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Everything posted by slim2fattycake

  1. slim2fattycake

    Painting an Enclosure

    I think the stuff on cabnets that you are talking about is veneer. For my home theater box, I used a high gloss paint. it looks almost like a panio finish. Granted, I could have sanded it a little more between each coat and after but I wanted to hurry so its not perfect. I don't know if that would help you though. Good luck ont he bondo though.
  2. slim2fattycake

    Second Skin needs help naming a new thermal insulation product.

    Second Skin DampaFire, DamperFire, Damp-a-Fire, Damper-Fire.
  3. slim2fattycake

    glad to be here but

    So are you strictly talking about icons or not? Reread what you post.
  4. slim2fattycake

    Doctor Q's Box Build Specs

    Good luck. That looks awesome though. It should sound loud.
  5. slim2fattycake

    Two 10" SSD build

    Yup, no low voltage at all. Also, I am going to be getting a DC Power Alt. too.
  6. slim2fattycake

    internet shops

    Well then it must be another one.
  7. slim2fattycake

    Two 10" SSD build

    well, the amp went up in smoke when we were testing so I just sold that off to someone that knows how to fix it because it is a great amp and is pretty pricey for a new one. I am going to be picking up an audiopipe AP-3000D.
  8. slim2fattycake

    internet shops

    I am not sure but I remember some people on CA.com had bad experiences with them. I could be mistaken for another site close or like it.
  9. slim2fattycake

    internet shops

    http://www.sonicelectronix.com/ These guys have better pricing I think and I have bought from them many times. Great customer service too.
  10. Thanks but I think I am going to sell it. I don't want to fool with it anymore. Maybe someone that can fix it themselves can get a good deal on this amp. Thanks for the help again. I have heard of CIA Engineering but didn't know they repair amps too. http://www.caraudioclassifieds.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13976
  11. Right now I am going to bring it to Audio Sound, a local repair shop. I debated between dB-r and amp repair center as well but didn't want to mess with shipping/shipping costs. Snoopdan has had some powerbass amps repaired at Audio Sound before for decent pricing so I'll try them because I won't have to pay to ship and they are like 10 mins from my house. Shizzzon thinks they are pretty knowledgeable as well. This is way out of my element to mess with. lol.
  12. slim2fattycake

    Powermaster d3100

    you can try contacting mechman. He has xs power batteries for sale the last time I checked.
  13. slim2fattycake

    T-Line box for a Fi Bl 12

    very nice.
  14. Thanks. I'll have to send it to get repaired then.
  15. How much would replacing all the fets and the PWM IC if that is all that needs replacing cost? Well how about how much does it cost in parts? I am not going to be doing the repair myself but may be able to get someone local to do it for me for a low price and all I have to do is buy the parts. Also, what could make the chip short out like that? I doubt the chip was defective because I am the 2nd owner and the previous owner took good care of it and didn't have any problems to my knowledge.
  16. Someone suggested the PWM IC was defunct, replace with a TL494, and do the routine fet replacement. But he doesn't know why this happened. Drivers = 2 10" Fi SSD dual 1 ohms. More info here http://www.caraudio.com/forum/showthread.php?t=420267
  17. slim2fattycake

    best subs for application?

    Have you looked at Fi subs? I can say that the Fi 12" SSD was awesome on all types of music. They are fairly cheap too. Are you going to be running 4 12"s in that box with the same 1000 watt amp?
  18. I have the same relay as he does. I bought it from him which he got from oznium.
  19. the 12volt line goes to your ignition wire either on the head unit harness or somewhere else so when you turn your car, it will turn on. Its says it in the diagram I linked.
  20. did you not look at the diagram?
  21. http://www.oznium.com/relay200/tech That diagram should let you know where to run the power and ground off the relay Use grounds that are less than 3ft. ps- sean, your diagram are ugly lol.
  22. http://www.oznium.com/relay200http://www.oznium.com/relay200 You can use this relay as an isolator. http://www.oznium.com/images/wiring_diagrams/battery_isolator_diagram.jpg Remember to have a good ground on the relay or it won't click on.
  23. slim2fattycake

    def. of sq??

    what was your set-up?
  24. slim2fattycake

    New System Ideas. Have To Downgrade :(

    I am not possitive on your car but I think you can get a new belt when getting a new high output alternator. mechman actually says you have to for his 200 amp alt and above. I think you need to go to another mechanic. lol.