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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had to look that up. That's a dang pistol round? Crazy!
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    for shizzle. I was mowin'.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lots of outside rifle in the summer. In the winter, none other than family land. 2000+ feet with with a dirt back where the flat areas end. I admitedly haven't measured but the property spans 11 acres, and from one point I could shoot across most of it the long way.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No doubt I agree with you there. Although if I was shooting moose I might want bigger. Or bear etc. (modern hollow point tech aside as we know that can make a huge difference) I am a bit confused though as doesn't velocity dictate it's in and out probability more than anything else? As in a slower round but heavier round would cause more impact trauma and not as much chance to just pop through, than a super duper blazing fast round. Also in pragmatic distance shots a heavier round would be less affected by cross winds than a lighter one. Same as in brush, a heavier round would be less likely to tumble. Either would kill sure, but the question of accuracy is kind of where I'm going. I hope you don't mind me picking your brain. I haven't looked too deep into the .338 cost to shoot but I'm guessing the rounds are spendy as all hell. I have thought about a .308 bolt action, or maybe a .300, but again, it's definately fun to fire the big-uns.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Of course I know that. I also just think it's fun as all heck to shoot big handguns. I was more being wimsical about the father in law thing. Although, untill I fired his .44 mag I had never fired anything more powerfull than my 1911 in handgun form. I was shocked at how little recoil I perceived and how I could nearly put them through the same hole. The feel of a revolver is totally different than an auto.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And if it can't, you can be sure a 7mm based cartridge will Take your pick A neat little page on 7mm cartridges I'll check that out when I get home. Work stops me.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Can you elaborate. I thought when you mentioned bullet selection you were referancing the projectile itself? I could be wrong, but in general I have understood that a larger diameter round generally had more mass. More mass would result in more momentum at any matched velocity. The flaw is thinking that all rounds of the same caliber would be the same, and that the powder would be the same. Obviously Case makes a difference also. The 6.5 is a fast as all hell round. Especially compaired to the .338 lapua
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm positive you know more than me. It just goes against everything I have been told.* and I never bothered to research further.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ShoOOoosh. I have to 1 up the father in laws 44 mag man.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes, It probably is. However it would be a load of fun, and I want a revolver. I can then just load it and forget it. Right now I rotate my 1911 mags every month and only keep 3 in the clip. I could have 5+ in a revolver and not even think twice. If you want, S&W sells a few different revolver models that use .45ACP just a thought That would make things too simpe. Pluss if it shoots .45 long colt, with a clip it will probably shoot .45 acp. YMMV of course, but you really got me-a-thinkin about that .460
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WoW That's a hell of a review.. Hrmmmmmm maybe I need .338. heck load cheeper to shoot anyway. Hopefully cost of rifle is more reasonable too.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Exactly. I also would like another actuall gun. I don't own ANYTHING bolt action so... I thought it would be the way to go for something. I would rather pay to get a 30 round .308 mag anyway! Too bad you can't get a drum..... To me it's a "bit" silly taking an assault rifle more serious than what it is. It's made to be decently accurate but moreso to put higher powa lead downrange and still be portable. I'm really really hesitant to go ANYTHING less than 7mm. If I ever want to use it as hunting, the bigger the round the better.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Someone at the range brought in a .50 derringer. I didn't see this but the guy at the range who runs it told me he shot it and it was horrible. He accidently hit the trigger for the second round durring recoil. The grip only went halfway down his palm!
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes, It probably is. However it would be a load of fun, and I want a revolver. I can then just load it and forget it. Right now I rotate my 1911 mags every month and only keep 3 in the clip. I could have 5+ in a revolver and not even think twice.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    12 gauge or 20 gauge? 12. Shootin bird in the woods. He went to the ER and didn't even get any stitches.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So I was off by a few hundred FPS, shoot me You give Sean the gun. I more posted that as in interesting fact that the difference in powa is minimal at best from the .500. Being able to shoot much less expensive rounds though with the .460 you mentioned is a GREAT thing. It's weird that a .45 colt would fire well though.... considering it's .01 smaller.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have... I want to be a bit unique though. Something with a tugboat of energy. My AR10 is great with the .308(7.62) But I want something accurate and bolt action so I can feel all snipery. Also I can't find cost effective 4 round clips for hunting for the AR10, thus I couldn't hunt with it if I wanted to. SooooOOOooOoOo of course I "need" another gun. The roomate has a 7mm Mag and that means I need something bigger, of course. I have recently considered the .338 lapua as it can produce > 2 times the energy. Another option is to buy a few other complete uppers for my AR10 with long barrels, but again I would bet that most any quality bolt action could still out MOA the best auto.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    from wiki
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We purchased a house, and we were already engaged. We had a micro ceremony with her parents and my godmother (aunt). If we didn't and we would have purchased the house with me putting money down it would have been a tax nightmare. We only waited the year so we could plan a bigger wedding anyway.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My 2 year is comming up. 1 year to the family though.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Birdshot won't penitrate even the belly of a human. I have literally seen (yes my eyes in person) someone who took bordshot to the face from 10-15 feet away. He doesn't even have scars anymore from getting hit some 15 years ago. Even at 20 feet which is one heck of a wide room, buck doesn't spread that much, and bird is only good for birds and snakes. The 9 mm vs .45 argument is long and tired so I will digress but the point is that a moving target is SO HARD to hit. Unless they are coming directly at you, in handgun defense situations you get your sites lined up and squeeze at the center body of mass. As of right now, the hydrostatic shock factor from a .45 is greater than a 9mm. The 9mm will penitrate more. With modern JHP they both do good jobs. However in a situation where a dude is on meth, I would take the .45. If I need more than a few shots I should have brought a rifle. "Handguns are for fighting your way back to your rifle."
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what the hell are you doing on here then? lolo I have multiple monitors. Did you post 1 time on each? Double post FTW
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think I read that you want > 10 inches into balistic gel to ensure organ penitration/damage. From here comes the kill/penitrate/peirce vs stop factor. A 22 will kill no problem into the brain. I will still take the .308 any day over it.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you're aiming properly it is That test is weird as is. In a heated moment I wouldn't want that gun. Less accuracy and less powa than something else that would be the same price and will have easier to find ammo. As the guy said. it's a wicked fun snake cannon. I would take a 45 over that, or a 9mm if I am going for penitration alone. 44 mag would be ideal, or a .500. I've never seen a .500 against a 44 mag side by side.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Happy birthday to the little man! Already a year deep. Exciting.