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Everything posted by slim2fattycake

  1. slim2fattycake

    I did not receive my order

    talk to UPS. tell them to ask their driver to verify what address he delivered it to. check with neighbors and houses on your street that have almost similar addresses. I had this problem with DHL once.
  2. slim2fattycake

    Is something wrong with 15 ssd?

    You got this from me on CA. I didn't hear any problems when I free aired it before shipping to you. Everything looks fine as well. I even listened to it in the previous owner's car.
  3. slim2fattycake

    Car amplifier current draw problem

    Wait, so is the REM wire connected straight to the battery instead of the remote turn on from the head unit?
  4. slim2fattycake

    149.5 db @ 39hz.

    real nice.
  5. March 2nd 2009?? Not to call anyone out here but I have emailed DC Power twice a week ago with no response. Call them. That is the best way to contact them.
  6. When did you become a member here, Kyle?
  7. slim2fattycake

    The Official SPL-Labs SPL Meter Group Buy Thread

    Just trying to get the actual name out and not have it so generic sounding. lol.
  8. slim2fattycake

    The Official SPL-Labs SPL Meter Group Buy Thread

    Mark, its a SPL-Lab meter not SPL meter. hehe.
  9. slim2fattycake

    Audio Wrap

    Don, I see you lurking. What's your insight lol.
  10. slim2fattycake

    Power for SSA DCON 12S4

    turn it down and it also depends on your box.
  11. slim2fattycake

    I want to get metered.

    The SPL-Lab meters are very affordable and just as accurate as the termlab.
  12. slim2fattycake

    Audio Wrap

    what all have you used?
  13. slim2fattycake

    Mach5 Audio SPL 12

    mach5 spl 12 in a grand am 3.5 gross 2.5 net tuned to 42hz
  14. slim2fattycake

    SSD or BTL

    That's how gangstas talk. It cull 2 b re-tar.
  15. slim2fattycake

    Mach5 Audio SPL 12

    This isn't the way it's supposed to be. Its supposed to be fired back with port on the driver side. We'll see which is louder when he gets back with a bigger amp.
  16. slim2fattycake

    Create more AC AMPS?

    You must have looked at garbage high output alternators. No alternator from dc power will have lower ratings in any parts of the rpm bandwidth compared to stocks. However, this was the case when I tried a rewound stock alt to high output. I got about half the output at idle compared to stock. This was also the case with an ebay boss load alternator. I would dip into the low 12s with stock alternator and an extra deka in the trunk with just a 3k amp, idle or 2k rpm. I don't even get below 13.5 with all lights and accessories on with the 3k amp at IDLE. These are all read from the battery in the trunk.
  17. slim2fattycake

    Create more AC AMPS?

    Don't get a smaller pulley without contacting DC Power, they design and put the alternator together for your vehicle to work with your vehicle. My car couldn't get a smaller pulley or the engine would bog down too much at idle even with low loads. Make sure you have a belt with good grip and make sure you have it tight. I had this problem too and I just had to tighten the belt. Some belts will loosen after the first month or so and you need to tighten it again to be tight for sure. Talk to Rob and he will help you out.
  18. slim2fattycake

    sub making popping noise

    looks like chrome for marketing.
  19. slim2fattycake

    sub making popping noise

    why is that? why is it so special?
  20. slim2fattycake

    sub making popping noise

    more than likely bottoming out. it doesn't take a lot of power to bottom out a sub free aired.
  21. slim2fattycake

    sub making popping noise

    what sub, amp power, and box size and tuning? You may be bottoming it out. Do you hear this pop when the sub is extended really far inward?
  22. really doubt your score goes up any with different speaker wires.
  23. slim2fattycake

    Mach5 Audio SPL 12

    Currently being ran off 400 watts. User will upgrade to 2-3k soon when funds allow.