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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn right Sean. The lowest heart risk peoples in the world are eskimo and I beleive... argeintinians. WHen it comes to men that is. The eskimo culture eat verry little other than ocean food, and a large part of that is pure blubber.
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm fumbling around the office hoping I don't see my boss. I'm still in my boxers, but I know I won't see my boss. Are you hiring intelegent people who will work their asses off? I need to get a new gig where I can do work in my boxers some mornings.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    To be more clear I think that fatty fish is just about the best food for humans. High in protein and esential fats. These fats are truely what most americans have a deficiency of. The human body needs to intake certain fats and certain amino acids. Both amino acids, and fats can convert to sugars in our body, sugars however cannot convert to amino acids/proteins or fats however. Biologicaly our body thrives in an omnivorous type diet excluding most grains and starches. Mainly fat and proteins and a helping of fiber will result in a better working human machine.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well it irks me when people diet the wrong way. They count calories, starve themselves, cut out food groups, make themselves vomit, all to lose a few pounds? They are going about it the completely wrong way. Instead of starving yourself, lets eat more. More specifically lets eat more grains and meats, also lets work out to build muscle. Strength training will build muscle,muscle will consume adipose tissue much faster than slowly starving yourself. When you don't eat, your body goes into panic mode, it's natural instincts is to use as little energy as possible because it knows it's not eating, so when you finally do eat your body is still in panic mode, it will store everything you eat as adipose tissue and only consume enough to get by. Another thing, muscle tissue is easier for your body to consume, that means when you don't eat enough to keep your body going it will literally eat it's own muscle, the person will brag about how they lost a few pounds, those few pounds were muscle and they really needed it, it was burning the fat that they are really trying to loose. I think I'm done with my rant/metabolism lesson I have a few questions... why is counting calories bad if you have a balanced diet? To build muscle you need lots of protein and not everyone wants to strength train, so what are the options for those people? Why should people increase meat in their diet? We, as a nation, already eat way too much meat and just about any high carb country has extremely better heart health than us overall. Did you mean lean meat while cutting out junk foods and high fat foods? Why shouldn't men do aerobic exercise again? It's one of the best ways to ensure heart health which is a huge problem in men, strength training will not give you the future heart health that real aerobic exercise will, even though I will agree that the BMR of a strength trainer should be higher than that of an aerobic trainer. I can't speak for the calorie counting, but as for gaining muscle without strength training, that will be pretty diffocult. Muscle only grows via excercizing it. I think your definition of meat and perception of too much is different from what duran is saying. I read lean meat. I also included poultry and fish into that category. I would also challenge that we eat too much meat in the US. I think most US people are deficient in protein, and meat is a great way to get it into your diet. Anerobic exercise is just better for loosing fat, especialy in the abdominal area than aerobic. It's not bad to do aerobic exercise, but there isn't much point to it past the 30 min mark unless it's training for something specific. For general health it's much less important.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Man sometimes I sound like an ornery ass here in the HOP. I'm sorry guys... I'm actually a pretty fun loving kinda guy!
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    true that does have a point to it. I was in martial arts at various schools for 9 years, but eventually I really learned it's much more about basic skill sets and then conditioning for a fight. Theres no 1 finger death touch or anything like that. Aerobic work outs are really tough on the heart in the long haul. Of course being a thin jogger is better than being 300 lbs over weight. For the human machine though we can take much more advantage of strength than endurance. Throwing, sprinting, pushing and pulling are all things I could use day to day that would help. Running for a bajillion miles does nothing productive for your body. Swimming is at least non impact.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    To me for exercize, I'm all about cardio, in moderation. It's pointless unless I'm training to do something. Having a stronger from with a better quality of bone density, and more dexterity and flexability all can help in day to day life. I've never been in a situation where I needed to run for more than 4 minuites full speed without changing direction.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm fumbling around the office hoping I don't see my boss.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Blood pressure top!
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you all are getting me all riled up in the morning.... and before my first hit of stimulants.... verry dangerous.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well it irks me when people diet the wrong way. They count calories, starve themselves, cut out food groups, make themselves vomit, all to lose a few pounds? They are going about it the completely wrong way. Instead of starving yourself, lets eat more. More specifically lets eat more grains and meats, also lets work out to build muscle. Strength training will build muscle,muscle will consume adipose tissue much faster than slowly starving yourself. When you don't eat, your body goes into panic mode, it's natural instincts is to use as little energy as possible because it knows it's not eating, so when you finally do eat your body is still in panic mode, it will store everything you eat as adipose tissue and only consume enough to get by. Another thing, muscle tissue is easier for your body to consume, that means when you don't eat enough to keep your body going it will literally eat it's own muscle, the person will brag about how they lost a few pounds, those few pounds were muscle and they really needed it, it was burning the fat that they are really trying to loose. I think I'm done with my rant/metabolism lesson I hate how there is this HUGE aerobic kick that we still haven't been able to shake since the mid 70's Peaked in the 80's too. WTF. Military is still on it My co worker was in the navy and he will not beleive that there are better exercize for loosing fat than push ups and jogging. He's a great guy, but he has been told his whole life than aerobic work outs will burn more fat.... Now I understand you have to have a great big heart and lung capacity for doing what the military needs to do, but that's training for a goal. Not trying to shed fat ort "get in shape". The term "get in shape" rubs me as wrong as the term "toning up". OMGWTFROFLMAO Makes me so mad. It's my version of SQL
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    times 2!
  13. dem beats

