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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    40 min to go... hurry up clock!
  2. dem beats

    time to lose weight.

    mustard is not something I want with tuna. I use fat free miracle whip if I ever want to use samich dressing. Not because normal stuff is high in fat. It's high in really bad for you fats. I will put is in a different tone, most healthy fats will stay liquid at room temp. super oils will stay liquid when in the fridge. (check out udo's oil). Once you heat them though they change. The fat molicule changes how it is shaped, and then changes how it works. It can then be really high in not so healthy fats. The take home from this is use natural fats. Butter is better than margarin or crisco by leaps and bounds, etc. If you cook with those oils, do so sparingly. Try to eat more of those healthy oils as raw as possible. Home made vinegrette with olive oil is a fantastic way to get good fats. taste great on salmon too!
  3. dem beats

    time to lose weight.

    Big Jon salmon is great too. When I mentioned poultry earlier, it's just because usualy that's the only thing I can cook and travel with. Fish is SO much better though. Humans need the healthy fat from them. We thrive on it. I think it was argentina... Maybe somewhere else, but they eat more fish than any other population. Men there are some 10 times LESS likely to have heart issues.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I doubt anyone else will be as excited, but maybe I'll toss some of the kitchen renovation pics up too. If I can get my phone to work I'll toss on some pics of Cali when I drove through the canyons outside malibu.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll show pics later today when I get home. she came sat me down in front of 3 big boxes and one HUGE box that came in the mail. I told her she didn't have to buy me *that* many plum smugglers.
  6. dem beats

    Cutting plexiglass

    band saw FTW
  7. dem beats

    time to lose weight.

    it's SO HARD when your partner in life doesn't have the same issue. My wife ate a whole pie over the weekend. Not in one sitting mind you, but from friday night to monday night. She can do that, and it doesn't affect her as much right now. She responds so amazingly well to exercize. I on the other hand need to work really really hard to get my metabolism back to where it used to be. A couple of my health issues made me need to take anti depressants for pain for a while, and then I was prescribed antibiotics, which anialated my stomach. I'm still haveing issues from that 6 months later now. I feel your pain BigJon!
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I emailed and called my stock guy on the 9th and 10th to pick up 1000 shares of citigroup. The damn D bag didn't. I could wring him for it right now.....
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I leave early today at 11:00 so i'm getting my HOP whoreing in early.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's sad too. Looking at my oven, it's now the weakest link. I really don't want to buy another appliance...... but I'm not really in love with it. Heck I think my dish washer is more expensive. Not that price is always an indicator, but it certainly is has a better build to it. The cooktop is on point, the fridge is on point, dish washer is on point. Stupid oven. It actually looks like it has a small interior to it too. I probably just hate the thing because it reminds me of the home I had before, when I went into forclosure. It's kind of sad, I feel domesticated. I <3 my kitchen and it's appliances. Or better put, I will when it's finished. =P
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    gourmet TOP.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    damn kitchen remodel is going to drain me in cost though. I am really thinking I should maybe do a stone tile perhaps..... No matter what we need to figure it out by next week after I get these cabinets planted for good.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my wife gave me my wedding present/birthday present early. Now I NEED to get my kitchen done ASAP!
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love the xd It's not as good as my 1911. But nothing will be as I am biased. It changes weight drasticaly from full clip to 1 round. You just need to get familiar. I liked it so much I got an xdm 9mm so the wife could use one of the pistols in the house.
  15. dem beats

    time to lose weight.

