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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Napped and cooked all day. I am beat though. Not going to be until 4 am last night killed me. My sleep cycle is completely fucked.....
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    As soom as I get my desk set up the old integra is going on it. Hopefully it will work for the headphones and I will make some book shelfs too. :-)
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like her raised eyebrow.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Silly net flix
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The leads are weak? You're weak.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got a runny nose. And sometimes it felt like my face was paralyzed on and off. Only had them for a month or so when I was young..... then they just went to migraines. I am sorry you get them Sandt.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If I add any alchohol to a headache it makes it sooooo much worse.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Internets say narcotics don't help., I am going to pray a little for us both man. For you to have them go away and for me to never get them again. Just reading about them brought me back to waking up from sleep, and pacing and kneeling pushing my head against the floor. I was so young and doctors didn't talk about them.... I have never had any real pain in my life, but I cannot imagine anything being much worse. It is such an acute pain, and unlike a migraine that makes me drowsy, clusters woke me up and stimulate me so I could be especially aware. I habe never met someone else directly who has them or got them. Mine were bilateral, and when it was over I was so exhausted my GF, now wife, would find me where ever it is I colapsed on the basement floor just passed out sleeping. So much energy burned up coping and pacing. Migraines are like spring break in comparison. It is too bad I usually throw up with them or else I could maybe even function through them.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have heard demeral(sp) works a little bit.
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Migraines are caused by a chemical released when blood pressure rises in the brain. Not pressure. I am a sufferer of migraines and even worse cluster or suicide headaches. You might suffer from ocular migraines. You may want to research that a bit Oh god. Cluster headaches. I had those when I was younger. One week I had them every morning at about 3:20am. You start thinking it is a good idea to slam your head into concrete, or maybe swallow the business end of a shotgun. You don't want to kill yourself, but the pain is so intense that removing your head sounds like a reasonable way to stop the pain. It is a weird thing. I feel for you if you still get them. Does anything work? Imatrex helps me sleep when I get migraines but NOTHING stopped the cluster headaches.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ha, I am in the Dulles Hyatt so the W ain't here. Of course if your phone is on my response came at a bad time as well... She is up for work, and I am never in bed until I turn the sound off and am ready to crash. I was up until 4:00. On and off. Going to nap this morning and the get those word docs to you as I start "canning" the broth.
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know this cool guy named Matt2 who is doing it.... One of those things I've always wanted and I assume it will make the laptop faster and more fun to use. Windows will be much much faster on boot up and some apps will really love it. I was more asking if you had some 2tb platter or something already lol. I figured it was for SSD but I didn't want to assume. The one thing I know is that the room mates machine was definately bound by HDD for games and it is now quick on his machine since he moved to SSD. I cannot wait to see how fast it will be striped I also know when I sleep he will be molestering my system. He may be more excited to build this rig than I am to have it be mine. I didn't go balls to the walls on processor or mobo but I think it will still be nice. I also hope the 660s in SLI will out perform a single similar priced 680. Having 3GB of memory/card will probably be the winner for 3 screens over 4GB on one card. And I dont think the 4gb 680 is as cheep as 2 660's. If the i5 is the limiting factor I will just OC the fuck out of it. I could go through 4-5 sets of MOBO and i5s for the cost of an i7..... especially if I would have gone with the 2011 socket. Hyperthreaded 6 core so 12 logic cores would be cool..... but it would not have real PCI express 3 and almost no real games or apps care about that many logic cores..... Aaron would like it on the boinc team but dats about it. And the next gen processors and MoBO will probably catch up with PCI express3. Even with ivy bridge it is a questionable work in process. I haven't followed the new cards too closely but if the 680 is roughly the same price as two 660's why not get the 680 and add a second down the road? Two of the top 660s are about the cost of one mid to top 680. At least on the day I made my purchase.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    1/8th of am inch of beef broth I made on the bottom made it juuust right for moisture and the lemon squeezed on top was divine. Best leg of lamb I have ever made. I didn't make any sides though. Gnocchi another night. It needed caramelized carrots. I had already used all of it in the chicken broth though oh well.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shit. Sorry if the text was too late. I didnt see the time. :-( Hope I didnt piss off the W!
