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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    RD Alpha v2 15 vs. new RE XXX 15

    Leave it so Sean to go soft shoe on someone. Though I agree I would take the xxx over the RD in a moment. The XXX is a really cool woofer. Would be fun to use in a HT capacity.
  2. dem beats

    8 ICON 15s or 4 XCON 18s

    8 15's is more unique. I would do 4 18's if I was in the same boat. It would be much easier IMO. So if you want the wow factor and the "because I can" do the 8 15's
  3. dem beats

    SSA driver photo contest vote

    Oops! low fi didn't have the poll function! Mah Bad!
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    as for all the other "noisey room mate" sex stuff, ain't nothin. My fried had parents who were loud. Her mom was a screamer/moaner. I found it funny, as it wasn't my parents, and she carried on the "tradition" herself.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It was a good night, ended the drought. I guess that means I have a gf now. way to go slugger! grats. Haha. Easily the loudest girl I've ever been with. I was like wow, the neighbors are probably awake now. Even the ones in the next apartment building. fucking A right. That's the way you break a dry spell! Haha. It actually was a little bit weird for me. I'm quiet, and that's how my previous gfs have been too. So it was interesting I suppose you could say. Might take some getting used to. Here's how you get over it. Put a mic at the headboard, and start measuring your DB's. You can take all the preasure off of how weird it is by trying to beat your last score.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    stubborn but helpfull father in law TOP
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    on a loosely related note.... We are probably getting the father in law this http://www.rockwelltoolsdirect.com/jawhorse/workbench.html He rigs up the craziest stuff with cheep sawhorses and clamps.. He will never ask anyone for help. Christmass will be my excuse for getting it. The W and her little bro will go in on it. SOooooo that means I will pay for it. He's done so much for us at the house I've been meanign to do something, but he doesn't take gifts well. This should be perfect.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    R2 speaks the truth! With my whole budget and mind I want a good table saw. I think they now get called "cabinet saws". I just cannot afford the space in my garage. I would have to move my entire shop from the 1 car stall into the 2 car stall. Then tell the wife when I get the benz her car sits outside. =P Probably not gonna happen. You can make a good worm drive/hypoid saw do almost everything. It just takes some more consideration planning and thought. The link Ryan threw up is a good tool.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When I get the space for it, I plan to get one of those 10" ryobi table saws and build a longer and wider table around it. The saw itself is only $114 from the Depot so you could put it together real nice and sturdy for $200 which is very cheap considering how much the bigger ones are. Just a though J. I wouldn't go with a table saw like that unless it's just for construction and small jobs. I went that rout and only found disapointment.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ryan2 is the table say guy. Is trim saw a hand saw or circle saw? I'm looking at the dewalt hypoid drive for a hand saw. It's a bit over the top, but I want my hand saw to do what I should with a big table saw. I don't have room to get the cabinet saw I want. Cordless drill? Makita. I have had one for a while now and every family member I know owns a cordless makita drill and no other kind. I have played with dewalt rigid craftsman, all of them. The Makita I have is the bomb. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rlz=1R1GGGL_en___US355&hs=VG&q=makita+cordless+drill&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=3568171774070676213&ei=v3gcS4q2CI7cNsuq8YMB&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=image&resnum=7&ved=0CEQQ8gIwBg# ^---I payed way less than that 240 price BTW. I have a table stand with a router and a hand router. I really like my craftsman router, but in hindsight I would get one with more grunt. 3+ HP or so is a good place to start. Mine is a good budget peice though. And ya know what, this link kinda confirms what I think. Good for the price. (I got mine on some kinda sale though) http://www.consumersearch.com/router-reviews/sears-craftsman-17543
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    X2! I'm going on 2 weeks. I have this spot on my neck where hair grows in a whorled pattern naturaly. It looks like Katrina on a radar map. Do you know how messed up that is to shave? It's insanity.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It was a good night, ended the drought. I guess that means I have a gf now. way to go slugger! grats. Haha. Easily the loudest girl I've ever been with. I was like wow, the neighbors are probably awake now. Even the ones in the next apartment building. fucking A right. That's the way you break a dry spell!
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Don't cook it much as it will dry out. Best served med rare to rare If you do burgers you can put a pat of butter on the patty when cooking. I do that with turkey burgers sometimes. OHM NOM NOM NOM a pat, lol. Deen queen you are My wife knows she's the competition.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It was a good night, ended the drought. I guess that means I have a gf now. way to go slugger! grats.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Don't cook it much as it will dry out. Best served med rare to rare If you do burgers you can put a pat of butter on the patty when cooking. I do that with turkey burgers sometimes. OHM NOM NOM NOM
