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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What is your work set groups like now.
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My puppy has had the birds and the bees talk ;-)
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Poon> everything other than money and other poon.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Teo, the internet is for porn. Even a song about it. Must be true.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Teo, the internet is for porn. Even a song about it. Must be true.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Do you mean that if your were trying to max out holding it in would help you oh so slightly? I do the same breathing in on the negative and out on the work motion and I really feel like breathing out helps me get up that last rep. It's mostly used in power lifting. You "push against your breath" to get that one mega rep. It's not meant for more. Than one rep. Filling your lungs with air and then "pushing against" the air stabilizes your trunk so you can push more.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I will double what Aaron said about bananas. One of the BEST suplements out there.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Adrian. Just be slow with your back. You only get one! Keep up the good work.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aaron how's the heavy lifting going?
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I would have gone with appliance delivery guy but yours works too Another great example. Elbows in and shoulder blades pinched back.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You can alter your grip and it will change how things work, but it's really not of much benefit. If you have a special need that you must develop strength for changing your grip should is just something that can make a work out more "fun" but it's more dangerous especially if you use a heavy weight. Looking at how champion power lifters train and this is how you should model your bench press. It maximizes the safety and strength of the lift. In competition they will sometimes go wider to reduce lock out distance....or use a shirt. That's a completely different story. Less injury and most gains possible is what should be tried for. Playing with other technique makes no sense unless you're trying to satisfy some specific need.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There is no way to say this without comming off like a cock... So here we go. Trod, the comment about biceps is absolutely nonsensical. Your biceps should no part in the pushing motion. If they are you're doing it wrong. Your shoulders are the only muscles that should be stabilizing. Triceps and chest pushing, shoulder stabilizing. You could hypothetically say that your forearms also stabilize bit its more that they should be a small assist in the lift. If your biceps are involved in the motion you either have a really wide grip or your just doing it wrong.... And I think a wide grip for heavy bench is doing it wrong. Benching should have your elbows tucked in not pointed out. Think of a lineman, they tuck elbows to push because its safer and WAY stronger.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There are a billion other approaches to this, but I haven't found a format that has such a high success rate for guys I helped and me personally. If you get to a point where you want to start fine tuning everything we can really get scalpel precise but for now this diet and workout program is easy as Hell to follow and maximizes your time spent working out. Cardio is for other times. When your lifting lift, when your pedaling pedal. They may compliment each other and make for much faster and better progress but trying to combine them is a failure point unless you have a specific goal other than health and weight management in mind
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Your natural plateau curve. So what to do when you are able to do last weeks weight For 8-10 reps? Bump the weight up 10-20% and work on getting to 6 reps at that weight. Just remember to fuel your body with protein and sugar RIGHT after a work out. Dextrose is best but do whatever works for you.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    To be honest with you the best warm up for benching is benching. Let's say you can bench 300 lbs for 6 reps. Here is how I would start that work out. 3 warm up sets with extremely low weight and extremely tight slow deliberate movements. 100 for 6-10 reps 175 for 5-6 reps 250 for 2-3 reps Work out of 3 sets 6 reps or failure at 300 6 reps or failure at 280 6 reps or failure at 260 I beleive that to the the perfect work template. You may not use the exact same % of weight but the format is a winner. It's a pretty common pyramid type of sets for one muscle group. When starting out you will have to get past a few hurdles like knowing how much you can lift for any given exercise, and finding your tempo. Also knowing what % of 6 rep max is for any given set. Then you will experience oddities like your biceps feeling sore after benching. They are all really common issues when you start lifting. It's mostly your brain learning to deal with the new stress. What you have on your side is this good coaching so you don't waste your time with bull shit complex routines. They all have a place but that's only after you really figure out what you need. After your brain figures out that benching doesn't need biceps and how to warm up without over working the muscles you will see your strength skyrocket. 10% gains a week for a few months could be realistic depending on
