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Everything posted by slim2fattycake

  1. its a 2.5 inch thick Fiberboard the sound that comes out of it is powerful and clean as hell have you heard the sub in a 3/4 inch thick mdf box built right?
  2. what material is specially made for the 18" solo X?
  3. slim2fattycake

    95 Honda Accord Build Log

    there non vtec and vtec and theres v6 engines too. the v6 engine is only on the 97 maybe. and some ppl swap h22 engines in. i have the f22b engine and the alternator is right on top. it was pretty easy to get to.
  4. slim2fattycake

    Need Subsonic filter for Home theater build.

    he made the thread for me. sorry, i didn't say anything.
  5. slim2fattycake

    95 Honda Accord Build Log

    is the 95 accord that different from the 96? what engine do you have? i think the f22 engines have easy to reach alternators. i am not sure with the h22 though.
  6. slim2fattycake

    Need Subsonic filter for Home theater build.

    the thing is that i already have the eQ.2 processor. it does the job.
  7. slim2fattycake

    Need Subsonic filter for Home theater build.

    there are a lot of movies now that have things that will go down to 5hz. i just want to be on the safe side. an example would be the parts where the alien pods come out of the ground in war of the worlds.
  8. slim2fattycake

    95 Honda Accord Build Log

    damn 7...
  9. slim2fattycake

    Need Subsonic filter for Home theater build.

    i went with the eQ.2. I am very happy with it besides the auto turn-on feature. This should have been taken out of the whole unit.
  10. slim2fattycake

    ixl10 goodness

    When I saw the first picture, I was like thats kinda cute like a fat panda bear. Then when I saw the rest of the sub, omg, its Grizzly bear. lol nice subs...
  11. slim2fattycake

    95 Honda Accord Build Log

    sweet, i have the 96 accord coupe. our trunk is exactly the same. can you even put the back seat up with that 3000d on there? lol. nice battery rack. i think ill have to steal that idea. now i know that a d3100 battery will fit nicely in there. i am going to go with about 1.5 cubes net less than you because i built a latch to get to my spare tire. im going with two 10s though and about the same amount of power if i keep my mind set on it.
  12. it doesn't matter. it matters on how much power his amps are going to pull. there is no set number of batteries needed, it depends on the battery. i mean he could get one giant RV battery with about 300Ah or something and be okay. however, those batteries are massive and weigh about 150lbs.
  13. slim2fattycake

    cheap 0/1 wire

    damn, you had to post right before me. lol
  14. slim2fattycake

    cheap 0/1 wire

    what do you guys look at when you say that the wires are good? i have seen that not all 1/0 wires are the same. check the actual thread counts and look at the material around the strands. some companies use thicker insulation to call their wires 1/0 wires when it really has as many strands as another company's 2 gauge.
  15. slim2fattycake

    Sundown SAZ-1500d

    check every connection before you start playing again.
  16. slim2fattycake

    difference between GEL and AGM technologies

    thank you. I am set now on AGM batteries. When I am looking at batteries to power my car audio, should I decide on the different batteries' AH rating and, max discharge current rating or short curcuit current rating?
  17. slim2fattycake

    another nice october day at college

    hot>cold for me.
  18. slim2fattycake

    BL FL Recomended AMP

    word. lol.
  19. slim2fattycake

    Pioneer subs in my buddy's subaru

    lol. what the hell? did you get a hernia from reading this or something?
  20. slim2fattycake

    difference between GEL and AGM technologies

    I found this on another website that promotes both types. "The Gel Cell excels in slow discharge rates and slightly higher ambient operating temperatures. One big issue with Gel Batteries that must be addressing is the CHARGE PROFILE. Gel Cell Batteries must be recharged correctly or the battery will suffer premature failure. The battery charger being used to recharge the battery(s) must be designed or adjustable for Gel Cell Batteries. If you are using an alternator to recharge a true Gel Cell a special regulator must be installed."
  21. slim2fattycake

    Problem with a US Amps MD2D...

    I got almost the same problem. one of the speaker thread is messed up and I cant get any screws to work with it.
  22. slim2fattycake

    difference between GEL and AGM technologies

    I cant remember but I was on websites like apexbattery.com, powerstridebattery.com, etc. they sell many different types of batteries from many different companies. I didn't just look at one siding sites. it must have been a FAQ somewhere. so what if i found two battery with about the same price, similar amp hour rating, and similar size/weight, but one was incorporated with GEL cells and the other with AGM cells? which do i choose? edit: okay, I just saw at the left side of the PDF, "which is right for your marine applications". lol.
  23. slim2fattycake

    difference between GEL and AGM technologies

    i just found a PDF online off of some company, i dont remember. there were many windows open. but it shows that the GEL technology is a better choice between the two when moderate to heavy trolling and starting is needed. The AMG technology is weaker in heavy trolling. I don't exactly know what trolling mean. But it seems like GEL > AMG. Input?