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I hope those pics help Sean. If you want I can even just bring one over.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Next time I see some sick deal I will just get it. And yes, green would piss me off too. Especially since I commited to red now.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes. Lol We have the large oval the small circle and the medium circle and now the bonkers goose pot. I got that bitch for cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in Albertville. Coupons 30% off, floor model "miss matched" red roaster with red lid.... how it was miss matched.... Anyway, it was on the dirt. I can look up the quart size for you. I just dont remember. They make a 1.5 qt too. Uber teeny Sounds like the cup I fill at the sperm bank. ;-)
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For sukiyaki 2.25 will probably do it..... but I like having extra room. We progressively moved up and up untill the goose pot. When I make red pasta sauce I can just do one batch now. And all in one pot. Brown, then pull the brown into the sauce with vegis and simmer. No fuss. 2 butts and a shit load of maters. Also... thanks to your other suggestion on the vitamix I will tripple my processing speed. Maybe faster. :-) Moral of the story, if you know the general size, the larger one is usually a better bet. If the broth depth has to be too high then it's watered down. If the burner center hot spot doesn't warm the whole pan mostly evenly then it fails. Otherwise I'd already have the bigger one. TJ Maxx has the 30cm lid braiser for $120 right now and even on clearance at the outlet it is more. Curious on the coupon you referred to though... Complete fluke. Wife went to the outlet for a 30% off at coach. Well the la creuset was doing some one day only BS too. I tried to get ahold of you, but at the time I didnt even have your number. I walked the mall and then told the wife we are going back. It was cheeper after tax than anything I found online, and no shipping. And when I walked back in I got tax plus some shaved off. Complete accident.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I made my miso in the 3.5 and it had a healthy lip for the 2.5 quarts of soup. I would think induction would be ok. It should make all the cast heat evenly right? My burner is not as even as I like but I make due..... if I can somehow brown meat in a large dutch on gas I bet you will be ok in a medium pot with induction.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For sukiyaki 2.25 will probably do it..... but I like having extra room. We progressively moved up and up untill the goose pot. When I make red pasta sauce I can just do one batch now. And all in one pot. Brown, then pull the brown into the sauce with vegis and simmer. No fuss. 2 butts and a shit load of maters. Also... thanks to your other suggestion on the vitamix I will tripple my processing speed. Maybe faster. :-) Moral of the story, if you know the general size, the larger one is usually a better bet.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes. Lol We have the large oval the small circle and the medium circle and now the bonkers goose pot. I got that bitch for cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in Albertville. Coupons 30% off, floor model "miss matched" red roaster with red lid.... how it was miss matched.... Anyway, it was on the dirt. I can look up the quart size for you. I just dont remember.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It actually might be a significant power savings VS spinning a platter and it won't add heat to the mess. Aside from those theoretical bonuses, it might be less likely to loose data in a fall. But as you just mentioned, laptops should be backed up. Even my new gaming rig won't hold media. Basically nothing I cannot re download. I am building this thing to be blazing fast and replaceable. The server with a couple mirrored drives will hold alllll the things I care about.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My house smells so amazing. Fresh air, herbaceous chicken broth simmering, lamb leg with garlic rosmary and a little lemon just out of the oven. Epic. The goose pot is getting a damn work out though which means I am getting a work out.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Only 1-2 seconds faster on the home machine Sean?????? WTF. What size SSD and what memory controler? Maybe it was an early smaller one with a lame duck for a memory controller. I have seen cases where one processor would overclock like a champ and one would never stablize. Same mobo etc etc. Just like LEDs and how they get binned. Some rock some blow ass. In laptops shit never speeds up THAT much. Heat can't go anywhere. I hate laptops. Necessary evil for you I am sure though. I am also biased. Even on a 17" with big keyboard, can you see me hunched over pulling MY shoulders in to work it? Fuck that. I would almost rather pack a full rig..... almost.