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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got a bag of shrimp chips from united noodle just now. Mmmmmmm. Ha, I almost bought some of those last week. The location where they are made them VERY hard to not. <3 shrimp chips yo!
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need those extra hours Neal. Send them my way. I need about 14 hours of sleep for a couple days.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    120 actually. Box, Dcons, and some stealth series soundstream amp. Great deal hommie.
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got a bag of shrimp chips from united noodle just now. Mmmmmmm.
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A lot of the controversy comes from you mentioning low carb stefan. In honesty when yoh said you get 20% of you fuel from carbs it really changes the perspective of how you are choosing to eat. Also the IF method was kind of put out there by you to be a superior method in how you defended it previously. I think that probably illicited more odd response than anything. Realize that low carb usually means in the sub 10% realm and more often than not less than 15 grams of carbs a day. So you are much more typical than would have previously been thought. Your choice on now grains is a non issue to me. Like it or don't, meh. Potatoes are poisonous if you don't cook them enough and canned food has less nutritional value than fresh. Like we talked about earlier, broad general thinking is much more effective at garnering results than nuance. So if you get your whole foods without grains, epic. It makes no difference in my mind. From a nutritional standpoint you are fairly ballanced. I feel you are correct in saying that we shouldnt be afraid of fat. And also thay eating whole foods is a good idea. Also note that I still stand by the fact that I never argued that your methods didn't get results. I really never implied that it was wrong or you were wrong. I only said that we cannot know what is better for you without a control and an exparament.
  6. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Like I said though, life is a Chinese buffet. Take what you want and leave the rest. Just don't call General Tso's chicken pork chow fun. And through diversity comes energy that moves the universe.
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I kind of used red herring in a weird way, but it applies in the fact I see the argument as this. I see the fastest way to G as abc. Stefan sees the fastest way to G as xyz. My argument is there is no was to know if xyz is as effective as abc until it is tried. Since it is also the more common aproach there is more refinement to garner info from also.
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://en.wikipedia....st_of_fallacies plenty of ammo Red herring made their cut! I took a college class in highschool based on the western logic system etc etc. Mainly it helped with how to think and also a how to debate. Mainly for the goal of learning to think and present ideas more clearly but there were some debate portions. That Wikipedia list was basically summed up to 7 "inhibitors of knowledge". Easily the most learning I ever got in all of highschool.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am fatter. And I really want some ice creme now....
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like to debate. And bench race. It is a shitload of fun. Even when it isn't directly productive it helps me hone my lethal argument skills scalpel sharp.
  11. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    :in bad Russian accent: Only until I crush you like bug under boot comrade! ;-)
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is a red herring. Your argument stated that because you and some others have gleaned results that it is a viable option. I summized to that why not try the more proven and solid methods that have yielded many more people with amazing result stories. We don't hear aboutnit because it isn't a magic bullet. It's hard fucking work and consistent feeding. It's so fucking simple there isn't a trick to it, so it isn't interesting. Eat whole real foods frequently, work out hard as fuck. Nuance has helped us to make minor changes like sugars and aminos after a hard work out..... but it is all the same. Even if we say that the "results" makes both methods even, my point is still that you haven't given a more "standard" aproach a serious try. It is the lynchpin of my whole statement. The answer is already in the culture of humanity. If this method of diet is convenient, or what you enjoy, then go for it. Hell even if you just want to be unorthodox for the sake of "the road less traveled" go nuts. That is a solid argument. But arguing that it is more or less successful is moot. And not JUST because the majority doesn't believe in it, but because YOU habe no control test in your own history with which to compare it too. I am not arguing for or against IF or your diet, my argument is more that you do not have a reference point or solid reason as to why you would choose the more difficult path.
  13. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My point is just that, they are selling something. Perhaps not directly through you spending cash on it, but more in the fold the stronger they are. Internet gurus are all that way. Guys on his website probably love Scar audio and have metered 160dbs with music. That doesn't make them the best subwoofer because it can get results does it? You are smarter than that. My point is still that it is fringe and in general not accepted for a reason. Just because some people make it work doesn't make it gold.
  14. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Of course. I always have. What I am saying is when people, especially people on an audio site who have nothing not even rep for some broscience epeen website, tell you that your aproach is inefficient maybe you should not be defensive. Trod asked you something, and you replied with more questions. It's understandable, I know I give you mountains of shit. Mostly though because I would like to see you succeed as much as you can. You are obviously doing great, but it is in my nature to push people and make them defend what they say. If for no other reason than to strengthen their own resolve. Pluss I might learn something. Pappa bear pays attention. I read all the articles you post hommie. :-D I will just forever be the devil's advocate when it comes to technique, because there is always room for improvement. I will never deny your hard work or results.
