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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am legally married. We have our ceremony and reception saturday after this coming one
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Definitely okay, work experience shows you will show up as for the required job application experience that will be up to your interview. The very best way to get any job is to already have a job. Same rules apply to women. When you start dating a chika, they will crawl out of the woodwork for you.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Pay for OS? Anyone know how many pc's you can put XP on and still have it be "verified"? Retail you can do as many as you want. OEM 1 computer. It creates a file lists all hardware and applies a point checklist, if you replace more parts than the thresh hold of that checklist, you will need to call MS and say that it's still you still one computer and to fix ya shizle.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just need a proc, m-board, ram & video card. No real price point as I could spend whatever, but as with all PC stuff there is a logical threshold. Normally I buy the generation that just got knocked out by the latest so that you don't take the depreciation hit when a new chip comes out. I'd like to pick a socket that will stick around for a while if that is possible since last time I bought a 754 which allows no growth. A bonus would be to have an AGP and some PCI slots on the M-board, but I am willing to forego my current add-on cards if it makes more sense. In bold is his usual credo. PM you in a moment. Got the PM, thank you. I'll call him tomorrow as I have three more mini-conferences and then off for some Sushi sushi FTMFW!
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^ > me
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the wifey got me a black "ceramic" wedding band. Anyone know anything about them? All new stuff to me. I hope it's not brittle and prone to chipping. It was cheep at least. Hers however is a multi diamond white gold band. cheep ring > 'spencive ring IMHO However, I think I might end up with a tungsten carbide ring if they truely are as scratch resistant as they say. My titanium one is showing signs of wear.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WTf... How do you imbed?
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thank you! You put down what I was thinking. Damn conspiracies. All of thems is socialist banditos, IMHO. I was more referancing to the fact the schuduling act is a peice of garbage for how it penalises the citizen, but yes you have made a verry true statement that is the reason it then affects the citizen so much.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    governmetn conspiracy TOP
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know. I just completely disagree with the entire scheduling act on principal. Just my feelings.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The way it works on your doesn't sound like a classic ADHD response. Most amphetamines really slow down people with ADHD. This is just what I have found to be true from my friends, and the kids at the "bad kid school" that I worked at. ADD may be different. Not sure.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    buproprion is amazing I think. A really good drug at what it does, but it's fussy. But don't mix it with ANYTHING. No coffee, no booze. Nothing. At least with my chemistry it does not work well. It also made me forget to eat, and be full sooner when taking it. This would suck if your small. I'm a huge fatty so I thought that was an interesting side effect. I however live by the eat to loose philosophy so I had to set alarm clocks to remind myself it's time for a protein shake etc.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I can see how that would be appealing. I have high BP.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    good old modonofil, or aderol I say! heart palpitations ftl Spelling > me..... Eh.... what dose? I have virtualy no side effects from stimulants really. I'm "lucky" in that way? Depressants or more precisely antidepressants that work as depressants make me retarded on the smallest dose. There's a reason that Ritalin and Adderall have the same US legal classification as Seconal, codeine, morphine, opium, methadone, oxycodone, pentobarbital, hydromorphone, hydrocodone, and PCP Yep! The FDA is retarded in 99% of what they do. Aderall maybe, and that's a big maybe. Provigil, while I don't think it's the god drug it's made out to be, is a different ballgame. Eithgerway the FDA are a lieing idiotic sack of shit bags in 99% of the case.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    double true!
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just need a proc, m-board, ram & video card. No real price point as I could spend whatever, but as with all PC stuff there is a logical threshold. Normally I buy the generation that just got knocked out by the latest so that you don't take the depreciation hit when a new chip comes out. I'd like to pick a socket that will stick around for a while if that is possible since last time I bought a 754 which allows no growth. A bonus would be to have an AGP and some PCI slots on the M-board, but I am willing to forego my current add-on cards if it makes more sense. In bold is his usual credo. PM you in a moment.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For really low budget applications AMD might be worth while. Not sure. I know he just built a complete gaming rig for a friend of his including moniter for ~500. Would you like his contact info Sean? I called and asked him, and he said it would be fine if you wanted to call. Emaill too but he checks his email so rarely. I know that my comp was 1500 for everything incluting moniter, 28" with resolution > 1080 btw and a sick B to W speed, and keyboard mouse etc... I couldn't come up with anything that would come close built by anyone onlive for under 4k at the time. I have about another ghz untapped with only air cooled. My mobo/processor option end up working together for OCing like no others do. He did the research and got me the best, I never knew it untill I asked him about OCing it. He's pationate about hardware/software, should probably have gone to work for falcon northwestern or something. I sound like his PR guy. lol He's just a good guy, and I can get you in touch if you would like, he would be happy to help.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    college TOP
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's awesome for your mom. I'm not so brilliant really, I just test well and have the ability to suss out what questions really are asking, not what the appear to be asking. HS is way different from college though, so It will probably happen this year or next. My wife is out searching for jobs that will pay her for the degree she has which should put her in the 45K+ per year realm. If that happens I might drop my hours and go to school full time or perhaps more than full time. I don't want to be greedy, but this 30-40K a year isn't working for me. I do great and the wife could quit working if I make 65-75, and we would be set for retirement too. I'm just so tired on hating my work Don't sell yourself short. Really. The rest of the world is dumber than the credit you are giving them and you have more than one step up. Way more. Thanks. Good of you to say, and I know it too. Need to get the momentem going in that direction.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sean I am no expert but my roomate, also Sean, is. He could design and build for you something pretty insane even on a low budget. He *over builds* his computers usually with the thought in mind to one day overclock if ever needed. I made him do lots of research on HTPC and home servers to build mine 50% that and 50% gamining machine. I could put you in touch with him. I would not pic AMD for any processor at any price IMHO though just as a general rule.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's awesome for your mom. I'm not so brilliant really, I just test well and have the ability to suss out what questions really are asking, not what the appear to be asking. HS is way different from college though, so It will probably happen this year or next. My wife is out searching for jobs that will pay her for the degree she has which should put her in the 45K+ per year realm. If that happens I might drop my hours and go to school full time or perhaps more than full time. I don't want to be greedy, but this 30-40K a year isn't working for me. I do great and the wife could quit working if I make 65-75, and we would be set for retirement too. I'm just so tired on hating my work
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    .....WTF. Traylor park people?
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am so jelous. A short sad story from me... Ahem. I scored in the 97%-95% nationwide on those stupid tests and was a candidate for first the International Bachaloriate program, somehow I didn't get in though. Oh well. I want Post secondary more. I filled out the nesicary forms. I had a very honest councelor in HS and when I was told I wouldn't get in because my school had already used the funds for lower income and minority students. Because my mother made more than poverty line(19k at the time, and 75% of my class was below) and I was white as driven snow, I was put in the "if there is any left over money" pile. Hooray for socialist school systems HOORAY! LOL Well I grew up in Moorhead, which to you non-MN'tans is basically Fargo. No lack of opportunity there. I'm really just mad that I let it get to me. I went on to drop out basically only show up in school for tests and my one bachaloriate class that I had(only because the teacher liked me), and then wrestling. I kept a B average only turning in tests, but my attendance meant a permanent F even when 2 teachers apealed it. My mom didn't have the brain power to know how to fight it or deal with a kid like me either. So in my mind I thought dropping out and working sounded like as great plan. BOoooOOoooOooooooooo