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Everything posted by buickid

  1. buickid

    saz 3000

    Get as much amperage you can afford. Better to have more now, then to have to buy another alt later.
  2. buickid

    copper terminals?

    Well, when you're looking for every tenth... it could.
  3. buickid

    About Sundown Audio?

    Haha right on brother. If I can get things to move, then I've completed my task.
  4. buickid

    Fi BL, SSA Icon, or DD 9500??

    What he means is that, if you're looking to have the loudest woofer out there, what you have in mind isnt Loud Sound Quality. You're looking for bass. If you were looking for LSQ or LSQ or whatever, then you'd be looking for a woofer with flat response and stuff. Don't worry, I'm looking for bass too.
  5. buickid

    Broke the lights. :o

    Yeah. Yesterday, I was slamming, and playing some tones. Today, most of the fluorescent lights in the next room don't turn on. That room is separated by two double walls though. Coincidence? The bulbs aren't broken, but they don't ignite, like the starter is busted. Just wondering if others have had similar problems in their HT.
  6. Paypal sent for 1500D. Edit: 1500D Recieved! This looks fun!
  7. buickid

    Fi X Series

    Feel free, your avatar is a nice addition to the thread. I think I know what it is, but just to clarify, wtf is it? lol
  8. buickid

    Knu Wire OMG!

    Sounds like some phat wire.
  9. buickid

    breaking in new sub

    Wang that chit.
  10. ehehehehehe. Thats the keyword alright.
  11. buickid


    Wait, you bought all this and you don't want to spend the relatively few dollars on subs? Oh and as for your toys...
  12. buickid

    Sub work?

    Is there any identification on the sub? Address? Anything particular about the sub that makes it different from the others?
  13. For the ultimate in budget sounds, go to k-mart and buy a boombox and a cheap inverter! My cousins actually did that in their ancient quest van. Nothing that wasn't essential to the safe movement of the vehicle worked. Its surprising it held up as long as it did. :]
  14. A few years back I bought a 24 pack from all-battery.com Good stuff, discharges its rated capacity, still working. Make sure you have a good charger, something with delta-peak circuitry. I use a fancy-smancy Ni-CD/Ni-MH/Li-Ion/Pb/BBQ R/C charger... so fancy it needs a 12V power supply.
  15. How many deebeez are you getting? 145? I use Ni-MH batteries in my portable speakers for better power delievery.
  16. buickid

    Choosing a sub

    If you're getting the Sundown 1000D/ICON package, the big 3 shouldn't be needed, unless you have a real weak sauce wiring right now. Doesn't hurt to do it though, if you have the extra cash.
  17. buickid

    Ohm Question

    Indeed! I work best when I have others to bounce ideas (or hard objects, for my frustration) off of.
  18. buickid

    Ohm Question

    Okay, just brainstorming here... Say I had two D1 subs. I could series wire the coils on each to 2 ohms, then parallel subs to 1 ohm. Or... I could parallel coils to .5 ohms, then series to 1 ohm. But... Could I wire one set of coils in parallel, to .5 ohms, and the other set of coils to 2 ohms, then wire them in series for... .4 ohms? Or is it not good to use different subs...
  19. buickid

    Ohm Question

    Oh hmm. One will be loud, the other... not so much. Got it.
  20. buickid

    Ohm Question

    Aha, I figured so. Any technical reason why?
  21. buickid

    Q or BL

    Yeah, but the BL has more cooling options, and can be built to handle more. Also, the decision will lie in how loud you want to go. If you like it real loud, you're going to probably need some wattage. And the BL is the man for that. The Q should get pretty loud too though. If you build the right box, either one will sound pretty good though.
  22. buickid

    Q or BL

    The Q is Fi's sound quality woofer. The BL is the woofer for when you have more power then the Q can handle, but not enough to warrant a BTL.
  23. buickid


    Two fully loaded BTLs should be able to handle 2 Sundown SAZ-3000D's if properly setup.
  24. He laughs at our suffering.