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Everything posted by buickid

  1. buickid

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    Maybe try hook up one sub, and play it for a bit, then check the temps, then do the other one. Make sure you don't go overboard with only one sub hooked up.
  2. buickid

    My OTHER expensive hobby:

    The D80 is a great camera. I have only the miserable kit lenses, but they work fine as long as the lighting is sufficient. A random long exp off my balcony Some SAZ-1500D shots, SB-600 bounced.
  3. buickid

    My OTHER expensive hobby:

    The D80 is a great camera. I have only the miserable kit lenses, but they work fine as long as the lighting is sufficient. A random long exp off my balcony, 10" f/4 @ ISO 640
  4. buickid

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    This is over both coils? Like the positive of one coil, and the negative of the other coil, with a jumper between the negative and positive? Although I assume that if they're both reading the same, then it should be alright. Did you have the subs wired up the right way? Not one sub wired to 1/2 and one sub wired to 4 ohm?
  5. buickid

    fi q sealed sounds like chit. Why?

    Or at least set it properly by ear.
  6. buickid

    From: Sundown Amplifier FAQ

    Set it to the ohm setting, it kinda looks like a horseshoe. Then touch it to the + and - terminals of one coil, and see what you get.
  7. buickid

    sundown 3000 watt how many runs of 0 gauge?

    Alright, cool man. I'm quite the visual person anyway.
  8. buickid

    sundown 3000 watt how many runs of 0 gauge?

    Haha, I ain't messin with ya, just never considered doing an electrical system of this caliber. I'm getting there though, considering buying another SD 1500D. Just to clear things up, the ring terminals connect to either a battery with provisions for rings, or a battery post connector with provisions for rings, correct? Thanks for your help, Trevor
  9. buickid

    sundown 3000 watt how many runs of 0 gauge?

    Oh got it. And the cells are connected with ring terminals?
  10. buickid

    2 Smiley's 1 Cup

    Oh god.
  11. buickid


    Excessive Amperage, Iraggi, and Ohio Gen are companies I've heard good things about when it comes to alternators. you may want do the Big 3 if you haven't already...
  12. buickid

    sundown 3000 watt how many runs of 0 gauge?

    Just wondering, how do you run more then one run of 1/0 to the amp? Doesn't it only have one set of terminals? A distro block? Thanks! -Trevor
  13. buickid

    Thinking Q + 1500D

    Ok, so I'm wondering if the Q is the right choice for me now. Roughly how much power will a fully loaded Q handle? I plan on running the 1500D at 1 ohm, so I suppose around 1600W. Thanks, Trevor
  14. buickid

    Thinking Q + 1500D

    Heh oops. Well, I got a 1500D for a good deal, so no turning back from that. I'm not much of an SQ seeker. Just out to rattle things. The BP might be the ideal choice I think.
  15. buickid

    Lot of Off Topic in one thread...

    This has got to be the most abstract post ever. I think the audio gods must have put upon some kind of divine intellect. But seriously the statistics thing is weird. o.O Do I smell a conspiracy?
  16. buickid

    Thinking Q + 1500D

    Heh, ok. How about a loaded BL at that power?
  17. buickid


    Man, if 4 ohms is enough power now, 1 ohm should, as I like to put it, "utterly slam".
  18. buickid


    That amp should be stable down to at least 1 ohm. If its going into protection, check your electrical system. Would you mind listing any upgrades/modifications to your electrical? A 3kw amp is going to require a bit of beefing up. As far as the rattling goes, where and how is the amp mounted? As far as your gains go, they should be set by playing a roughly 50Hz sine, with the HU turned up just below IT's distortion, then turn the 3000D's gain up until it hits distortion, and back it off a teensy bit
  19. buickid

    LFB-2K Batterys

    E-mail sent
  20. buickid

    LFB-2K Batterys

    Put me down for one. I'm not on the computer as often as before, so if this GB does happen, send me an e-mail.
  21. buickid

    Btl recone

    Shipping for all that weight can get a little pricey though.
  22. buickid

    the new fosgates

    except when companies randomly generate a number within a specified range.... D'oh.
  23. buickid

    Quick SSQ & Q Question

    Wow, that sounds kind of what I need. I wouldn't mind testing some of those out.
  24. buickid

    Quick SSQ & Q Question

    Before anything, how much power will a Q with BP cooling handle, if gains are set properly, no audible clipping, etc.? Okay, first off, the SSD should be louder then the Q, IN THEORY (disregard the box and everything), due to it's higher sensitivity, correct? Second, the SSD is known to be heavy on the low end bass, but a bit lacking in the higher freqs. How does the Q do? Will the Q slam as hard as the SSD? In other words, will the Q reach that ass-dragging low bass that rap music is typical of? Thanks, I'm going to ask a couple more questions based upon the answers I receive to this, so check back. -SteveSan
  25. buickid


    I believe the holes are in the bottom of the motor, around the hole in the center of the motor.