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He is also on drugs. The lean gains guy is for sure. Maybe some of the new peptides or insulin mimicking drugs. Or they have a rare gene disorder that increases HGH or stops myostatin/cortisol/prolactin etc. Too big to be that lean on such a restrictive diet. Best video ever when Arnold said his secret to being so big was controlling his salt intake. Amazing.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Life is a buffet. Take what you want and leave the rest. What I will tell you now is that you went from a sedentary individual or someone of unfocused activity to someone who is now measuring and striving to reach a physical goal. I wouldn't go as far as to say you could have dropped fat and gained muscle eating ice creme, but I bet you could have eating whoppers, and pizza rolls. I know because when I started working out I just added a protein shake and sugar post worm out, to my crap diet and dropped a few pants sizes and doubled my squat in the first year of working out. So an increase in kcal but no more healthy really, and hard sweaty inefficient work outs still lead to stellar results. If only I would have had the coaches I did at 17-18, when I was 15-16. For a while I only ate 1 bowl of rice a day with chilli peppers. It was horrible. My weight loss started to slow down, and I was getting fatter!!!! Even though I was only habing 1/5th the kcal. So stupid. But it was supposed to be the best new diet. Chilli pepers speed up the metabolism and all... lol.
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So there is a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader who pleaded guilty to having sex with a 17 year old student while she was a teacher. Not shocking. But the reply to the story from some random guy on the NFL forums wins at everything. Forever. "If 17 year old guys can't nail cheerleaders, the terrorists have won". LoL
  18. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A great point related is how some of the west coast guys changed how we train for squats. West Side (not sure if that was the gym) I think still has 0 injuries and a ton of titles. But the coaches and lifters there got there by evaluating what the goal was and who was the current champ, then building on that platform. Even if it is a total revitalization from the ground up, following in the path of people who forged the way is always the best rout. If you find a better way then improve and go your own way. It just makes more sense that way. Then again I have no idea what your goals are other than to have a lottle lower bf% and to do 1 armed pull ups. Which by the way is bad ass as fuck. I knew a kid in highschool wjo could do 10. He was a freak.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Maybe I am completely off base here, but you are 21ish correct? I started listing with nationally competitive lifters and coaches whe I was 17, managed a nutrition store for 2 years and kept logs of diet and work outs for >5 years. So that is well into 13 years of research. Not limited to myself either. I have coached people in person. Helped my roommate put on 25 pounds of lean muscle in < 3 years. Almost doubling his lift figures and he had experience lifting previously. Also coached him with rehab for his fucked apart knees. My wife has lost 20 pounds and that is a fucking miracle to get a wife to listen to her husband. Trod actually went to school to learn this stuff. Every mainstream coach and trainer for college and pro athletic organizations follow a really similar strategy. What I am saying isn't that I know more or read more or even tried harder than you. What I am saying is your assumption that the gold standard is wrong, without having at least given it a good trial is silly. And that maybe you should consider that there are people who do research as hard as you do also. You are totally right to think that maybe everyone else has just been thinking incorrectly, shit everyone KNEW the earth was flat at one point.
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For what it's worth I haven't been fasting much because my new school schedule fucks up my timing, and so it becomes a hindrance instead of an advantage. I do take carbs after workouts. The biggest difference is carbs are maybe 15-20% of my total energy. Shit dawg, you said you wuz low carb. That is just about spot on for someone trying to drop some bf. When someone says low carb to me, I think 10% or less total kcal from carbs. Right now with how I have been feeling I am on a carbo kick. But it feels good. My muscles are swelling plump with energy storage and my waist has been dropping. Last couple weeks with my pain excluded from the slimming mind you.... As for everything else, I try not to take it personal. Im sure trod doesn't either. A lot of the time when a person new to nutrition and or working out follows a more fringe diet plan witjout having tried the gold standard for a while it's like seeing some guy talk to an engine designer how the little electric fan they have blowing air into their intake really makes their car faster and get better mpg.
  21. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is awesome.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Stefan, depending on how you look at things, either protien, or insulin is the most anabolic compound. Since you are getting protein, a goot wholesome insulin spike from carbs is the champ. The problem is though, that this will speed your digestion and metabolism up so much that a long break in eating wouldtrigger massive cortisol release. And that would hinder everything you have put forward. Meals high in fats slow down digestion. In your instance where you eat only a certain period through the day higher fat diets are good. Even more so if you are getting healthy fats. What is annoying is thay you chose to throw out every establisbed method, and tried and true format for athletic nutrition and exercise. You are obviously becoming stronger and more proficient if for no other reason your skill and muscle memory is getting better. You not trying conventional means or using a control experiment on your own self is what is frustrating to people who have put in THOUSANDS of hours behind research on how this stuff works. It is like trying to make the loudest sub box, but throwing out the iron law because you have some fangled 120th order bandpass that uses natural harmonics to achieve stellar results in 1.8cuf even though you never tried a simple vent ported box with big cuf. :-)
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is the gods honest truth. An hour of a cluster headache is like a hot drill in your forehead for an hour. Imatrex can help with some pain of the migraine but as I said, I just need to sleep anyway.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    WTF? I know I am pissed and confused. Never once thought about mixing brake pad types, but I guess it isn't like they are matching rotors. lol Mix the pads.
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I use nasal imitrex. It works wonders for me, and I have no side effects. It even helps calm my clusters down to a certain extent, which for me is a total blessing. I need to research it more, but I can get some sample packs from my mother's work, and try it next time. If it helps it is a godsend. For me it doesn't stop my nausea... so I just have to sleep. Try to reduce some salt maybe?