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Everything posted by slim2fattycake

  1. slim2fattycake


    2 10" Fi SSDs on 1200 watts tuned to 44hz 146.2dB in the kick from the trunk. I gotta build a new box for comps though.
  2. slim2fattycake

    I want to play a game....

    I wonder what time tonight that he'll let all you guys down by telling you that I won.
  3. slim2fattycake

    Am i wrong here?

    Not one time did I come across anyone with a low budget that wanted excellent SQ.. just loudness. all I've read here is mostly different mindsets from loud to strictly SQ. x2 on the whole post and I definitely agree with the last sentence. The OP doesn't know what he wants and is more than likely in for more volume and not really SQ.
  4. slim2fattycake


    op, can you specify the et of your 149 setup? and please turn the caps lock off.
  5. slim2fattycake

    possible barrier

    lol. Don is the man. I love my MLV. ps- I saw this thread and thought it could be something interesting to use but I guess nothing will beat the SOUNDDEADENERSHOWDOWN!
  6. slim2fattycake

    lithium's build part III

    nice amp rack and carpeting skills. They look similar to mine. I want to see this through as well. I got an MJ-18M in the home theater right now and it sounds amazing for $175.
  7. slim2fattycake

    Quick opiniated question

    Well, I am cheap so I wouldn't dish out the extra money for a sub that I don't have enough power to let it shine or put it to work. But if he already has it or if he wants it then so be it. As its his money and his set-up. Just my opinion.
  8. slim2fattycake

    Quick opiniated question

    what kinda battery is in the back? Can you upgrade that if needed? Also, what size wiring do they have stock for the trunk battery to the alternator? Can you upgrade that if needed for the big 3? I'd say if you don't want to upgrade your electrical then go with an amp thats about 1000-1200watts and downgrade to the BL. With that power theres no need to go with a more expensive BTL. Trust me Fi subs can take a bit more power than what they are rated for when put in the right box. Can you go larger in sub size? A bigger sub in a large ported box with lower power will get you the BOOM BOOM you want as well. Make sure to have plenty of port area. And make sure the shop knows what they are doing or you can make them tell you the box specs/plans first and post it up on here before letting them make it so we can tell you that its bullshit or not.
  9. slim2fattycake

    Chops first official box design?

    Theres more than just car audio. Theres the car show section too.
  10. slim2fattycake

    So i work at Best BUy need sugestions

    Yea ebay was my best friend in high school but i want something with a warranty and with ours i can blow subs and just get them replaced, but i really wanna try some mach5s ixls If you want warranty, stick with Best buy. If you want quality and loudness minus the price tag, I recommend Audioque's HDC3's :] a pair will blow the **** out of your car Any of the good companies will have warranty. You don't just have to buy from Best Buy for a warranty. The only thing that isn't warrantied is user error.
  11. slim2fattycake

    ******GEO METRO WALL BUILD******

    nice work. that sucks that alternator is so low down there.
  12. slim2fattycake

    12" fi bl

    What? Get dual 2 ohms on the BL and you will be able to wire it down to 1 ohm. http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/woofer_configurations.asp?Q=1&I=22
  13. slim2fattycake

    10" Mach5 iXL build

    Yup, I was going to do that. I debated on if I wanted to 45 the corners or not. lol. I probably wont.
  14. slim2fattycake

    choosing the right 15" sub

    I am guessing by highs you mean more SPL? Redo your box with a higher tuning is the cheapest thing to do. And I really haven't heard anything about having the Qs be able to recone to BLs. That doesn't even sound right.
  15. slim2fattycake

    sub cut out placement

    why is A the best in that picture without real dimensions?
  16. slim2fattycake

    sub cut out placement

    shizzzon cheated. He changed the design of the box <- cock. lol
  17. slim2fattycake

    sub cut out placement

    There you go. lol. F you sean.
  18. slim2fattycake

    sub cut out placement

    Yes. I wanna say B or C but it really depends on the real dimensions. I'd go with B.5 right between B and C. At A, it looks like the air flow isn't going to be as good. It would be a lot easier if it were drawn up to scale as well if you wanted specifics.
  19. slim2fattycake

    sub cut out placement

    far away from the port interior opening as possible.
  20. slim2fattycake

    Diagram of Big 3

    You should talk to the company that you got your alternator from too. More than likely they will know the wires on their own alternators better instead of a mechanic, which would know stock or engine wiring.
  21. slim2fattycake

    2008 Accord with a single 12" Fi SSD

    the o8 accord coupes are so clean. I wished I had an 08 instead of a 96 lol.
  22. slim2fattycake

    2008 Accord with a single 12" Fi SSD

    vid at the end of pics. Very nice install. great use of space.
  23. slim2fattycake

    price for design enclosure

    I doubt they will take the time and design the box for your specific car for free.
  24. slim2fattycake

    Sound Splinter Dual Rl-i8 setup with pics! :D (Advice please!)

    awesome design on the box. wished I could cut like that lol.