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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <-- has never been to morellie's Great neighborhood butcher in St. paul. Sales are awesome when they are on and steaks were just amazing.
  2. dem beats

    Anyone into Yoga?

    I do like martial arts more...... I was in a few various schools over a course of 10 years. It's a good time, and can really help you focus... In truth though I think anything that is physical and intense that will physically drain you hard will help you to relax if you focus while doing it. Yoga has the benefit of helping joints and increasing range of motion etc. Lifting weights will strengthen your body. Martial arts will help you to defend youself. Attitude will really make the difference on how well it helps to relax. Something that might be fun for you is tai chi. It's a really interesting form that is pretty well rounded for stretching, strength, and helps you to controll your body internally. It's als something that you can take with you into the later years of your life.
  3. dem beats

    Anyone into Yoga?

    I would take some classes. At worst it will increase your range of motion.
  4. dem beats

    Anyone into Yoga?

    .....Are you serious? I'm serious if you are. I took yoga classes for a few years from my martial arts instructor. It's really tough if you want to make it, but it's amazingly simple at the same time. I used in in aikido mostly to strengthen and stretch my forearms.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    pooper TOP
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    seriously... best wheel cleaner tool ever? Thick bristol crapper brush. Seriously. It works. No need to remove 'em
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aparently Alton brown tweeted the link below.... Thanks google for making it so I don't have to make a twittiface page. Anon-Man strikes again! Salt & Fat, Quinoa
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    quinoa I'm gonna try it as an alternative to rice. I'll keep you kids posted. I have a hunch it might make a decent risoto alternative. The work lunch bar had it and thought, to try it. I never want to eat their food unless it's breakfast and there is one specific man working the flat to for an omlette. They make crap. So this was a bad representation of it I'm sure...... But it wasn't disgusting and I might be able to trick the W into eating it instead of rice or some other empty carb-o-rific food. Anywhoosle, anyone know of a recipie that would make quinoa that isn't soupy and would have the texture of steamed rice? Aparently it's possible.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh my my oh hell yes Friday is the GD best. Second friday for me actually though.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I would say my tires are "mall crawlers" also. They just had an extreme snow/ice rating and looked good to boot with some good dirt lugs.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    MK I love those rims. I wouldn't change them for anything unless it would be to black... But on your truck I think silver would look better. Nice rubber too.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol happy vaca Sean. Enjoy!
  15. dem beats

    upper body bulk up ?

    If you're diabetic you need to search a diabetic forum and work with your doctor. 90% of what might apply to someone else will not apply to you. A huge huge huge part of gaining lots of muscle and size is working the bodies natural insulin, and GH levels. Also managing cortisol plays a roll. For you these natural flows are disturbed by either insulin resistance or the fact you don't produce enough. You NEED to work with a doctor and pretty much only a doctor. In certain instances with working out and even eating just protein an creatine you might have some spikes or drops in insulin to dangerous levels. Creatine can change how ATP and other sugar levels work in your body. If the doc says it's ok, go for it, but make sure they know. Lots of suplements out there for body building that are legal now only affect one thing and that's nutrient shuttling. AKA helping the good stuff get into the muscles better/faster. Almost all of those will change your insulin/sugar levels, or increase your sensitivity.. You don't want to be in a situation where you might be taking a suplement that will make you hyper sensitive to the insulin that you might need to save you. While I may be sounding all doom and gloom and it may be over the top to you no one here can have any reasonable clue about your body chemistry. We would all rather you be healthy. No one here can give you any nutrition help unless they have an MD after their name, especially when it comes to how your chemistry might be right after a work out. As for some real advice stop using a scale to measure weight gain. Just stop. It's not going to help you at your weight. Similar to a fat guy like me weight fluctuations will be exagerated by too many factors. I can change 15 pounds in a day, I'm sure you can change the same percentage that I can in the same amount of time. It doesn't help to know if you are gaining. Get a myo-tape and measure yourself at the same time once a day or once a week. always measure not flexed at the same spot of the muscles you want to watch. This is the one and only way to track real world gains especially when you have a medical condition. Personally I would say just look in the mirror for you. However if you want hard numbers use size/measurments not weight as it's much more constant and will be more truthful with progress.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well nop disrespect to your aunt but if she competed she probably took other things that would have a more harsh effect on her over time. Ibuprofen, high blood pressue(the biggest cause of kidney issues arguably), insulin issues from carb loading. Depending on the decade there were lots of trends in the BB world. From steroids to putting raw eggs in beer everything had a fad for a while. I'm not trying to be an A** hole but protein poisoning is a specific condition that happens when you eat nothing but protein..... Specefically protein poisoning much more a problem of lack of other foods and not an overabundance of one. If she literally had "protein poisoning" it's not just from having too much protein, there are other factors involved. #1 is a lack of healthy fats. Healthy fats, and fats in general, are really missunderstood by the average person. An example is lard, lard on average will have a better fat make up than butter. It also has a higher smoking point and that makes it much safer for frying with. I'm not saying a billion grams of protein every day for years on end is a good thing.... I am saying that humans have lived on a 90% meat product diet for eons. Some cultures still do and they aren't all going down from bad kidneys. Maybe a lion gets them first, who knows... what I do know is that repeatedly cutting weight on extreme fasting, over sweating (sauna or rubber suits whatever), and not putting enough water back into the body and HBP will wreck kidneys permanently in 1/1000th the time compaired to lots of protein.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You are what you eat in this case. Want full muscles with lots of rich nutrients... gotta feed them the amino's they want. I will say 50 grams in 1 shake is quite a bit, but if you're getting enough water it should be ok. You may just not absorb all of the protein. Over saturation is not ideal but it's better than having too little. Just make sure the kidneys are good. I drink about 6-9 liters of water per day. No soda and LIMITED gatorade. I figure 50 grams in a shake is about as bad as 40 grams in a bar. J In truth I think the possible kidney damage from excessive protein is exaggerated in general. I will say though that not enough water is an absolute cause for issues. Possibly exaggerated, but again, everything in moderation. On weight days I drink two 16 oz. shakes (~54g each) on weight days and I don't even touch it on off days. I will be honest with you. It would be better to cut them in half and just have 27 grams for 2 days. The entire day after you lift, you're body will desire rebuilding nutrients. In the long run you will probably digest more and if your worried about health I can promise you will have less uric acid concintraition, so overall better health and probably better results.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You are what you eat in this case. Want full muscles with lots of rich nutrients... gotta feed them the amino's they want. I will say 50 grams in 1 shake is quite a bit, but if you're getting enough water it should be ok. You may just not absorb all of the protein. Over saturation is not ideal but it's better than having too little. Just make sure the kidneys are good. I drink about 6-9 liters of water per day. No soda and LIMITED gatorade. I figure 50 grams in a shake is about as bad as 40 grams in a bar. J In truth I think the possible kidney damage from excessive protein is exaggerated in general. I will say though that not enough water is an absolute cause for issues.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my day sucks.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    slow damn HOP
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Coolness. You must have such a blasty blast doing your haunt!
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You are what you eat in this case. Want full muscles with lots of rich nutrients... gotta feed them the amino's they want. I will say 50 grams in 1 shake is quite a bit, but if you're getting enough water it should be ok. You may just not absorb all of the protein. Over saturation is not ideal but it's better than having too little. Just make sure the kidneys are good.
  24. dem beats

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Electric slide?
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I tested it and it pretty much works too. I'm extremely terified that google finishes the sentance as such.