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Everything posted by 95Honda

  1. 95Honda

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I was issued Magpuls for my current deployment. I get to keep them, too... Well at least, I never signed a hand receipt... Nice Otis cleaning kit, too...
  2. 95Honda

    single cab blow through

    Bro, my cousin is STILL running a pair of Power 1000 Mosfets in his Chevelle, he bought them brand new in 1990... They were like $2K each back then or something ridiculous like that...
  3. 95Honda

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I don't understand the way some medical shit works out. My best friend just got through 4 months of chemo and radiation, 2 weeks after his last session we started our annual Elk hunt this last Nov. He had a brain aneurysm on the first day of our hunt and died 9 days later. The doctors said it was all the chemo that weakened his arteries. So what was supposed to help him ended up killing him...
  4. 95Honda

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Spammers. The Magpuls I have have been fine in all my ARs... I keep batches of them loaded too, so if they were spreading apart I probably would have noticed. I had some cheaper ones, made by PROMAG that you had to literally smash to get them to engage the magazine catch...
  5. 95Honda

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I guess I am crazy, but not a prepper. I just bough most of my stuff before I was married 10 years ago, I figured it was best to have what I needed before life went on. It was a good choice. I still buy stuff, not much though... I was buying pull-down mil-surplus powder 80lbs at a time in early 2000, when it was $3 a pound...
  6. 95Honda

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    All ammo is getting crazy to get... I haven't bought much factory stuff in about 10 years, but now I can't even get many of the components I need for reloading
  7. 95Honda

    07 xterra... build for the wife

    It absolutely sucks when someone dies. No way around it. But, in time, it goes away and all you think about is the good times...
  8. 95Honda

    crescendo pwx 6"

    Oh, and clipping doesn't effect a Polyfuse at all, just so that is clear... Only too much continuous power does...
  9. 95Honda

    crescendo pwx 6"

    Your crossovers probably contain "Polyfuses" (thermisters). When you overdrive the component set (it is set conservatively) they heat up and become highly resistive thus dropping the tweeter output level. When you let them cool, they go back to normal in a minute or so. The are horrible for sound quality and are used when you have cheap drivers that you know someone is going to abuse. If you want to get rid of them, just bypass them by soldering the two points together that the leads go through. It will sound better, but you will probably blow one of the tweeters eventually. They look like this:
  10. 95Honda

    PSI Subs

    David hand built me a set of subs a while back. No issues.
  11. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    The real easy part to get is that all you need to do is turn it down a bit... That's it. (and get your SSF set right)...
  12. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    BTW, your gain settings have nothing to with how much power you can potentially give the sub...
  13. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    Regardless of how, you are pumping too much into the sub...
  14. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    Yes, that is too low for your SSF, since the driver is in your trunk you may have not heard the damage you have been doing... Also, you getting the smell into your from the trunk, yikes!
  15. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    Box is probably OK. Where is your Sub Sonic Filter set at?
  16. 95Honda

    Mid-Bass Driver Selection

    I'll throw it around in my head for a bit...
  17. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    Just turn it down or get a 2nd driver if you need it that loud...
  18. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    ^^ Sort of, due to self dampening, the cone never "rests" and heats up anything quicker with the different signal. I doesn't matter if it is clean or not. It is simply too damn much power for the driver to deal with on a thermal level.
  19. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    Yeah, don't turn it up as loud as you are...
  20. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    OP, I don't think you understand what I am saying. That amp can easily produce more than 3Kw depending on output signal. If you smell those things every time you play for 10 minutes you are almost surely over-driving the sub... Heat on the dust cap is OK, but if it is stinking up your entire car in 10 minutes you are pushing the thermal limits of the driver.
  21. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    None of this matters. You can over-drive the sub easily with the amp you have... You are doing it right now...
  22. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    Just be careful, if you smell it all the time, you are over-driving the piss out of it...
  23. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    That and the fact that clipping doesn't hurt anything...
  24. 95Honda

    Sp4 dustcap getting warm?

    That is good advice, and not too spendy...