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Everything posted by 95Honda

  1. 95Honda

    IB build

    Well, I finished the built in cabinets, I built them pretty much from scratch. Along with the Mantle. I built a paint booth in the garage and sprayed/sanded multiple coats with everything so it looks really good. Next step will be a set of shelves on each side and wiring for all the in-walls. Slow but steady progress.
  2. It will sound better, last longer and run more efficient if you just run 4ohm/channel. You probably would barely notice the difference in output. Running minimum impedance is retarded for all but burps on a mic...
  3. If you have a car or truck with a frame, you will always have lower resistance grounding to the frame. In some very limited cases with uni-body construction and very poor ground placement you could do better with seperate conductor all the way to the battery. In my opinion, most people run extra ground wires because they don't understand how they could do it better without running the extra wires... Or they think it looks cool...
  4. 95Honda

    60's Mustang Build

    Should sound pretty good. High end stuff. I think th eonly issue will be the driver side SDX7, it just won't be able to get real on axis do to the clearance needed to operate the clutch... I am sure it will work out fine though... Nice thing about the Leviathan, he has 2 channels left so a sub is always a future possibility... I will ask him to take some pictures.
  5. 95Honda

    60's Mustang Build

    I ended up getting him a set of SDX7s, the top-end Scan-Speak Neo 1" ring radiators and the Leviathan to power everything. It is all being installed this week in Seattle, I am still in Colorado so I won't be working on it. I will let you guys know how it turns out.
  6. 95Honda

    remote wire question?

    Just remember, if you wire your HU directly to a 30 amp Bosch type relay it pulls 150+ ma continous, which can be near max for some HU remote voltage levels and is also normally much more current than what is required to turn on several amplifiers. Food for thought. Better off to get a smaller 5 amp or so relay with a primary coil 150-200+ ohms....
  7. 95Honda

    Four BTL 15 N2s, three different cutouts

    Aren't those the Venezuelan baskets? If so, I would have to seriously doubt there really is casting/forging tolerance issue. Look at your cutouts after the driver didn't fit and make sure there isn't any gouges from excess cast material. If not, UPS or FEDex probably re-adjusted them for you....
  8. 95Honda

    Coax to RCA

    Normal analog audio won't be on a single coax, if it is indeed a single audio output it is digital, especially if it is orange or geen colored. You would need a didgital input on your stereo. if it is an "F" type coax ouput (looks like a cable TV connector) than it isn't audio all together. Hope this helps.... Normally if a TV has a digitial audio output it should also have an anolog output stereo set. Or is it an old TV with a single mono analog audio output? If that is the case, buy a "y" adapter.... Sound will be mono though....
  9. 95Honda

    DIYcable.com/ Kevin Haskins/ Exodus audio

    Bummer. The economy has been rough....
  10. 95Honda

    The Difference..

    Awsome, really. You guys do more for the US than you will ever know....
  11. 95Honda

    IA flatlyne 15. i can smell it cookin

    Clipping has no effect on tinsel leads. If you can smell it, you are giving it too much power. Period. Only other thing that may cause this is a faulty amplifier that is producing something other than the intended signal and it's harmonics.... Probably not the issue in your case.
  12. 95Honda

    NeoPro-6.5, 8, and 10 Response Graphs

    Could you throw up some off-axis plots?
  13. 95Honda

    IA flatlyne 15. i can smell it cookin

    Clipping has absolutely nothing to do with it. At all. Every post contrary to this in this thread is B.S. If you keep smelling it, you are applying to much power, period.
  14. 95Honda

    Oddball Neo Specs

    That is a high Q. Are you sure both coils were hooked up? What do you mean by 1st order? Are you refering to a 4th order box? If so, most drivers that behave well sealed will work OK for 4th order bandpasses if they have sufficent Vas to allow for proper vent sizes...
  15. 95Honda

    did the price go up on the btl?

    Buy anything made of metal these days and you will understand..... Reloading components have skyrocketed.....
  16. 95Honda


    I am currently riding an 05' R1. This is my 14th sportbike. I ride 3-4 days a week. I would not reccomend a liter bike to anyone as a first bike, more than likely you will get hurt. Buy a cheap POS (you will drop it, even if it is while you are washing it) ride it for at least a few months until you are comfortable and then look at a bigger bike. Ninja 500, and Enduro or a cheap standard would be on top of my list for a beginner. My insurance is $40 a month for full coverage from USAA, but I am married and over 30. If you aren't, it can be expensive.... Just don't play into the gay "biker club" shit. Most of them are retards and you will do more harm to your riding skills than good by trying to keep up with them. If anyone has a mohawk on thier helmet just steer clear. If they are riding a Katana with a mohawk helment, they should be shot....
  17. 95Honda

    Box for 18" Xcon

    The major variable to determain your minumum port size is going to be input power. A 6" Areo would be fine at most normal tunings at moderate to high output levels. The only way you will know for sure is to model for vent velocity. The guy at the shop is a moron, I would not trust the box design from him....
  18. 95Honda

    Seeking some AMP advice

    Also, consider that RMS has nothing to do with subwoofer power requirements, at all....
  19. 95Honda

    Seeking some AMP advice

    Output impedance doubles when strapped, so dampening cuts in half right off the bat...
  20. 95Honda

    Seeking some AMP advice

    1/2 ohm is just a bad all around idea... You loose efficiency, lose dampening, loose sound quality and lessen parts life. Build an efficient box and run a nominal 2 ohm load with those subs... Your wallet and ears will thank you in the long run... Also, unless you can't get the power needed out of single amp, strapping (bridging) 2 amplifiers is the worst option. You again loose efficiency, dampening and sound quality.
  21. 95Honda

    bass cutting out at high volume

    I have had multiple LOCs cause this problem in the past, but since you said you bypassed it, that can't be the issue. I would try and find out if it is the amp or source, from your post, doesn't sound like the amp but you never know. Quick way to find out without test equipment would be to hook a different source up straight to the amp like an MP3 player and let it go balls out to see if it shuts down. If not, problem is the stock deck (low voltage causing shutdown?) or you LOC/eq.... Really, it is simple, you just have to start cutting the system in half and working from there. Be systematic about it, use your head, and you will figure it out or at least narrow it down to a section...
  22. 95Honda

    zaph Hi-Vi B3S crossover

    ^^ Yep, make sure you use the gauge spec'd. no smaller. If you bought a brand new set of speakers that were $3-4K and opened them up, you would be lucky to find parts of that quality........
  23. 95Honda

    IB build

    I am getting there. I should have all the built in cabinets done this weekend, or at least ready for paint. After that, I will get cracking on the sub install. I already bought alll the supplies, including a forced air vent that matches the rest of the ones in the house for the IB manifold to load through into the livingroom.
  24. I have no idea about your feedback, but telling someone that giving any driver that much power free-air isn't good advice. They will do it at 25Hz and rip the spider....
  25. Don't run the drivers free-air, there is no need to and you can easily damage them. You don't need to break them in. You have no idea how much power you were actually giving them. Clipping has no effect on the spider. If the spider is ripped it is because you exceeded the safe mechanical limits of the driver. This is very easy to do free-air. This is also your fault. Good luck. They might might last forever if you put them in the box, they might get worse...