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bent over rows are great but I would start with deadlifts. The reason being that your lower back will not be accustomed to keeping still for the row. I also think deadlifting properly has more value. Just my oppinion. Be really careful when working your lower back and make sure to really warm up. A great simple trick is to put on a really tight shirt on under your work out shirt. It will help remind you of proper posture. I would advise against belts unless trained closely with someone on how the can help. I think they are a waste for 99% of practical lifting or working. They have a narrow purpose though, but u need to be trained with them. I never took the time.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Adrian, I would recommend weight lifting 3 times a week. If you can do more that is awesome but it's hard to coordinate a work out split past 3 a week for most people. M, W, F is usually what people naturally fall into. You want to split your work out into one muscle group per day. So Monday chest and shoulders, Tuesday Back, and Friday legs. Seth is 100% right about doing compound movements. So benching, deadlifting and squats are your holy trinity. I like dips much more than benching for chest development, but to each their own. Something generic that I really feel has merit is anytime you are moving your body through space with resistance it's going to be a better work out than moving just weight through space. An example would be Squats vs leg press, or deadlift vs a rowing machine. If you can find a spotter, go to failure and aim for about 10 reps. Make sure you really warm up and LIGHTLY stretch before lifting. Save the hard stretching for after your workout. Your muscles will be filled with blood and it will really help stretch out. Stretching really hard before a work out makes you a little more prone to injury and will hold you back from lifting your potential. Once you get comfortable with lifting I would switch to aiming for 6 reps untill failure. I landed at 6 reps to be the perfect happy medium for heavy lifting. 3 rep max lifting is too tough on the body to do every week in my opinion. It's just not something sustainable in a work out. For me it also makes each set last for 8-15 seconds, and that's that explosive power time frame. Breath in on your negative motions and breath out on your "work" motions. Lots of people naturally hold their breath while straining. Try not to. It's a great technique to squeeze out a giant mega ultra push but it makes it a lot harder in the long run. YMMV. My room mate always holds his breath and it held him back for a long time. He needed to try some breathing techniques before he could start controlling his lifting. If you have any specific questions post 'em. Seth is on top of it, and I will give you any help I can. As for food, untill you tell us specifics just make sure you get sugar in your body within 15 min after your work out and try to get a gram or more of protein per pound of body weight for now. If you notice anything once you get that down, speak up and I'll help you find a happy spot. A high quality multivitamin is a great addition too.
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Adrian I will hit you back in a day or so but Seth hit it on the head. Lifting hard and heavy is #1. I will give u some more guidance on the getting started in the next few days.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes please, but a little more up top would be nice, just to balance it out. I'm impressed with her form, but it does nothing for me. Nothing at all. I don't like women so small that I can see my Wang from the outside when I'm inside. :gag:
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL Went to a 60 minute cycling course today, I was trashed, although I ride to work daily. So if my main goal so far is to get the fat off I think if I can do this course 3x / week it's great. And further down the road I can add weight lifting. Thoughts ? Small frame, so any extra fat = Adrian is chubby. I cannot express to you how much strength training means for losing body fat. That doesn't mean trying to get huge but doing resistance training will ramp up your metabolism. One of my best buddies is a super cycle guy. Mostly MT and about 60 miles a week on slow weeks. Rides in the winter too. He could never lose the Chubb in the middle. Just adding a little weight training helped him to cut off about 3 inches from the middle in 2 months.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You will be Ronny Coleman in No time Adrian.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lol. Well I am polish..... The only well hung eurpean race. I just have no clue how it targeted so perfectly.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He's hurting. Trying to let him sleep now. We built a huge platform for his bed on Tuesday. Asshole animals shouldn't be cute or fluffy. They should telegraph that they are assholes like bright colored caterpillars.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm at a buddy's house baby sitting his broken ass. Tripple ankle break. A few plates and some 16 screws. His big too. Scratching 400 or so. He's a wreck...... anyway... Unimportant to my real story... I'm getting out of the expedition and a nice cat comes up purring and mewing. Its the neighbors cat as my buddy described told me about it so when I let his mastiff out I'm aware. This can reared up and attacked my penis. WTF! Fuck that cat.