hoping to hear! These things get down
  15. focalrock4life

    Neopro 10" excursion

    Hey Jacob, I was wondering how much excursion is safe with these 10's. On some heavier midbass songs they get goin with maybe a half inch of excursion. Theres no hint of distortion o just want to make sure they were designed to handle this.. Thanks
  16. focalrock4life

    Nighshade stock?

    Crap! Sundownonly showed them as outta stock! I knew I should have just emailed you... Any eta on the new ones?
  17. focalrock4life

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    Whats going on with this?
  18. focalrock4life

    Z v.3 Production Motor Photos

  19. focalrock4life

    Z v.3 Production Motor Photos

    Are there any other concerns with running them in that size enclosure? They will run 489 for the 18's correct?
  20. focalrock4life

    Z v.3 Production Motor Photos

    Do you have a thread about the specs of these? How will 2 18's take a 16 cube wall? Will it drop their power handling capabilities? 1500wrms?
  21. focalrock4life


    Ok fair enough then. I guess ill just have to wait. Thanks
  22. focalrock4life


    I ordered two neopro 10's on Friday and was kinda hoping to have them this week, however I've recieved no further correspondance from them since and is like to know an update. Does anyone have a phone number or direct email link?
  23. focalrock4life


    You've been ninja'd by sundownz. Lol and I did the contact us link but nothing. That why I was seeing about a phone.
  24. focalrock4life

    NS1 Question

  25. focalrock4life

    wiring 100.4

    I just want to make sure I have this right. right now I have (2) 4-ohm 10's in my doors ( one 10" in each door). one 10 on channel three and one on channel 4. (channels one and two are occupied by my tweeters and horns and I'm good there). now, I want to replace them with two sundown neo-pro 10's which are 8ohm. am I correct in thinking that I can wire them together down to 4ohm and then bridge them on channels 3 and 4 to get the most power out of my 100.4? how much rms will that amp produce to those channels in that configuration? Thanks guys