    Building a Subwoofer

    True, but it will still need more volume. It's also sold out at the moment it looks like and has a higher Fs than the shiva I think. It's a great sub at the price though. I would rather see an IXL used if Mach 5 was the sub brand, but then we are talking a much higher cost. I think it will be nearly impossible to beat the Shiva for cost/performance when you include the size factor.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm a great big huge fat guy though. So when I give nutrition advice... it's kind of hard to be taken seriously.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well it irks me when people diet the wrong way. They count calories, starve themselves, cut out food groups, make themselves vomit, all to lose a few pounds? They are going about it the completely wrong way. Instead of starving yourself, lets eat more. More specifically lets eat more grains and meats, also lets work out to build muscle. Strength training will build muscle,muscle will consume adipose tissue much faster than slowly starving yourself. When you don't eat, your body goes into panic mode, it's natural instincts is to use as little energy as possible because it knows it's not eating, so when you finally do eat your body is still in panic mode, it will store everything you eat as adipose tissue and only consume enough to get by. Another thing, muscle tissue is easier for your body to consume, that means when you don't eat enough to keep your body going it will literally eat it's own muscle, the person will brag about how they lost a few pounds, those few pounds were muscle and they really needed it, it was burning the fat that they are really trying to loose. I think I'm done with my rant/metabolism lesson I hate how there is this HUGE aerobic kick that we still haven't been able to shake since the mid 70's Peaked in the 80's too. WTF.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need sleep. Night hop!
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Familiar with the area and not where I'd want to buy a house that is for sure. I own and rent it to my brother in law now. He loves living there. Not my bag of chips either thats for sure. I just grew up there.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    he is a good guy and a better seller.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You take a few pics of wiring and accessories and I might buy it all if it's a good price. He probably still has a for sale here. I just purchased the HO alt from him actually.
  20. dem beats

    Building a Subwoofer

    Agreed, I like the MJ too, but it would require quite a bit more real estate in your room.
  21. dem beats

    Building a Subwoofer

    Kicker L5 10"? I really wouldn't want an L series for HT. However, I have never used one, so maybe people have had luck with them... Why wouldn't you want one for HT? Just personal opinion, or do you think it wouldn't sound good? And I looked for a used SI 15" Mag, but couldn't find any. Just new ones at $500. Does anyone know where I could get a lightly used one for something within my price range? Thanks for the help I will give you the best advice I can in saying go with the shiva and don't look back. Kicker doesn't make anything that would be good for HT. Period. Nothing I can find on their website is a winner.
  22. dem beats

    Project T-Rex

    I love me some deadlifts! X464641869464869476732211889321953465465432 Deads will build your back like nothing else. Also if you want to mix it up throw in shrugs and back bridges. If you are unsure of what a back bridge is I am in talking about are the bridges done in wrestling. You will thicken up fast with deads, bridges, and shrugs.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    did you get more Go fast toys?
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You know... I did grow up in North mpls off Dowling? 42nd and fremont. Not a "hood" compared to some of the fun spots in Chicago or NY or LA, but it wasn't Murderappolis for nothing! Sometimes my gangster roots show through. I know it's sad I was listening to Atmosphere all day today to drown out the constant idiotic sound of my co workers. I must respect a musician who makes referances' to the last star fighter and Hinkly MN.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    same with the holocaust mang. Never happened right? **************************************** I fucking hate that there are some brain dead pig fawking rednecks that call themselves republicans. They make me more sick than blind socialists.