    I am massiveely proud of you for posting something like this. It takes a lot of balls to post what you did. As you can see though there are many supporters. Since I started this job, I lost all my focus and put on 120 lbs and really am starting to have health problems, and did for the past 3 years. They stopped me from being active or eating healthy. Drinking water is one of the best. I do this naturaly, so I take it for granted, but water is like your bodies best lube and cleaner. It's like fuel additives and oil additives, you need to always keep a great level of it in you. I will say the best thing you have done is to start to realize exactly what you put in your body. That's number 1 when it comes to making the fat slide of with ease. I do want to dispell some myths that go around often. I like cars, so I'll use an analogy like I did before. The don't eat after dark myth. To over simplify you're bodies fat cells are like your car or trucks gass tank. If you put fuel in it, it will stay there untill you use it. It doesn't matter if you fill it up before work or after work. The don't eat after 4pm, or 6pm, or 4 hours before bed is worthless for fat loss really. It does however build mental toughness. Someone else mentioned it earlier, we are most likely to drink and eat poorly at night while comuning with fam and friends. So when you commit to eat nothing, it's a strong statement, and accomplishing that will set the tone for the next morning. Everytime you reach a goal(not eating before bed for example) it puts your mental focus in check, and makes you want to work harder to acheive your goal. The same in reverse is also true. Everytime we break and have a snack bag of cheetos, it makes that next diet cheat easier too. Eating less will help you loose weight. Fat is evil. Back to the car thing. Your metabolism is the engine of your car. You want to aim to have the best intake and outtake possible. Limiting the fuel won't build that metabolism, it will actually hurt you, and make you more tired. 3 of the 5 people I helped in a weight loss competition lost weight by increasing calories. It matters about what those calories are! The #1 best more powerfull fat burning product out there is lean protein. Hundreds of studies have proven than lean protein will increase the metabolism for 3 hours after eating a lean protein rich snack. 20 grams is all you need. I shoot for 20+ grams every 2 hours. That is the number one tool I have in my arsenal for cutting fat. It works like NOTHING ELSE. I use boneless skinless(insert lean poultry of choice here) and have a few bites every 2 hours. After you get a program like that going add in as many whole foods. Dark deep colored vegis are the best. Spinnach, bell peppers, green beans, etc. I have unpopular opinions about grans so I will leave that out. Our bodies need protein and fat. We can synthesize energy for our cells from both fat and protein. Just stay away from trans fat. It's the worst thing out there for you. Makes HFSyrup look like your best friend. Cardio is better than weight lifting. Again, think car. If you build your engine up like you would your muscles, you will burn more fuel just at idle. A v12 will consume more at rest than a 4 banger. Build a strong engine. Someone said work your core. They are ON POINT. Really though, just get out there do what ever strength exercizes you can. A simple property to think of is anytime you move your body and weight(ie squats) instead of you just moving weight(leg press) you are building a much better machine. Squats are the roughest on most people. I have a retardedly long torso so for me dealifts are my bane. so I do 5-6 machines to suplement, but 3 sets of deadlifts will still be more beneficial to building your body and it's core than 3 sets of 3 different exercizes for your back. I am not saying don't walk and don't jog when your up for it, we need to for our heart and lungs to be in shape too, but motion is motion. If I am winded because I just spent all my oxygen on my 5th set of benching and i'm doing a 2 minuite burn out set for 50 reps you can be sure your heart and lungs got a work out there too. I really feel walking and pedaling to be the BEST cardio after swimming that you can do. And walking takes the win because you can do it anytime anywhere, and it gets you outside! There are a million other little tweeks, and subtle things you can do to help your body along the way, but really it's basic things. Our body was made for certian foods. Give it to your body. We were also made to move. That's when endorphins get released when we do it. Our biology WANTS US TO. This is a long post and I don't mean to steal your thunder. In fact you really inspired me. I have the toughest time around my wife, as she is the pickiest eater ever. So far too often I end up making poor food decisions, and eat WAY too much of something that I don't really need. I wish you luck. We are always here.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sounds like MN weather.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I did a study on the origins of vegitarians. It's acually an ancient early form of latin, and means "incompitent hunter"
  18. dem beats

    has anyone ever

    I"m really sorry for your loss. A parent is a really important part of your life. A loss hurts. My mom passed January before last. Her and I had fallen out horribly for a while, but were becomming closer before she died. I'm glad that we were on good terms, she had spoken to other that she was verry happy her and I were talking right before she died. Dealing with the estate, and now legal battle with the insurance company really drained a ton of emotion from me at the time. I felt worse for my grandparents that had to bury their daughter. That to me most be the worst feeling ever. It wasn't untill a bit ago that I really started to settle, and reflect. For me keeping busy helps, and now that I made it past the 1 year, I think a lot about the good things, and I can avoid the "if only I' type thinking
  19. dem beats

    2010 Mustang Pictures

    I am a ford fan boy... but really? It's not hideous, but someone else here hit the nail on the head. It's not a 30k car. I strickly beleive the most someone should pay for Mustang is under 20k. I drove a little '09 stang while in cali. It wasn't a GT, but I was still mad with how little you got for your money. I love how cheep you can get a used stang for and then strap on horsepower untill the cows come home though. WTF. And why that color?
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I read something about a place in texas, cheeper than dirt, doing 100k a day in sales or something absurd in gun, and gun related sales....
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my sinus's are being ass holes. The wife left her keys in my truck so when I got to work, I got a call. Had to drive back home pick her up and drop her off at work so she could shave some minuites. Nice part is the boss is letting me call it my lunch at 7:10 AM. Sweet. Thank god I leave the office early to go present to some new hires today.
  22. dem beats

    No warranty on the BTLs ???

    In defence of the OP, he really just made a choice based on what he thought would protect him more. Really no use in making him feal bad about it. Something to learn from this though is consumerism in action, and how horrible of a state we're in. The OP is already looking at high end "boutique" type audio. Quite a specialized selection out there, but simple because of some fancy warranty wording he got bamboozeled. I have a feeling though, that in this situation it sounds like there is likely to be an issue anyway. It reminds me of the Chris Farly movie where he says "If you want a warranty, I can sh*t in a box and give you a warranty that it's sh*t" Or something to that effect. It really says it all. It's all about CS and fi definately has some of the best CS on the planet IMHO
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    While going out to brunch with my aunt and wife at the Red Stag I see a new S550 parallel parking. In a matter of 6-7 in and outs the driver clobbered the back end of the Jetta in front if it hops up the curb, and then drops sideways down it. Unless he had some amazing defensive rubber he notched his rear rim, and maybe the front. I wanted to cry seeing a car get treated so poorly.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my weekend was too short. And now with more rain... no outside chores!
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    shit.... I have to go to the DMV...... See you all around!