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Everything posted by slim2fattycake

  1. slim2fattycake

    Got to love ups...

    that sucks but you can only wait it out. paint your box or something who wants to open a shipping company with me so we can handle shipments the right way. no broken parts, no douchebags thowing our stuff around and every thing comes on time and together.
  2. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    i want to drive two sundown sd1-v1 at 4 ohms. i was looking at the Megabass ll
  3. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    i think ill try the reverse airflow first. so is there another kind of resistor that i can use that is going to be better than using the 100ohm 10 watt resistor so that it does turn on and not heat up? going lower in ohms?
  4. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    should i get a new fan altogther or could i just connect a 100 ohm 10 watt resistor to decrease the fan's rpm? and how do you reverse the airflow? can i just turn the fan around? and i think that with the new ep units, they did a hot glue connection so that ppl cant void the warranty and then go back to stock when its broken. ill have to see when i get it though.
  5. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    thanks a lot. ill prolly do the mod then i guess because even if i can stand the fan noise, i think the back-front air flow is stupid. it gets debris and whatnot in there. ill try to get some pictures or a vid when im done setting everything up. thanks again Robert.
  6. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    "below" 20hz.
  7. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    The stock fan sounds like a small airplane motor. Unless you are putting the amp in a closet, you must swap the fan.http://www.hometheatershack.com/forums/diy...ger-ep2500.html It's a long thread. I used it for basic info. Picked up a Panaflow fan from DigiKey and used a power connector from a PC power supply that connects to a 3.5" floppy drive. I had to modify it with a pair of pliers and a Dremel to get it to fit. But 20 minutes later, I had an extremely quiet amp. My box is not a cube. In fact, they are still in their test boxes. I never quite finished the real boxes. -Robert so a small airplane motor, like a toy plane or a real small plane? lol. but yea i think its goin in a cabinet. so what signs should i look for before my sub is about to die because its playing before 20hz? and i like your cherry stain or w/e.
  8. slim2fattycake

    Two 10" Icons (Pix)

    what rims are those on the car and is the car that low stock? everything looks nice.
  9. slim2fattycake

    Box for AQ HDC3 10"

    that looks really good.
  10. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    yea, i guess im going to be firing it forward. i like to see it move. hehe. i am going to be building this with no box building experience before hand, but i got some help around me that may point me the right way when im doing something wrong. is your box a cube? because i would like the height to be the greatest dimensions but i dont want the possibility of the box falling forward due to the weight of the sub. and i would like to ask you about the behringer amp. is the fan really that bad to do the mod? i dont want to mess up the warranty if its not worth it.
  11. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    i dont have kids, im 20, and no dogs or anything that could mess it up. i was wanting to fire it at the audience. how about that? and what do you mean 3" on hardwood or 4" on carpet? and what is a dowel rod for? and is that 1.44cubic ft after bracing and sub? and do i have to have those holes in the bracing? can i go with different dimensions rather than just a cube?
  12. slim2fattycake

    Taking audio from a DVD to a CD?

    how good was the quality on the dvds? i mean the only reason i would want two dvds is with better quality. i hate it when features are packed into one dvd. it takes out of the space for better quality of sound and video. however, i do like that idea of putting trilogies together on one disc. but slim2fattycake is a long time sn. i actually have it as the name on here too but i think i put phi as the nickname or something. lol. but yea i use a lot of those programs too. i should show you my collection. but yea i dont know any other way to send it faster than gettin on aim and then transfer.
  13. slim2fattycake

    Taking audio from a DVD to a CD?

    if you have aim, i can send it to you on there. slim2fattycake.
  14. slim2fattycake

    Taking audio from a DVD to a CD?

    um, i got the program. its a lot easier than that. it'll let you listen to each video i think. its been a while since i used it. i remember it works perfect.
  15. slim2fattycake

    Taking audio from a DVD to a CD?

    isofter dvd audio ripper.
  16. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    So, if i switch off the ssf at 30hz then i will have to be really care about the stuff i play and the level its at, right? my receiver is supposed to come today, i guess in a couple of hours. but it has a calibration mic as well. the receiver is a yamaha rx-v663. i think it has everything i need especially under $400. i also just bought the behringer ep1500. i used a 10% off to get it for under $250. . do you think i should have that destroyer in my system? so, what should the volume of the box be and which way should if fire it? lol. that sounds really good though. i should get something like that ready so when im doing setting everything up, i could just sit back and enjoy a cold one with the awesome theater im going to have.
  17. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    what do you mean by defeatable ssf? and what did you fix after you had the ssf set to 30hz? yea, the car feel is not going to happen because my basement is huge. i will be sitting down and reading the manual and asking more questions before i really start watching or listening to anything. i think i will go with the SSD for the smaller enclosure. so i should go sealed with what lenths for length, width, and height? also, should i have it firing downward or towards the audience or towards a wall? and if i havent said this yet, i want to say you are a god among men. thanks for the help. i can only give you an e-beer for now.
  18. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    so, if i went with the behringer ep1500, i would mess up my sub? then what should i get instead? and does the ep amp have a subsonic filter? i was also lookin at the mods for the ep amps. or should i just stick with the plan of 2 sd1-v1?
  19. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    i was looking at the behringer, http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cf...tnumber=248-745 but the rep said that with the lt1300 amp plate, i can go straight from amp to receiver without xlr conversions. and that the behringer would have more noise due to running fan.
  20. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    i had my ssd on around 1200 watts in my car so i think it shouldnt be too bad with 1300w if i kept the level down. I like a lot of headroom. the ssd has flatwind coils and bp option on it also. its more than double the wattage for 100 dollars. o and about the subsonic filter, if i hook the amp into the subwoofer line, wouldnt the receiver control the frequencies going to the sub amp? http://www.yamaha.com/yec/products/product...DETYP=ATTRIBUTE thats the receiver i am going to have 2morrow. could you explain more: "You won't exceed xmax ever but you very close starting at 20hz.". ima noob.
  21. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    i was talking to a elemental rep earlier about their amp plates but in the process i got to look at other amp plates with more power. i was thinking if i scratched that idea of 2 sd1 v1's and use my 12" fi ssd with an elemental LT/1300 (its supposed to be made by Keiga), what do you think about that? should i go with sealed still if i did that?
  22. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    this is where i found that amp http://www.megabassbob.com/
  23. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    so is the Megabass amp no good?
  24. slim2fattycake

    i need help picking an amp plate

    i will be watching movies mostly, but occasional party music. i would like to go sealed. i like to spend as least as possible. i would however like to fully power the sd1-v1's. i will have this setup with a yamaha rx-v663 receiver. i have two sets of tower speakers, two rear cubes, 1 center speaker. the room is my basement but not the whole basement. i would be using about 15ftx15ft max. for the entertainment area.
  25. slim2fattycake

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    hurry the hell up.