Hi, I recently just got a ford 2003 explorer, along with that i got a JL W7 13.5 and an amp that ive allready had, i just dont know anything about ohms or all this car electrical crap my Sub specs can be found here http://www.crutchfield.com/p_13692116/JL-Audio-13W7AE-D1-5.html?showAll=N&search=jl_w7_13&skipvs=T#details-tab and my amp here http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_17599_Hifonics-BXi-2610D.html I just need to know if this setup will work cause my sub has dual voice coil with 1.5 ohms per coil but the amp only does 1, 2 and 4 ohms i believe? i just dont know if this is to much power or what, im also using 0 gauge wire, and i have a 1200 Kinetik battery power cell, is that power cell powerfull enough for this setup if the setup even works? is the power cell good enough to stop my head light dimming and inside lights dimming? Thanks -Jake.