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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    fuck! 54 lbs of computer is a fuck ton of computer. Aaron is gonna make you join his seti group now. =)
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wake up in 5 hours to feed the my little guy. I are sleepy. Sean needs to renew his liscence and get a beater. this late night downtown stuff is brutal on a working stiff like me some days.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ya, no kidding, I think if this happens, I'd just live in Columbia and commute the 20 miles I just can't see you living in a small Missouri town Tom... Living in Columbia would be quite a bit more exciting, halfway between K.C. and St. Louis too. Columbia would probably be culture shock enough, Centralia would be twilight-zone-esque Columbia is a std college town. std = standard or sexually transmitted disease? lol standard, lol had to ask, i do go to ASU after all In MN Dinky town(u of m area) we got gopher warts a plenty. dirty dirty college whookers.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you won that little unit? that's kinda cool. I'm thinking about going dual sli with my nvidias. price came down so far, the boost would be great if/when I tripple/dual moniter. congrats to you mang.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what are the plans then? ? Drink ? Booze FTW.. Did you eat some bad food while away Sean? I'm makin curry tonight
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    fooooook snow maybe tomorrow.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    true dat. DOUBLETRUE!
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Im not realy opposed to it completely, I just have quite a bit of hate and discontent to the fcc in general. I would perhaps argue that whatever "unethical" buisness practic,es are used by many ISP services would pale next to the FCC and some of their "ethical" practices. I didn't intend to sound like I was going all glen beck there in all caps calling out the *fair* statement. Even reguarding ethics, self preservation should be the number one ethic. If a company were to give out more than it took in, it tanks. If said company is big enough it hurts society way more when they don't promote true self interest. :coughGMcough:
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Its because its not fair that they are mandating these rules, specifically the last two: If number 6 isn't a law, it should be. Disclosing what the product I buy in an honest manner is manditory by law I though. As for #5, if a company is retarded to hold me back from a site that I care about;..... they will have one less customer. I DO NOT WANT A FAIR COUNTRY. I want an ethical one where everyone has a chance to do as they please. Peaple who didn't read the fine print deserve to be punished for their folly IMHO.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I has a comcast that I hate. But their service is bettar than the DSL option. In general I feel I get what I pay for, and if I couldn't pay for it, I wouldn't get it. Other that a bunch of people who are saying "it's not fair" why should this be law? If comcast tells me I can go anywhere with mega speed and then hold me back, sure string them up. But if I don't buy 100% supah speed everywhere why shouldn't they be able to hold back where you can and cannot go?
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Why am I still scared of the new FCC changes Peng?
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What no pictures? Ran out of light. Cell shots for quick post, can get better shots later on one of the digital camera's if I remember to. The cell phone camera does not capture the deepness of the shine, but it also does not pick up imperfections either. Not too bad for a 16 year old car. So clean and purdy. Old benz's still looks great.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    she gets a lot of stares when she pounds out 30 rounds from the ak, even more with the 20rd ar10. makes big bangs fast
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You just dug your own grave She made it a almost whole year without putting a hole in me. Besides, it's better than her grabbing a knife, or something dull and rusty.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The wife will not let me wear mine anymore, she says it is too cold. Erm...what? Tell her to shut her trap AND GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME SOME PIE! :D I don't need a black eye You have a leinient wife. I would probably be missing an apendage. Or just shot. Probably my fault though. I did buy her a pistol for valentines day.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lets form an angry mob!
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what are the plans then?
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You're not truely MN unless you rock birkenstocks(socks are allowed) in newly fell snow and swim trunks at 0 or below.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I saw the first saw which was clever... and it had Mr. Princess bride Elwes. =D It sounds like the movie 7 on far worse acting and the gore is the star. roommate said the movies were too ruthless gory for him. speaking of he may get a FT job at the dome... I don't give a fook about anything but it will maybe mean benefits.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    top woot
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's awesome! I am scared of automatics. This just complicates it ten fold. I got confused just looking at it that's for sure.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://jalopnik.com/5385797/how-to-build-an-all+billet-aluminum-cobra?skyline=true&s=i ^------I dunnot if this was posted already but wow that's pretty cool.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    why does it look like gold in there?
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love that movie. "You like apples? Well I got her number, how do you like them apples?"