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Everything posted by focalrock4life

  1. focalrock4life

    BHE wall build #5 of '12 SAZ4500D/2 Zv3 18's/4th order sueded

    my results today with stiff subs and literally just turning up the gain a little. Not to shabby and the award is for the cleanest enclosure/install ect. all thanks to BHE! had a lot of fun learning bass race..i need to find a song that has bass for 30 seconds. every song i tried the bass paused at around 20-25 killing my average lol. I had a BLAST learning though and even got to go up against the man himself in 149.9.. more testing and tuning the amps and I think it has a lot more potential in its already impressive results on 4.5k
  2. focalrock4life

    Sundown Z.v3 18 first Box

    not these. Z v.3 18's are meant to be in 4-6 cu ft enclosures
  3. focalrock4life

    with this budget...

    You have a sundown hu???
  4. I can get both amps BNIB for ~900.00 shipped. of the two which would you pick? I know you would automatically think the BC5500 because of the 1000 rms difference, but based on clamp results, I've seen Sundown amps do very close to this at 1ohm. FWIW my mids and highs amps are Sundown and it would be nice to match BUT it's not the end all be all of my decision as they won't be seen. this is not a VS thread, I know they are both stout amps, this is more of a poll to tip the scales as I'm pretty much even in my decision and it would be nice to get some fresh perspectives and maybe others will know something that I don't about each amp.
  5. focalrock4life

    with this budget...

    Well, for what its worth guys I'm getting the sundown. I figure I can get the sane power and have my amps match. It's a win win for me. Only think not sundown in my build now is the batteries and wire Haha..
  6. focalrock4life

    with this budget...

    If it falls within the same price point you are wanting I would agree with this ^^^ Thanks! I'll be getting the sundown
  7. focalrock4life

    with this budget...

    Stock they may handle it. However to be better protected thermally for my usage Jacob will be putting in the long nightshade v2 coils in them. The increase in Bl wouldn't hurt either lol
  8. focalrock4life

    with this budget...

    I'll be picking up my new SAZ-4500 within a day or two! should be nice powering 2 18" Sundown Z v3's in a 16 cube wall in a Scion TC no? haha
  9. focalrock4life

    with this budget...

    OK. I'm getting Sundown would be the way to go over this Crescedo so far. but can anyone tell me why they are choosing a 4500 wrms amp vs a 5500 watt one?
  10. focalrock4life

    with this budget...

    So the power difference isn't an issue between the two correct?
  11. focalrock4life

    with this budget...

    Scale's starting to tip the other way! keep em coming guys, thanks!
  12. Thank god for M/T cars. I have a scion with the exact same engine but M/T and it seems to idle consistently around 650 or so, right at the kick on point for my mechman. I'm not gonna lie, I would have been pissed to spend 500 bucks on an alternator for you to tell me, sorry, it just wont work on your car. (why offer it?)
  13. focalrock4life

    4 18" SSA Zcon's In a 2 door 2000 blazer. update. 159db!

    GOd I cant wait for my 18's and BHE combo!!
  14. focalrock4life

    what size ring terminal opening?

    Yea, when compared to knu or something like it. I'm sure the pc-ofc drives the price up. But I figure ill pay the increase for a better quality copper. Will it make a difference? Don't know. But it can't hurt right? Lol
  15. focalrock4life

    what size ring terminal opening?

    I am about to order some bulk 1/0 ring terminals from Darvex but they have two different sizes. one is 3/8 and other is 5/16. I just want to verify what size fits XS power battery terminals? I will be using them to wire together my batteries and to upgrade my ALT ground to my BATT ground (which is also XS Power). I cant remember for the life of me what size I grabbed before Thanks.
  16. focalrock4life

    what size ring terminal opening?

    No lol 2 18's. And I love rf wire too. Got 2 51 foot spools of it. One power one ground. So the 12awg will be rf too. I'll probably buy like 50ft and have extra.
  17. focalrock4life

    what size ring terminal opening?

    EBay FTW! Indeed and Metra is a pretty solid for accessories so I was happy with the buy. Now for the 12 AWG speaker wire..
  18. focalrock4life

    what size ring terminal opening?

    allright, Picked up a Metra brand 20 pack of gold plated 1/0 crimp terminals 3/8" for 18.25 shipped
  19. focalrock4life

    what size ring terminal opening?

    I guess I just answered my own question get the bigger of the two just to be safe..
  20. focalrock4life

    what size ring terminal opening?

    well yea but If I got the 1/16th smaller ones and the bolt wont go through the hole. there in lies the problem.
  21. focalrock4life

    what size ring terminal opening?

    well that brings me right back to where I started lol 1 to 1. I guess either will work but will "fit" but there be a difference in performance?
  22. focalrock4life

    I know what the chart says but...

    I have a sundown 100.4 a 125.2 and I'm going to have a crescendo BC5500 as my power source. now, for my batteries I have one d3400 up front and 2 6500's in the rear with a mechman xs270 amp alt w/ adjustable voltage. What do you all think of that? does that sound sufficient?
  23. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    lol. they have nothing to do with anything. Am I not allowed to ask?? lets ask this again. What diameter spiders are on the 18" Zcon? Thank you.
  24. focalrock4life

    Help me spend my money

    ..and no I'm not giving it to you. I'm piecing my system together bit by bit. bills take priority but what little left I have goes towards the system which is why its taking a bit to finish (sorry Robin!) and my next purchase is either going to be: option 1) 1 of 2 sundown Z v.3 18's OR option 2) my last XS power D6500 to complete my electrical and getting my Three.2 fiberglassed into my dash (courtesy of Monster Sound In Winter Haven, FL). what say you all? eventually I need both options but for right now I cant decide what I want to purchase first. In total I need still: (2) Sundown Z v.3 18's (1) XS Power D6500 (1) Crescendo BC5500 and a bad *** box (which is already designed by BHE) completed and installed so far: (2)Sundown NeoPro 10's in fiberglassed door panels (2)Soundstream SST-05 tweeters (2)Image dynamics CD1 Pro compression horn (1)Audio Control Three.2 (1)Sundown 100.4 (1)Sundown 125.2 (1)XS power D6500 (1)XS Power D3400 (1)Mechman 270 amp alt. The Big 3