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    .....and I'm out! Good night one and all!
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hate popcorn. If it's made though I always end up eating some and it makes my stomach turn. Last time my stomach was upset I forced down a bag in hopes it would induce vomiting. It didn't and I just felt crappier....
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I did a few racks tonight in fact =)
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    To me it's just an excuse for people to buy gifts. Until Aidan came along that wasn't something we did either. Just makes no sense to me. Spend a bunch of money on someone for something they might want. Fuck that, if Kari or I want something we'll talk about it and buy it. *this year I am getting her a "gift" though. It's been more than 2 years in the house and we still don't own a microwave. As a Xmas gift it's a joke though as with the little man we actually "need" one **pretty sure I still won't use it except for defrosting meat occasionally....which is exactly why I am picking one out. Inverter defrost ftw. (or so I hope) I've never been a great gift giver because I never really want something myself. But no microwave? Do you never have leftovers? How do you reheat all those big slabs of meat you grill and smoke, in the oven? I... I can't even begin to think about ribs, even left over ribs... in the microwave... :shudders:
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    To me it's just an excuse for people to buy gifts. Until Aidan came along that wasn't something we did either. Just makes no sense to me. Spend a bunch of money on someone for something they might want. Fuck that, if Kari or I want something we'll talk about it and buy it. *this year I am getting her a "gift" though. It's been more than 2 years in the house and we still don't own a microwave. As a Xmas gift it's a joke though as with the little man we actually "need" one **pretty sure I still won't use it except for defrosting meat occasionally....which is exactly why I am picking one out. Inverter defrost ftw. (or so I hope) Me and the W buy gifts all the time, but it's not ritualistic. We celibrate her family's christian christmass, and we do birthdays, but mostly just fun suprises. If it costs more than a nice dinner though we talk about it.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    To me it's just an excuse for people to buy gifts. For REAL. Thanks Charles Dickhead
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    exactly my point. This basic principals that a 9th grader should have down, are missed by the general public.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What's the cheepest I could go to get a sled that would be fun to ride? Where do you ride? A 2001 Polaris Edge Chassis would be my rec'd. Probably a bit under $2k. Anything older and your back will hate you. TY will look into! I didn't think there would be anything out there worth it for under 5k. Sweet
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    global warming yo! Same as that snow storm in mexico my buddy told me he say a few years ago. Considering global warming is actually cooling it makes sense. Just bass ackwards political nonsense that has it flipped My dad told me he heard/read something about some hackers that hacked into some big global warming database in England and found out that the global warming movement is a farce. Scientists in the big research study are just reporting what the politicals/money inputs are telling them to, which is that the globe is warming, and are ignoring or not reporting most of the data which proves otherwise. But I have no link to this story. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/11/24/john-lott-climate-change-emails-copenhagen/ And even before this it was obviously not real. Completely made up right from the get go. It was good to bring "green awareness" but the lie went way too far. Fucking bullshit that it isn't being called out more. Instead we get to hear about who Tiger Woods plopped his pitching wedge into. I could give a fuck less about a damn golfer, although I'd take his bride if she gets $300M. I hate awareness. I fucking loath awareness. They had an awareness day where cities turned off their lights for an hour or so. They advertised, put up signs and posters, made web sites. Probably spent millions of KWH in power getting the message out. THE GOD DAMN GENERATORS DIDN'T MAKE LESS DURRING THE "BLACK OUT" PERIOD. Same polution, same everything. Just like most hybrid car theories. you turn petrol energy into motion in a car. In a hybrid you turn petrol into motion then into electricity, then back from electricity to motion again! You're loosing evergy in every converion. And if you think gass is bad for the envirment at the rate we burn it wait untill every car is going through 200 lbs of lead acid batteries a year. Someday if we get better batteries maybe.... I could go one for hours.. It's all basic middle schol science though. /rant
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What's the cheepest I could go to get a sled that would be fun to ride? Where do you ride?