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Everything posted by slim2fattycake

  1. slim2fattycake

    md2d 06 amp keep blowing fuses

    no strays and if i take a wire out i usually tape them up.
  2. slim2fattycake

    md2d 06 amp keep blowing fuses

    well i tested the amp out before i installed it in the car so if it was bad then i could return it to the seller. it worked fine then. it has been a week since then and it has only been sitting in my dining room till now. and what do you mean by try disconnecting the whole chain? and ill try to see if taking the cap out will help. man i have used about 25 dollars of fuses lol
  3. slim2fattycake

    md2d 06 amp keep blowing fuses

    well see i would disconnect the battery neg. and then install the fuses and when i reconnect the battery neg., i see more sparks than usual and then when i check back at the amp, the fuses are blown. the car wasnt even turned on yet. do you wanna pm me with a address or number? ima try to make it out this week right after school. someone is coming to buy my hifonics amp as well this week so i wanna get this us amp going. its gonna suck if its something internal.
  4. slim2fattycake

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    i got the ssd fully loaded and its really nice. it doesnt sound like chit but can still get loud. ppl think i got two 12"s. i got around 1200watts on it right now but im about to put 1500-1700 watts on it with a us amp md2d.
  5. slim2fattycake

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    yea man pm my ass and ill be out to help out. id like to check out yo chit too.
  6. slim2fattycake

    What options should I get on SSD

    id get bp power 2
  7. slim2fattycake

    12" SSD setup

    4 gauge is fine. i have 2 runs of 4 gauge under the hood and one 4 gauge wire to the back. i got about 1200-1600 watts.
  8. slim2fattycake

    Trying to decide between AA Havoc and Fi Q

    ssd's are nice on any kinda music. i use mine for all types of music.
  9. slim2fattycake

    First Build - 2000 Accord

    well i got a 96 accord 2dr. and the sunroof was no problem at all. all i had to do was not close the inside latch all the way and it wont vibrate and rattle bad. the only problem i got is the headliner. its bad... i thought it was my sub at one point.
  10. slim2fattycake

    First Build - 2000 Accord

    nice set-up.
  11. slim2fattycake


    damn maybe i underestimated the soundstreams...
  12. slim2fattycake

    box design for one 12" ssd from a noob

    http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/s...ke/boxspecs.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/s...tycake/box1.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd246/s...tycake/box2.jpg ok what do you guys think of this box. i am going to build it for 1 12" SSD fully loaded. i used re box builder. is it any good? i havent taken the corner pieces out of the total box volume or the sub itself yet, but i think it should still be within 1.8-2.5 cft. and i am wanting to know where i should put braces. damn, maybe after the braces, i would be out of optimum volume. also i was wondering if it would help if i filled the lil slits from the corner pieces with wood filler.
  13. slim2fattycake

    how good are BL's at SQ?

    the only thing cheap about the SSD is the price. its a great sub.
  14. slim2fattycake


    i guessed i must have made a mistake between the pca n pcx
  15. slim2fattycake


    are you sure they dont make the pca line anymore cus i was about to get one a couple of months back and saw that they are new on the website.
  16. slim2fattycake


    the pca2000d wont be giving you 1500 rms. and i think ppl say that the new soundstream amps are not that good.
  17. slim2fattycake

    my chicks hobby..

    controller and mushroom was tight.
  18. thanks, o yea i forgot the money i got left is for the 2nd battery and the money that i am going to get from selling my current amp is going to be for a refurbished sundown. the sundown will be my last install for my audio. until a later time when i can make money.
  19. yea i just dont think i am going to go for anything louder or spend anymore just on audio. the rest of my car needs money too . like i said. i was just thinking of using what i got left and if it was going to help or just goin to be a waste of time.
  20. slim2fattycake

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    i think meades said that its thinner but is a lil heavier.
  21. im tryin not to spend anymore money on audio right now, so spending >0 dollars is too much . the only money i got now is for an extra battery.
  22. How about if I ran another 4 gauge and kept the existing wire in order to save money?? Or would it be hard to find a distro block that I could connect them both too? is running two 3ga wires like running one 2ga then? i have a bit of 4ga left after install and wanted to know the same thing he wants to know here. i really dont want to waste more money on new 1/0ga wires.
  23. slim2fattycake

    From: 5000-watt Amp Thread

    i wish i had the money and subs to get that amp. crap! sorry about post
  24. slim2fattycake

    Hair trick with 2 BTL 12's

    yea sweet pics of the girl lol. i've seen her play , shes hot
  25. slim2fattycake

    New 2008 BTL Video.... A little preview

    you need to get a vid of them running to shut up all these non-believers