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Everything posted by brutalfriend

  1. brutalfriend

    What subwoofers are sundown offering currently?

    Here is the link to the SA series http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=23064 Correct me id i am wrong, but the NS-X was the SQ woofer
  2. brutalfriend

    Thinking of a setup????

    I think you would be happier going with a FI Q 12 in a sealed enclosure and a Sundown SAE 1000D. Should be a lot cheaper money wise and should sound better. Most of the install is box dependent so if you can have someone build you a sealed box or ported since you are saving money, it will sound a lot better than in a prefab box.
  3. brutalfriend

    Fi Q 12 sub & set up questions from a dummy

    You can get a new sundown 1000d here: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/zencart...p;products_id=6 or a refurb here: http://www.db-r.com/sell/store/index.php?productID=147 You will want to get the dual 2 ohm so that you can run it at 1 ohm and match the 1 ohm load wth the amp. From what i have heard from everyone caps are useless and you would be better going with a second battery, but probably won't be necessary if you are upgrading to a yellow top and only running 1,000 watts. I will let someone else chime in about the components, but what is your budget for them. You will probably be ok with the stock alt, but i would do the big 3
  4. brutalfriend


    Did you all of a sudden come across a few thousand dollars to do everything in time for the car show? in some of your other threads you were talking about not having any money because you are 14 and can't get a job at that age. you said you needed 1400 just to fix the car and the stereo that you are talking about is going to be almost 2000 for just the two nightshades and the 3000d. Its great to have a dream stereo, but it ruins it when you spend thousands on your first stereo just to have it all stolen (and it will happen even if you have an alarm).
  5. brutalfriend

    Need some advice on new setup

    For the amp i would go with a sundown 1500d http://www.db-r.com/sell/store/index.php?productID=151 $335 Depending on trunk space maybe a fi bl 15 with the flatwind and cooling $299 or two fi SSD 12's $388 or 15's if you can fit them $418 That should leave you with money for your box and sound deadening, maybe another battery
  6. brutalfriend

    Recommendations for a good system

    My suggestion would be to go with a refurbished Sundown 100.2 http://www.db-r.com/sell/store/index.php?productID=145 It should realistically put out about 500 watts at 4 ohms bridged
  7. brutalfriend

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    You need to have your hot model friend come over and see if she can add another 2/10ths db's to your jeep like she did for the bronco
  8. brutalfriend


    This site has some great stuff for carputers if you are still interested: http://www.mini-box.com/site/index.html. They have some car pc cases that are really small that work with the mini-itx motherboards.
  9. brutalfriend

    Some original SD-1 12" Available

    My brother wants 2 and will be sending the money here shortly
  10. brutalfriend

    Future Amplifiers

    That should be a good power for a 5-channel. If the SD1v.3 is dual 4 ohm it would be a perfect match. So when are you going to make some sundown components so that i can run all sundown. lol
  11. brutalfriend

    one 12" BL or one 12" BTL?

    I would say with your current amp it would be better matched with a SSD 12 in a ported box or maybe a stock BL. With a fully loaded BL you would want to run about 1500 watts to it and you wouldn't be getting the full potential with only 750 watts. The main question is how much are you wanting to spend and what are your really wanting out of your system. you have the electrical to support a larger amp with the BTL. going with the SSD would be a lot less expensive and you may be surprised at the output you get with it or it may tide you over until you can upgrade to the BTL.
  12. brutalfriend

    SAE-1000D Questions

    I would say to go with the larger size. It will look better matched with a 100.4 because they would be the same size and looks. Also can you put the aluminum sundown audio logo plate that goes across the middle on the new amps. That is the one downside that I saw to the 1000D. It just doesn't look right without it.
  13. brutalfriend

    SAZ 2000d to come after 5k?

    Since it was brought up I also would be for a 5 channel amplifier. They work very well in a daily driver where you don't have lots of room to mount multiple amps.