Hey everybody, I have a BL 15 dual 2 with every option except universal and extreme leads. I am currently giving the sub about 1400 watts RMS. I am pretty sure that it can handle this, but since it is quite a bit above the rated power I just wanted to be sure that I am not going to blow the sub (because it gets REALLY loud). I am sort of afraid to turn it up all the way right now so any advice would be appreciated. My amp is a Lanzar Opti2000D and my head unit is a Pioneer DEH-P6900UB (if that matters...) Install pics (just for fun): http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/3536/dsc04662lz5.jpg http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/7650/dsc04659ym2.jpg http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/8144/dsc04669dg5.jpg BTW I am just getting started on car audio, so I am still kind of a noob I guess you could say so be gentle