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Everything posted by 95Honda

  1. 95Honda

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    You need to see about sending them in for a re-cone if they are cooked. If they are still OK, you may be fine... After that, have someone experienced double check you work before you fire it up again...
  2. 95Honda

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    You wired the coils out of phase and overheated the voice coils. Warranty won't cover this, sorry man... This is the only way you can pour enough power into a driver to overheat the voice coils without causing any cone movement. The only other possible thing that could have happened was your amplifier was faulty and was in some kind of uncontrolled high frequency oscillation. Warranty won't cover this, either...
  3. I am going to design a H/T enclosure for my brother's SX 15. It is a dual 4 ohm and was built in 2005. I cannot find the original T/S parameters for this driver, and non of my modeling programs have it either. I also have no idea if the current SX drivers are the same or not... Any help would be appreciated!
  4. 95Honda

    RE SX 15 T/S paramters needed...

    Thanks bro, I think that will get me started just fine...
  5. 95Honda

    orion sub challenge

    That's just it, you don't know which one took the most abuse because you don't know how much power each driver was getting... If the Orion was in an alignment that had a lot of ripple, it could have been tested at an impedance peak and was in fact getting drastically less power than calculated using driver Re. On the other hand, one of the other drivers could have been tested in an impedance trough and received closer to the calculated power...
  6. 95Honda

    orion sub challenge

    They have no idea what the power was because they based it off the Re of the driver. They had no idea what the actual power was once the system impedance was factored in, could vary 2-3x in overall power. Meaningless test.
  7. 95Honda

    SD-12, power and box?

    The RMS rating has nothing to do at all with how much power you need.
  8. 95Honda

    Enough port area for BL 15"?

    .132 (if you ever actually reach it) will be fine.
  9. 95Honda

    Enough port area for BL 15"?

    An 8" Aeroport has enough surface area for any 15" driver.
  10. 95Honda

    Newtown: 27 dead, including 20 children

    I don't think anyone thought you were being a jerk Jon. I have a 2 year old and 4 year old girl. I have been on active duty almost 16 years. I have lived in so many different places in the world I lost track. Safe and dangerous places. I think about this stuff all the time. I am armed to the tooth, I carry 100% of the time I am able, concealed and open. I think about evey situation I am in. I choose not to put myself in a situation that would ever cause me to use a firearm. I hope I never, ever have to shoot someone. I believe my wallet is worth more than anyone wanting to take its life. You can agree with my lifestyle or not. I am probably just more responsible for my own actions than you are if you disagree with me. That pretty much sums up how I go through life. I come from a super liberal family, seeing me and my wife and girls walking down the street you would think we are are regular suburban yuppie family. I like that.
  11. 95Honda


    The only downside to this is you will reach the thermal limits of the D2 driver before the D4 driver if they share the same internal air volume. You will reach the thermal and mechanical limits of the D2 driver before the D4 driver if they are in seperate air volumes. This will make it nearly impossible to optimize maximum output without damage for your customer...
  12. 95Honda

    Too much power???

    Additionally, clipping or "dirty" power has nothing to do with ruining your sub. It has never killed a subwoofer before, yours won't be any different. Just like people said, listen, look and smell for signs of stress...
  13. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    It isn't that. People get annoyed (including myself) when missinformation is posted and it is justified under the "well lets test and find out" banner. Not only does it misslead people, but it drags down this site. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with creative design, but making things up (like most of the "transmission line" enclosures, "I need clean power class D amps" and "The RMS of subwoofer is how much power it needs" for instance) doesn't help anyone and just perpetuates ignorance...
  14. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    If you experience difference in heating with the same power applied to the subwoofers then you are either being subjective with your testing or you are not in fact applying the same power...
  15. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    I think you are missunderstanding what is going on here. The voltage and current through the individual coils is a constant for a given power, an amplifiers output voltage and current sourced is what changes with voice coil wiring configuration.
  16. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    If you find out otherwise, your testing is flawed...
  17. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    There is no difference in what each coil will see either way. The parallel wiring will be less complicated overall, and not require strapping the amps, that is it... Also, each strapped pair only sees 1/2 the overall load, so they see .5 ohm each, so they see the same load as when you have them operating individualy in your example...
  18. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    Unless you change coil impedance, this is false. Given the same overall power...
  19. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    No, I think you understood it right. Alot of people get confused with this...
  20. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    By the way, the only thing that will effect the overall heat dissipation of the loudspeaker is to change the overall impedance. If you have a 4 ohm driver (single 4 ohm, 2 + 2 ohm, 1+1+1+1 ohm, etc) it will always dissipate the same amount of heat for a given power rating, no matter how you arrange the coils. If you have the same driver but at 8 ohms overall (single 8 ohm, 4 + 4 ohm, 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 ohm, etc) you will have less heat for the same given power due to less overall current flow, no matter how you arrange the coils. I hope this makes sense to you...
  21. 95Honda

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    Formula for voice coil heat is expressed as: Q = I^2/Z When Q = Heat, I = current and Z = impedance (source http://www.aes.org/t...121210/7059.pdf) So, no matter how you wire, the current through the individual coil doesn't change for the same given power. What changes is the amount of current and voltage an amplifier produces for a given output power. In other words, no matter how you wire up a group of coils, they heat up exactly the same with the same amount of overall power. Do some basic searches on current and voltage in AC circuits and it will make more sense...
  22. Batteries will never be completely open unless they are broken. Most often, the higher quality and high capacity batteries have exrtremely low ESR. Shizzon- 1. Draw a schematic diagram on paper of your battery bank. 2. Replace the battery drawings with resistors to represent ESR. 3. Now you will see why you are reading continuity from battery to battery. Now you cannot measure the ESR of a single battery with a DMM because the voltage potential from + to - post will damage the meter or severly throw off the reading. It is working in your case because you have removed the voltage potential because you are going across both positive terminals (there is no potential between +12 and +12, so no current flow). you are actually measuring the combined ESR of both batteries. There may be a small amount of voltage potential that is throwing your readings off due to the different float level of the batteries.
  23. Everyone is making this extremely overcomplicated... Batteries have Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR). That is what you have been messing with...
  24. Seriously. Take it to someone who knows what they are doing... If you can't isloate down to a ground issue in 5 minutes, you have bigger problems. Additionally, what you describe certainly sounds like you have a bunch of problems and can't figure out how to isolate them...