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Everything posted by Grinder1989

  1. Grinder1989

    Old school amps

    Oh lol its funny if you think about it. Distribution blocks came in today but I have to order 2 more and 10 100 amp AGU fuses.
  2. Grinder1989

    Old school amps

    Civic? I don't own a civic lol. or are you not talking to me?
  3. Grinder1989

    Old school amps

    Haven't installed it. No distribution blocks yet. I need two more to hook up the crossover and for power for my USA-150
  4. Grinder1989

    Old school amps

    14.2 volts @ max volume on my 1500D when I had it (1.4 ohms)
  5. Grinder1989

    Old school amps

    No, I figured I'd be ok with the 200 but damn, not this thing lol. I'm going to have to order those fuses too. If anyone could help me out on that cap, LMK. I'll pay for the part, your trouble, and the shipping. Thanks Flakko.
  6. Grinder1989

    Old school amps

    Well I kinda figured it would draw a lot more current, its just it wasn't too hard on my electrical with my Sundown. I'm upgrading to a yellow top up front and possibly another in the back. I really don't want to upgrade the alt quite yet however I'm considering it. Hell, the stock alt was 70 amp lol. Thanks for the help guys. Output POwer at 12.6V: 2 x 200W @ 4 ohms (THD < 0.006%) 2 x 400W @ 2 ohms 2 x 800W @ 1 ohm 2 x 1200W @
  7. Grinder1989

    Old school amps

    Well I kinda figured it would draw a lot more current, its just it wasn't too hard on my electrical with my Sundown. I'm upgrading to a yellow top up front and possibly another in the back. I really don't want to upgrade the alt quite yet however I'm considering it. Hell, the stock alt was 70 amp lol. Thanks for the help guys.
  8. Grinder1989

    Old school amps

    Seller actually sent me a VLX-400 with a VLX-200 end cap.
  9. Grinder1989

    Nightshade Prototype

    I ended up getting this sub off Jake and I'm so glad I did. Here's a link to CA.com http://www.caraudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=268616 I'm considering trying out DB drag or something in the spring. Not only is it loud but it sounds pretty good for an SPL sub (much better that a DMX 15 IMO) Anyway, I'll have some pics of my trunk up once I clean up the wiring.
  10. Grinder1989

    Customer Service

    I have to agree with all of you. He has helped me out several times with big problems, and dumb questions (to him at least lol) But Jake is a great guy and that alone is going to make Sundown great.
  11. Grinder1989

    Huge Sundown Vinyls

    X2. I need one to match my 1500D