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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I used to love siraz and merlot. I've become a fan of cabs just recently. Have you tried the Gnarley Head wines? They sell them at costco even. I thought they were pretty good for the price actually. Suprised me.
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol ok fair enough. I'll just stick with my boxed space bag sangria.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I meant a recomendation for a good noir so I could compair VS the stuff I've been swilling.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    plz and THX
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A Carmenere is cheaper, as approachable, and not bad. I have a major love hate relationship with Pinot's. I HATE the fact that anything under $30 tastes like shit and I LOVE a good one. I flat out just don't buy them anymore, but they are regularly a grape we try to get down in the $20's for our wine tasting get togethers and they always fail. Can you recomend a really good tasting one? I will check our carmenere too
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I brought my tuner to work today so I could read the codes. It's the most expensive code tool I've ever seen.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    About my comment on cheep pingnot noir.... I like to bring that for people who "don't like red wine". I can't stand drinking a white with red meat. I can also drink it like water so it gets me drunk.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    check engine light and a new fluttering sound when under load on the expy
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I always sear steaks with bacon fat actually.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOLERSKATES! I feel for you man.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my office is moving buildings.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    color me opinionated
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    o·pin·ion·at·ed/əˈpinyəˌnātid/Adjective: Conceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one's opinions
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that's my over opinionated .02
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    grill is the easiest place with the least clean up. Get it insanely hot. Sear them there. If you can't controll the heat well you could move them to the oven to finish them. I do a lot of pan searing for steaks, but it's only because I have been too lazy to start the BGE, and I have been trying to make pan gravey after every steak I make for practice. I can't do that from the grill. Find out the wine you had at thanksgiving and purchase that. Then you can be sure it will be something you enjoy. Do you know if she likes reds? If not you may want to buy some white (with steak?? YUK!! but there is no accounting for others tastes). If you want to open her up to a red I really recomend A pigno noir. Le Gran Noir is a great one. It's cheep, tastey for the price, and really really low cost. It has a twisty top, it's odd to see it, but it's good. I hate green beans. Steam or blanch quickly, toss with some dried cranberries and almonds. It's simple and elegant for the ladies. You can ice the beans if you want it cold too. I can't eat green beans hot, it's a weakness for me. If you want to be baller tastic serve it with a baby greens salad opener, or a wedge salad. I have no idea why, but when I see a wedge salad I just think player tastic. Any ideas for your desert.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my thermometer shows it's at about 70 degrees even when it's below zero.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have left tongs across the vent at the top of the BGE and had them glowing. On the grate I've never seen that glowing so I'm not sure but it's got to 1000 or better.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    About the surface of the sun.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    While I love the length the barrel smokers offer (great for packer briskets), a BGE XL is definitely in my future; especially with a good controller and a few accessories I'm too lazy to look so Sean, which controller did you get again? Stoker? Guru? Also, do they make one that can get up to 500F? (not a requirement, just curious) Sean got the rock. I probably will ape that decision myself.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Working in the furnitue/mattress industry was brutal on slow days.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nothing going on today J?
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    rocket propelled grenades. Or role playing games too I suppose. "If you roll 7 or better...."
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Close enough for RPG's.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have 5 more bottles of champ waiting for me at home! 2 decent bottles and 3 cheepers for mimosa's.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    everyone all worn out from tryptophan and relatives?