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Everything posted by slim2fattycake

  1. slim2fattycake

    Mach5 Audio SPL 12

    I'll get a picture of it for ya lol.
  2. slim2fattycake

    hey nick

    yo nick. yo shit is only good in WV/VA. lol. This is a joke right?
  3. slim2fattycake

    btl 18 cuts out at high volume HELP!!!!!!

    turn the gain down. 1/2 doesn't mean you're only send half the power to the sub.
  4. slim2fattycake

    btl 18 cuts out at high volume HELP!!!!!!

    check your voltage while playing it and see what the voltage is when the amp cuts out.
  5. slim2fattycake

    (2) 15 Fully Loaded BTLs or (2) 15 DD 3500?

    How much did you pay for it? I heard they are expensive as hell.
  6. slim2fattycake

    enclosure for 12 inch fi bl subwoofer

  7. slim2fattycake

    confused about enclosure

    I clamp and then screw as well and then move onto the next sides. I don't have enough clamps to hold a whole box together. I only do 1-4 screws depending on length of the panel.
  8. He had it under his other company name and then some scamming issues went down. Bad rep is probably why he changed to this name.
  9. slim2fattycake

    The shortest complete sentence in the English language

    If "I?" is the answer then technically all letters of the alphabet could be used. If I asked which letter am I thinking about? You could answer, "A?" "B?" etc.
  10. slim2fattycake

    RCA cables

    monoprice rca or python rca from ebay. cheap and good insulation so it doesn't rip so easy. I hate those weak ass kicker twisted rcas. They ripped apart so easy.
  11. slim2fattycake

    db electrical a joke!

    Shoulda went with DC Power
  12. I use a remote gain not bass knob.
  13. slim2fattycake

    getting used to fi car audio

    What the fuck kinda question is that? How does anyone know if you would get used to it or not? How do we know if you're really bass hungry or a daily bump kinda person? Damn, these questions....
  14. slim2fattycake


    no, 100 watts isn't too much for a BL if you do/don't know what you're doing.
  15. slim2fattycake

    I need a box for my 2001 impala

    make sure you can actually get the box with those dimensions inside the trunk.
  16. slim2fattycake

    SSD or BTL

    lol someone's pissed at the replies. O, please don't neg rep me.
  17. slim2fattycake

    The Official SPL-Labs SPL Meter Group Buy Thread

    Pmed. I didn't want to post a link to another forum for the solution.
  18. slim2fattycake


    The knob is a gain knob not a bass knob.
  19. slim2fattycake

    Kickers Comps ---> Fi BL 12

    Their subs are made to order. There may be like 10 people that called right before you.
  20. slim2fattycake


    bass boost is pure shit.
  21. slim2fattycake

    Avalanche 18" That unfortunetly I blew out

    Are you serious?
  22. slim2fattycake

    What should i be expecting???

    I say 150dB+ - 100dB
  23. slim2fattycake

    SSD or BTL

    lol at thread
  24. slim2fattycake

    Cone surface or power ?

    Not always. It depends on the space.