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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like if it's not a food that bleeds I like it green or red or orange. Bright colored vegis for me. I do love a well done tater though.
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and another damn TOP I'm on fire today boy-o's
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn, if I didn't have an appointment I'd drive over and meet you at Akita in Woodbury. All you can eat Sashimi on their menu as well Drool..... I would steal a car and leave the office for that right about now. I had subway for lunch instead.... Not a winner. I am going to have a couple veggie burgers, the grill is on and waiting. .....I'm against meatless meat. Are you feeling well? Those have got to be bad for you! I buy the natural ones. I should just call it a grilled veggie sandwich. I actually like the taste.... but don't let word get out about that.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    interesting. Now I'm reading something that talks about the opposite.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not installed, hopefully the tile work will get a mucho step further this weekend. Keep me updated. Otherwise I will buy it without your update anyway, and then it really won't matter. My crapper is ssssssssssoooo short my knees are in my chest with that thing.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn, if I didn't have an appointment I'd drive over and meet you at Akita in Woodbury. All you can eat Sashimi on their menu as well Drool..... I would steal a car and leave the office for that right about now. I had subway for lunch instead.... Not a winner. I am going to have a couple veggie burgers, the grill is on and waiting. .....I'm against meatless meat. Are you feeling well? Those have got to be bad for you!
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you eating thai again Sean? How is the Toto holding up to your best offerings?
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn, if I didn't have an appointment I'd drive over and meet you at Akita in Woodbury. All you can eat Sashimi on their menu as well Drool..... I would steal a car and leave the office for that right about now. I had subway for lunch instead.... Not a winner.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good clarifying. When I say high output I mean stressing past your limit by a good deal. As in HARD working for an hour or more. I think a good rule is to do about 15-30 min of moderate aerobic training 2-3 times a week. I only use aerobic exercise in a physique changing program because it will burn some extra calories, and increase the ability for you to load muscles later with higyher work levels. I always end up doing quite a bit more, but that's because I enjoy the high I get. If combined with weight training it can be amazingly beneficial. When most people think anerobic they think lifting weights, and they think of a bunch of guys sitting around one guy who takes 6 min between each lift and rotate on a bench press. Then they all cheer, drink water, talk to a girl, and then repeate. When I talk anerobic I mean intensity, sprinting is anerobic not aerobic. The cabre or shot put, gymnastics, etc. The easiest is just usualy weights. However in every example I have looked up, body moving excersizes will always work better than weight moving exewsizes, if your healthy enough for it. What si the interaction of testosterone on the imune system? I would love to know because right now that information applies to me directly with my current health problems.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is awesome man. A lady can sometimes do great things for a man. I wish you great luck, but just go slow. You're young, there are many fish in the market.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and I own another TOP
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    anything fun planned? Nothing beyond the normal hanging out, got a wedding to go to next weekend for a friend of mine, and probably going to take her home to meet the folks. NICE! you liking her then I take it?
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WHat schools did you go to? I went to a local mui thai class and some kick boxing, then Chung Mu Do(now united martial arts or defunct after the top guy was arrested for some seriously bad things), then I stayed at the MN kali group for a few years, but really just used it as a gym, and took the kali stick classes.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was stupid and did do that actually.. I would keep a wooden or iron rod with me at work and pound the shins and elbows. I just ended up with really fun and sometimes painfull calcium deposits. They are probably stronger for it, but it's too localized. Weight training can help with systemic bone density increases without the bumpy shins. Sometimes to gross out girls I dated I would rub my shins on their leg or hand. hehehe.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    true that does have a point to it. I was in martial arts at various schools for 9 years, but eventually I really learned it's much more about basic skill sets and then conditioning for a fight. Theres no 1 finger death touch or anything like that. Aerobic work outs are really tough on the heart in the long haul. Of course being a thin jogger is better than being 300 lbs over weight. For the human machine though we can take much more advantage of strength than endurance. Throwing, sprinting, pushing and pulling are all things I could use day to day that would help. Running for a bajillion miles does nothing productive for your body. Swimming is at least non impact. Oh there is if your me You mean the pull my finger death fart? That's an ancient art sir. You shouldn't speak of it in public places.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    anything fun planned?
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Holy myocardial infarction and renal failure batman! Bah, I slam 2 cups of coffe just to even me out so I can go to bed. =)
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want all you can eat sushi now....
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    her on top, TOP
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    heck I'm walking funny today. Next time she's doing all the work.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    true that does have a point to it. I was in martial arts at various schools for 9 years, but eventually I really learned it's much more about basic skill sets and then conditioning for a fight. Theres no 1 finger death touch or anything like that. Aerobic work outs are really tough on the heart in the long haul. Of course being a thin jogger is better than being 300 lbs over weight. For the human machine though we can take much more advantage of strength than endurance. Throwing, sprinting, pushing and pulling are all things I could use day to day that would help. Running for a bajillion miles does nothing productive for your body. Swimming is at least non impact. i was under the impression that extended cardio strengthens your heart... i found that typical weight lifting has little real world practicality, as most real world lifting involves twisting and movement. bench pressing, curling etc. really work on small specific muscle groups. practical lifting to me would be olympic lifts and crossfit training. at my size i mainly lift for stability and to prevent injury, as i'm bigger and stronger naturally that i'll probably ever need to be. This will get something started for sure! Exercize is exercize when it comes to heart and lungs. At the end of the day it's about how much yoru heart and lungs output and at what intensity. I can promise my heart and lungs work much harder than the guy who jogged slowly for a mile and I did high intesity weight training. You have a great point though most isolated lifting isn't real world lifting. Compound movements are much better than isolated movements. This statement is true in every regard when it comes to loosing fat or building muscle. I will never say that I don't wish I was stronger. It may not be a goal I can work for realisticaly, but I don't see there ever being "too much" strength for bones and muscles and tendons. Size, I can see that one might not want to get big, but that's usualy a diet thing when it comes to size. Extended high output for your heart can put some serious strain on it, and not in a positive way. Most aerobic work outs are also high impact. To have low impact aerobic exercize you need a pool or an eliptical, and both are not cheep IMO. Studies have been done for people who either run long and hard, or do max weight lifts regularly. In both cases studies have found that if your maxing yoru intensity and output for extended time it will bring about an imune deficit. Also build ups of not so good stuff in the body. Here is my sum up on the work out topic. Aerobic work outs definately can help lower BP and for people who are really out of shape, or have other limiting factors it's better than nothing. That said, anerobic training is just better at physique and weight loss and usualy joint health and flexability. Since weightloss is the main goal of most Americans, and should be, we should concentrait on more muscle building exercises rather than running in place or around a lake, as a nation/species.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I didn't know you were an Impaler The wife will be calling me that today unless she stops limping. *rimshot*
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    word. We are on the same page. We have to be. Same Name.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think it was argintineans... Now I question it. Either way the second culture ate at least 1 fish plate per day. Long time since I read the med article on it. The healthy fats we needs so badly effect the mind and heart more than anything else. In the US studies have been done about babies who were given low fat formula that was popular and sold durring that time frame i.e. when I was a baby. I was unable to get enough food from my mom, so I had low fat formula. It was really commen at the time General studies are showing that adults who were born around the time of that being the popular fad have more than 2 times the likelyhood of having autoimune disorders. Most of which are skin related. They are also 5 times more likely to have ADD/ADHD/ODD or any of the disorders in that family. The current teen population percentage wise is on a decline for those specific issues.