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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    thats how ladies do.
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want a giant burrito filled with shrimp and scallops and lobster with a cheesey white sauce. Some lime flavor too maybe some rice. A little refried on the side maybe. Some amazingly fresh salsa. Maybe a fresh white fish taco with lime and cilantro on the side.. no clue what that struck my brain..
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have a 3 y/o integra 6.5(I think) in my basement. I use the Z7 in my HT. I havent even scratched its capabilities and I love the unit.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks for letting me vent and the support. From everyone in fact. I find money comes easy. Just how much time do u want to sell to get it. It's never been a huge concern for me. I know how to work smart and hard. I mostly just am torn because I remind people of what they commited to me and hold them accountable the same way I hold myself. I have to get over the fact not everyone has my same values ethics , or the sense that they should be followed 100% of the time
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    thats the biggest box buthole I've ever seen!
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Working in sales taught me to watch out for knifes in the back and how to see them comming. I have a co worker from the navy who similarly has a different point of view. People in an office don't know and don't see what's going on around them. They also sure as hell don't know how to be hungry. They all feel entitle, and it's so foreign to me but that's how people get rewarded. Those that are late every day and lie to people to promote themselves definately get the nod in advancement and role model raises. I'm early every day and am decorated in CS and metrics with awards and kudos, but that's the sure way to remain where you are in this place. It's the long standing problem of becoming too valuable where you are. And slowly becoming replacable because the credit is stripped from your record.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    they call it a lower pay "grade". I hope I have some responsibilities stripped from me with it. The dont even know when the job will "start" or have a listing of the new duties. They sure as shit let some people go today. They get a pay in leiu of I beleive. Severance if eligable, and it's a lay off so unemployment too. But I'm sure we hit unemployment cap for our company size... the more they fire while its free as the market corrects just means more money of top of it all. I'm positive thinking about this though. after 4 years(this january) my vacation accrual goes from 24 days to just shy of 30 days off per year. I really only care about making it 6 years benefit eligable here, then my pension is fully vested. The retirement plan here is amazing. truely wonderfull. Being on the bottom though does one thing for me. It allows me to not comromise. So long as I do my job I canact as my principals dictate and not have to bow to anyone. my new supervisor is a push over and litterally said in previos interactions that I'm smarter. I dont want a boss that is affriad of me because she will make sure I don't advance, but it gives me certain leverage. That and she's the least profetional worst people skilled person on the office team. The truth is I'm happy for everyone who gets to keep a job. Even those who shoot past me. I dont rely on this place to build wealth. Its just a place to collect income. I know that the reason for me being held back is because I did what I thought is right... so I can deal with being a whipping boy for a while. In 2 years I want at least 2 more rentals, and maybe if im lucky the wife will be largely done with her masters. Maybe ill get some paper too. Knowing I have me current rate of pay and some slight security is a huge deal. It means I can start loan shopping for another property. =)
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well......... I got a demotion. Pay stays the same though. I'm fairly sure the only reason I still have a job is because there is an file of me complaining about harassment and illeagle buisness on the guy who interviewd me. If I hadn't CYI I would probably have been fired. If I would have kept my mouth and nose out of it when I found out the problem, I would probably have a promotion. Life lessons learned.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    today, I think I would stay home if I had a sugar momma. I don't wanna be up. I need me a valium and a long island.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    physical therapist put my head in a maching that grabbed my skull and pulled my neck straight. it felt great, but my body is tired. =(
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    woot! make it cry for its momma. hope u ace it.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No kidding. I would still work. I would just do what I wanted. maybe open up a speaker shop. Perhaps just manage property I buy with her money! =)
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    me also. I have physical therapy tonight too. im pissed I need to go, but i need to go. My arms are suffering from working at a desk and its starting to move into my neck. Im sure it will be massage and pain time, and then booya ill be worthless the rest of the night. maybe i will take a muscle relaxer or 3 when I get home. be really useless then.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    HOP is teh slow wtf.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yah. It's old boys club, err old girls club, however you want to cut it up, I haven't been around long enough. There is a long time history of completely outsourceing, hiring from outside, or letting those with the most history(read dirt) have the choice jobs. Letting someone go with 30 years means 1 week of severance for every year of service. As a company it motivates them to keep people with time put into service. Great pay back for loyalty but it can definately stunt progress in the wrong circumstances.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hope I don't sound too negative. A loss of a job won't cripple me, but it will hurt. I can always go back to sales. I'm pretty sure if I loose my job I will look into selling cars, and maybe, if I think I can handle the initial set up time, sell houses. I would love to say I will go back to school and then do something, I'm just not sure I could handle going to school and not working. I'm proud of my wife though, she's going to end up with a health centric organizational management degree. She will be a director or high level manager some day I hope.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Job top.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    They commited to an answer by Thursday or Friday. I bet it's not untill Monday however. 90% or more of us have a month of severance(some many months worth) if they do let us go, and my bet is they keep us onboard for another month before the actual severance date. There is open enrollment comming up and to transition 30 some odd employees would be pretty wild. I am almost garunteed not to get the supv job, but I've been thinking about it more and more. I would really love it, if it's the job they say it is. I have been working on a training program here, and recently I got to see a custmer care presentation that could really tie into what we do here, and it was developed by a director of relations from a different campus. I think with her blessing and use of her notes/input I could make something FAST and do some AMAZING work for helping our office help people much better. Just basic customer service type things, but it's everything we don't do. Her presentation really got my hampster up on the wheele. It's "above my pay grade" to even think about this stuff, but I suffer watching how we handle situations, and I get asked for my input every time they do another "training" anyway. 10 years in sales/customer service management had some pay off I guess. That and Dale Carnige. Perhaps it is worth repeating your motivation to the hire-er I did. It was a profetional interview, I came with my game face on. I'm just going up against people with 36 years in this office. Qualifications, motivation, and skill don't mean as much in those cases.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    They commited to an answer by Thursday or Friday. I bet it's not untill Monday however. 90% or more of us have a month of severance(some many months worth) if they do let us go, and my bet is they keep us onboard for another month before the actual severance date. There is open enrollment comming up and to transition 30 some odd employees would be pretty wild. I am almost garunteed not to get the supv job, but I've been thinking about it more and more. I would really love it, if it's the job they say it is. I have been working on a training program here, and recently I got to see a custmer care presentation that could really tie into what we do here, and it was developed by a director of relations from a different campus. I think with her blessing and use of her notes/input I could make something FAST and do some AMAZING work for helping our office help people much better. Just basic customer service type things, but it's everything we don't do. Her presentation really got my hampster up on the wheele. It's "above my pay grade" to even think about this stuff, but I suffer watching how we handle situations, and I get asked for my input every time they do another "training" anyway. 10 years in sales/customer service management had some pay off I guess. That and Dale Carnige.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like saw #2 the best
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    great poast Sean. Im only 27 and I'm tired of all of it. I have such a hard time sometimes, the wifes mom works in the school system, and she's liberal as hell and high water. I do NOT understand that point of view. No one can explain to me why those who worked hard to acheive, or hell those who inherited, or those who got lucky should pay pennance for those that did not. Other than "It's the right thing to do." WHY!!?? Why in all fhawks sake is it someone elses job to make sure that you can wipe your own nose. The poor liberals don't notice what the ritch liberals are doing. The more you accept and rely on another person for life the more controll the have over you. The more they can squeeze you.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No they aren't impressive, but I could use all of it's functionality recently. I agree craftsman isn't what it was. I'm so mad about it. I don't have the room for a completely non mobile cabinet saw right now....
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know it's the wrong way to go about things, but how bad would it be to cut the bad ground and seal off the ends leave it in the loom it's already in, and just run a new ground? I need my truck for this weekend, and I need to get the kitchen done. I don't have time to do both properly, and I need the truck to pick up stuff...... Heck maybe by next week I'll have all the time in the world though. I should find out by friday if I am promoted to customer.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I cut some wood for the back of my cabinets yesterday. Wow, I can't measure for crap it turns out. I'm also just about done with table saws. I'm so furious with my craftsman saw. I guess it's a good thing it was cheep and on sale when I got it. It feels under powered and it's adjustable extendable guide is worthless. If I match up edges on it to cut, even after I measure with my own square I think it slides out and messes with my cut. So I still have to free hand it. The square it came with can't handle a 4x8. I think I need to find that dewalt hypoid saw and just use that from now on for big cuts. I'm so damn ticked off that I didn't get to my grandfathers early enough to buy his shop smith. My uncle got it, so at least it's still in the family, but that thing would cut much truer, and was much more stable. On an up note, I found out my little 3rd car garage/work shop is partialy insulated, just not the roof. I also think the big black pipe out there is a gas line. I have an electrical junction box there too. I'm hoping I can set up gas heat, and that the elec box can do 240. I've never welded before, but I really want to learn!
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am mega nub with a camera. I usually set it on fully auto, because most of the time I'm trying to snap something that doesn't stop moving. I have a series of pics where the dolphin at the zoo swims by a bunch of elementary kids and makes the water go over the edge of the tank and soak the kids. Amazing pictures, really hard to catch the shots though, especially with so much motion.